Chapter 183
Darius kept his eyes trained on Ward so he caught the resolution in his eyes. He didn’t say anything else and merely looked into Ward’s eyes.Ward was uncomfortable with the way Darius was watching him. His gaze was filled with helplessness and disappointment. However, he didn’t have a choice.He figured that since Darius had already tracked down his family, he was probably already privy to much information. So, he allowed himself to drop the mask of anger as he looked at Darius, revealing his guilt and regret.Darius didn’t know what was happening, but he could hear the officials’ custom-made leather shoes tapping against the floor. He looked at Ward with a poker face and said, “Professor Plinsky, they’re coming, and I’ll go with them.”Ward stared at his favorite student. As he watched Darius leave, he knew that this was the end of their relationship.Darius could sense that Ward still had plenty to say to him. So, he walked slowly. He told himself to give Ward one last chance—if Ward had
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