
"Axton, let's eat your breakfast first," said the caretaker.

Axton woke up from her sleep, she looked around, the psychiatrist who had accompanied her all night had gone home, now she was with the nursing home staff.

"Thank you ma'am," he said.

"Are you okay if you're left alone?" he asked.

"No, ma'am, I'm feeling better, I can be alone," Axton said.

"Okay then, don't forget to eat breakfast and your medicine, okay, Anya's doctor will come and accompany you again in an hour," said the officer.

Axton nodded, she then lay back down on her bed, her gaze looking far away, she must have been thinking about all that again,

"How long have I been here ma'am?" Axton asked.

"Until you are deemed to have recovered enough and the police officers have finished collecting information," said the officer.

"I'm also confused after this where to go and how," Axton said, her eyes widening.

"You don't need to think about it now, the most important thing is that you have to be able to recover all your tra
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