Chapter 157

The manager cautiously shot a sideways

smirk at Darius before lowering her head. “My apologies, but I can’t recognize

the brand of his clothes as it doesn’t seem well known. However, his clothes do

look expensive.”

Darius could tell the former’s tone was

full of mockery.

That was when a confident voice said on the

other end of the call, “If an article of clothing has no brand, it must be a

custom piece. I doubt someone that capable would show up at our casino.

Likewise, there’s no way this poor little boy would ever be acquainted with

someone so wealthy.”

The situation seemed like a joke to Darius,

who kept silent the entire time and kept his hands in his pockets. Even so, his

frosty eyes sent chills down everyone’s spines. Darius eventually reached out

to knock on the table twice before retorting, “Aren’t I supposed to grant your

business more wealth through my patronage? Why did no one welcome me? Instead,

you left me out here alone. Is this how your fancy casino treats its

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