Chapter 169
Darius turned around and opened his mouth to say something. Before he could, he heard someone call out his name from behind. This surprised him because no one here knew who he was. Yet, there was no denying what had happened. His curiosity was piqued.He turned back to see a woman running toward him. She was getting closer.Darius put his hands in his pockets. He didn’t say anything.As she approached him, he got a clear look at her face. However, her figure was what caught his attention—especially her long legs encased in pantyhose.Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, and it was all everyone present could see.She seemed to realize this and tried her best to slow her breathing. Gradually, she regained her composure. Only then did Darius' gaze move from her chest to her face.He had to admit that she was a beauty, but it was still no match for her delectable figure.He looked down and noticed her nervous expression. “Were you the one who called my name earlier?”The woman nodded
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