
Suddenly the faces of the three of them became panicked, we looked at each other and then we hugged, to be honest we are only seventeen year olds who have no experience in dealing with supernatural things like this. Five minutes later, the knock reappeared. This time the knocking was repeated until the doorknob was played. We started screaming in fear. In the midst of that fear, my sister called.

"Hello kaaak!"

“OPEN DOWN!” I immediately stopped whining and looked at my three best friends, then stood up and headed for the door. I slowly opened it while closing my eyes and what appeared this time was my sister, Nofi and Riko.

"Gosh, what are you guys doing," my sister said.

"Earlier before you, someone was knocking too but when I opened it there was no one, that's why we were scared," I said.

"Come on, maybe this hotel guard, the important thing today is that nothing strange happened, right?" my sister asked.

I shook my head. My sister brought sponge and food for us, she put it on the
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