Leo dunked the ball hard into the hoop. The whole court was silent and everyone stared at both Leo and the shocked to the core Quincy. They all suddenly started to murmur. “Isn’t that the guy who had an accident and was burned alive? How did he become so strong?” “I don’t know. I heard that he just relocated to this city about a few months ago.” “Really? But even if he is good at basketball, he shouldn’t be that agile for now.” Different opinions kept flowing around the court. Leo stretched and walked towards Quincy, whose whole view of the world had just been shattered by him. He patted Quincy on the shoulder. “Don’t think too much about it. You gave me a hard time playing too. You’ll become as good as me sooner or later.” Leo consoled him, but he was saying something else inside. ‘You’re already better than me. But you won’t be able to catch up to me unless you’ve got super speed. Hahaha,’ he thought devilishly. Quincy who looked gloomy at first suddenly smiled. He had always felt that he was good at basketball since he had always won most of his competitions. Now seeing someone who was better than him and could beat him at his own game, he couldn’t help but feel happiness and joy in his heart. His blood was boiling and he wished to go for another round but his body told him otherwise. He was already exhausted and all the running and bouncing had taken a toll on him. He wasn’t like Leo who could play almost endlessly. “I’ll play another game with you next time,” Quincy said while panting, “But right now, I need to rest.” Leo nodded and went straight for the coach, Mrs. Hale. “Are you convinced now?” He asked her. Mrs. Hale was surprised and also satisfied with the way he played… even though it was beyond human imagination. But, she still shook her head. “You still can’t be allowed to play.” She refused. Leo grunted and facepalmed. “Why not?” Leo asked. He was annoyed at the fact that he could play well but he was still refused. “You can’t go into the field with your body all banged up like that. It won’t be allowed.” She explained. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Leo to play. Because Leo just beat the best player in Elian Comprehensive high, that was more than enough evidence to show that he was ready for a real game. But he wouldn’t be allowed to play on the field looking like an Egyptian mummy. Leo smiled when he heard this. “I already have a plan. I just want to sign up that’s all.” He demanded. Mrs. Hale raised her brows and shot Leo a glance. “You have a plan?” She probed. Leo just nodded and he took one of the papers on her table and filled in the forms. “Just call me up for practice when the time comes.” He said and he turned to leave. Mrs. Hale kept staring at his back and lots of thoughts flashed through her mind. She smiled after a few seconds. “You really are ballsy.” She said to herself. Leo went towards the bench, took his clothes, and went to the school’s bathroom to have a shower. When he was done, he wore his clothes and walked outside, where Logan was waiting for him. “So what’s your plan?” Logan asked. “Well, I’ll get my Plastic surgery today,” Leo answered. Logan’s heart skipped a beat. “Hold on, if your aunt takes you to the doctor for plastic surgery, you’ll risk exposing yourself.” He implied. He knew that if his aunt knew, that was one thing. A third-party doctor being aware of what’s going on with Leo will not be good and will hold a lot of consequences. “Don’t worry, Dr. Cartel will handle that part.” Leo calmed him down. It was at this moment that Logan remembered something. “Speaking of which, I called him here to check your performance,” Logan uttered reluctantly. Leo had his eyes wide open and so was his mouth. “Wait you what?!” He yelled. Of all people, he knew Dr. Cartel wouldn’t be ok with him showing off his powers and he would convince him to stay away from things that would risk his exposure. Not only that, Leo wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about his powers but he had already informed his friends at Sunshine city and also Logan so Dr. Cartel would definitely be mad at him. “Dude, why the hell would you do that?! He wasn’t meant to know. Did you meet him? When did he arrive? Who saw him?” Leo kept asking questions as he grabbed Logan by the collar. “Woah relax dude. He thinks you’re the one who called him and nobody knew when he came in to watch your game except me.” Logan explained himself. Leo was slightly relieved but he was still a little bit infuriated. He growled slightly after letting Logan go and he walked to class. At the same time, a man dressed black jacket and black jeans walked out of the basketball court. He walked outside the school towards a Range Rover SUV and got in. He sighed and took off his sunglasses. “Where to Dr. Cartel?” The driver asked. The man dressed in black was Dr. Cartel, whom Logan called. After seeing Leo’s performance, he made a few speculations and had a few more ideas. “To the office.” He ordered and the vehicle zoomed off. ************ Later that day, Leo had already bid Logan goodbye and he quickly went straight for THRL. He went to Dr. Cartel’s office. The man was sitting on his chair, cross-legged and enjoying a drink filled with three ice cubes. “You know, you should try calling me to inform me of your arrival next time.” He complained. Leo shook his head. “I’m sorry sir, but I didn’t have enough time. My aunt is taking me to a doctor to have my plastic surgery.” Leo explained. Dr. Cartel frowned. When he was in court back when Leo was still in a coma, he was sentenced by the judge to take care of Leo’s hospital bills, should he live. This was already expected sooner or later but he hadn’t actually thought of a way to deal with it. Leo already had an idea and that was what he came to Dr. Cartel for. “I already have a plan,” as if reading Dr. Cartel’s mind, Leo said. The doctor leaned forward and listened to Leo, “I need you to do the plastic surgery for me. That way, she wouldn’t suspect a thing and a third-party doctor wouldn’t be involved.” Leo suggested. Dr. Cartel pondered for a while. “That does make a lot of sense.” He commented as he rose from his seat, “Does your aunt know you’re here?” He asked Leo. “No. I told her that I’ll be getting the plastic surgery myself and that I’ll be at the hospital.” Leo replied. Dr. Cartel frowned slightly. “Hold on, what if she comes looking for you at the hospital and doesn’t find you?” He inquired. Leo inhaled deeply and took his time to explain. Leo planned that since his aunt expects him to be at the hospital undergoing the surgery, Dr. Cartel and his team will be the ones to conduct the surgery at the hospital that Leo is expected to be at. That way, Leo’s aunt wouldn’t suspect a thing and Leo would then get to play basketball. “Wow, you are a master planner.” Dr. Cartel commended Leo for his foresight. Leo smiled as he felt very flattered. “But we currently have one situation,” Leo added. “Which is…” Dr. Cartel asked curiously. “We have no time to waste. We need to get going.” Leo implied. Dr. Cartel nodded and he quickly took Leo to the underground Lab. “Anyways, nice basketball skills.” Dr. Cartel commented. Leo froze for a second before giving a grin. ‘Close call’ he thought to himself. Leo was surprised as to why he would undergo the ‘fake’ plastic surgery there. “We can’t just go to a hospital and say we wish to conduct plastic surgery for you. Your skin is already perfect and what we need is something to make it look like you really went through the surgery whereas you didn’t. So what we need to do, is just plaster a few things to your body and make it look like you went through the surgery. It’ll look like what they do in the movies for casts. What’s it called again? Huh…” Dr. Cartel tried to remember the word while Leo just raised his brows. “You mean like the costume making which makeup artists do for special casts?” Leo reminded him. “Exactly. That’s the one.” Dr. exclaimed upon sudden realization. The plan was that when that was done, Leo would be ‘snuck’ into the hospital and they’ll put on a show to make it look like he had the surgery in the hospital. Five twenty-five in the afternoon, Leo’s aunt went to the county hospital where Leo was ‘supposedly’ undergoing his skin grafting. She sat on a bench in the hallway, waiting for Leo. Leo came out of the operating theatre room. A lady dressed in operating attire came out with Leo. This Lady was planned by Dr. Cartel and Leo to act as the doctor who gave Leo the surgery. She was actually a biologist that worked in the underground laboratory at the THRL building, Dr. Renee Bronte. Molly stood up, walked towards Leo, and held his hand. “How was it?” She asked anxiously. Dr. Renee smiled warmly. “He’ll be alright. He doesn’t need the bandages anymore.” She assured. “I think I’ll keep my mask on.” Leo snorted. Molly felt gratified and she thanked the doctor. “Thank you so much, ma’am.” Leo thanked the doctor before giving her a wink. Dr. Renee smiled and she turned away but she suddenly remembered something. “Oh, the bill for the surgery has been taken care of.” She reminded. Leo’s aunt was confused and she wondered which ‘Good Samaritan’ had decided to pay the surgery bill for her nephew. “Really? Please who is this person? I’d like to thank him.” Molly inquired but Dr. Renee waved her hand. “The person wishes not to say. He just wants to do it out of goodwill.” She replied. The truth was that no money was actually paid since Leo never actually had any skin grafting. Even if Leo was really going to have surgery, assuming he didn’t have any superpowers, it’ll have been Dr. Cartel who would’ve paid for it. Molly felt gratified in her heart and the image of the anonymous man in her heart had a halo on his head and looked like an angel. Leo was still putting on his hoodie and mask but all the bandages had been removed. The truth was that no surgery was performed. All the bandages were just removed and his skin was painted to make it look a little bit distorted. Leo basically looked the same but his skin was a bit disfigured. The problem was that Leo would have to be very careful when washing his body or else, he would wash all the ‘makeup’ away. Molly and Leo went back home and Leo took off his mask to greet both his uncle and his little cousin. Molly and Williams also examined the skin and tried touching it but Leo didn’t allow that, lest he gets exposed. ************ Ten minutes past one o’clock in the morning, Twenty-six miles away from Sky city, a long convoy consisting of three military trucks leading the way, one long trailer, and four more military trucks following the large trailer truck. Inside the trailer, was the giant, muscular chimpanzee who was fast asleep and snoring badly. The soldiers were given an order to transport the monster from a temporary containment center to a highly secured facility that was recently constructed for the monster somewhere far from Sky City. Inside the truck following the trailer, two soldiers were chatting idly and listening to music on the vehicle stereo. “Hmmm, I remember this song used to be the one my mama used to play for me when I was young. Helps to calm my nerves.” The driver said to his partner beside him. He was in his late thirties and had been in the military for five years. He was re-assigned to work for the BSO as a field operative. He swayed with the rhythm of the song and enjoyed the vibe. His partner rolled his eyes and laughed, “You old school men, ugh. I prefer the recent songs.” He argued. He and the first soldier have been friends since when they were in the US army and they were both re-assigned to the BSO. This agency was also under the jurisdiction of the president but they specialized in special field operations. They were trying to cover up the accident of THRL and not make the public aware of their operations. Not even their existence was known to the public. Guys like these two were more or less like the small fries of the organization and the special operatives were those who receive special training and are only assigned on special assassination missions or annihilation missions. “Come on man, these songs are the best.” The man driving increased the volume of the song. The other guy couldn’t help but also shake his head and move his body with the vibe. Meanwhile, inside the trailer, the sleeping chimpanzee suddenly opened its bright red eyes. It tried to get up but realized that it was chained down. Anger filled its mind again and it tried to break the chains binding its legs and hands. There were huge cuffs that were attached to thick chains, binding them with the hooks of the trailer’s interior. It growled and kept trying to break free. Its muscles gradually bulged and it kept using force to move the trailer. This huge movement alarmed the trailer truck driver and he called the other soldiers' attention to it through his walkie-talkie. “Um… guys, the package is awake and angry. I repeat, the package is awake and angry…” He yelled. At the same time, the chimpanzee suddenly pulled its right arm with a force which caused the trailer and truck to be taken off balance. Boom! The moving trailer truck was shaken off balance and fell to the ground, creating sparks as its side was dragged on the road as a result of its initial momentum. The two men who were gracefully enjoying their music, were unaware of this until the guy in the passenger seat called his driving friend’s attention. “Woah watch out man!” He shouted. Seeing the trailer truck fall to the ground, the driver quickly pressed on the brakes and tried to steer away from it. SCREECH! The truck drifted ninety degrees to the left before finally hitting the trailer. The giant Chimpanzee which had just broken the chains felt something hit the trailer it was in, making it lose balance. It roared with anger and punched the wall of the trailer, causing the one-inch thick metallic wall to have a dent, forming its fist. The truck driver and his friend felt a bit of a headache from hitting their head while the soldiers behind the trucks came out with all their firearms. All the trucks both at the front and at the back stopped on them and all the soldiers got down from them with their firearms and pointed them at the trailer. The driver of the trailer truck was already dead and the trailer truck was already in flames. Master sergeant Reyes got down from his truck and walked toward the truck. “What the hell is going on here?” He inquired. “The package is awake sir.” One of the soldiers answered him. The sergeant was shocked. “Awake!? How the hell can it be awake godammit?!” He inquired. The moss tee was already sedated with a dose that was enough to put three elephants to sleep for a whole day. This explained his shock. ‘Godamn scientists.’ He cursed under his breath. He knew what the beast was capable of and he had lost more than eight of his men to the monster. ROOAAAAAAAAR! A deafening roar was heard from inside the trailer. Every soldier on sight had their guns pointed at the trailer’s door and their hands were on the trigger, ready to pull the trigger at any time. Even sergeant Reyes had his Colt. 45 9mm pistol gun pointed at the truck. BANG! BANG! BANG! The chimpanzee kept punching the trailer door and large fist-sized dents kept appearing and enlarging. All the soldiers present had their hearts in their throats. They all had their guard up and were scared. BANG! The containment door was punched open and blasted away. A giant chimpanzee walked out on all fours and seeing everyone present pointing guns at it, it felt enraged. The giant chimpanzee was bigger than last time when it was in the lab and it was two feet taller and more muscular. GRRRR! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! ROAAAAAAAAAR! The chimpanzee stood on two legs and ponded its chest and roared at all the soldiers present. “Fire at will!” Sergeant Reyes ordered and a huge gunfight broke out. Dudududududududududu! Bullets were flying around, hitting the body of the chimpanzee but bouncing off. The Chimpanzee roared and it jumped around, slaughtering the men on sight. It was a horrible scene and everywhere was filled with blood.Related Chapters
The Crimson Phoenix Monster Rampage and Power testing.
ROAAAAAAR! The giant, muscular chimpanzee roared as it tore a soldier into two before dropping the body on the floor. The whole scene was totally messed up and both complete and incomplete bodies filled the ground. Most of the vehicles on the road were either upside down or burning... or both at the same time. Lots of blood and detached body parts were scattered around and the smell of blood was enough to make someone with a weak stomach puke. Sergeant Reyes was panting sat on the floor and leaned his back on a fallen van. He was badly injured and he was bleeding. As a master sergeant who had war experience, this scene was not too surprising to him but even this was too gruesome. The giant chimpanzee kept looking around and sensed that someone was hiding behind a van. It growled and walked slowly to the van on all fours. Noticing that the monster was approaching him, sergeant Reyes’s heart skipped a beat. His heartbeat suddenly became fast and he held his breath. He didn’t move a
The Crimson Phoenix Battle of Test subjects (Part 1)
Leo and Logan were chatting while walking down the street. It was peaceful and they both planned to study together on that day. “Since you’ve already had your surgery… or should I say, ‘Makeup’, why are you still wearing a nose mask?” Logan asked curiously. Leo smiled at him and shook his head. “I’m already used to it, and it turns out I like it.” He replied. Logan scoffed and shook his head in resignation. “Speak of Kakashi.” He said in a low tone. Leo already seemed mysterious to those at his school who didn’t see much of his face before the accident. Everyone seemed to be curious about him and given the fact that he plays basketball all too well, he was becoming more mysterious to the students. “So what did Dr. Cartel say about the basketball?” Logan asked. “Not much. It seemed like he liked the way you called him to watch me.” Leo answered with almost no expression. “Well you know scientists, he’s probably thinking that me calling him to watch you was so that you could
The Crimson Phoenix Battle of Test subjects (Part 2)
Leo brandished his swords and kept slashing at the monster but its hide was too tough so all Leo could do was leave a few marks on its body which would heal almost instantly. Leo's defenses were even worse. He received a punch and tried to block it with his arms but he was sent flying and both his arms broke, together with a few of his ribs. Leo groaned as he was sent flying, hitting a few vehicles before finally stopping after colliding with a building with his back. He was lunged sixty-six meters forward with a tremendous force that would've killed a normal person. Leo felt excruciating pain all over his body but the pain in his arm was even worse. He spat out a mouthful of blood and struggled to get on his feet. "Nrrgh! That hurts." He groaned but what happened next surprised him. His arms and ribs which were crushed and badly disfigured began to heal at a remarkable speed. "Huh? I don't heal this fast, even with my powers." He said to himself but he was interrupted when he s
The Crimson Phoenix Battle of test subjects (Part 3)
ROAAAAAAAR! The monster roared as Leo approached it. They were both locked in extreme combat and both Leo and the monster were losing stamina rapidly. BOOOM! The monster threw a punch at Leo but he dodged it, stepped on its arm, which was still rooted to the ground, somersaulted, and gave it an axe kick on the head. CRACK! The monster's skull cracked slightly, as a result of the kick and its head got smashed to the ground again, which just intensified everything. It roared as it felt intense pain in the head. Leo didn't give it time as he kept launching combo attacks on its head. He launched three spinning punches combo on its head, with the last blow sending the monster flying backwards, creating impact waves in the atmosphere. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The monster crashed into three buildings consecutively before finally stopping. It groaned as it struggled to stand. Its healing powers were already taking effect but it was a lot slower than before. Leo on the other hand
The Crimson Phoenix Slaying the Beast.
A large stream of flames burst out of Leo's mouth and they went up to twenty-seven meters, straight for the advancing monster. Seeing this, the giant chimpanzee tried to block the flames but to no avail. Instead, it got burned and it was covered in flames. It gave out a mirthful shriek as it was in agony from the burns it felt on its body. Leo kept blowing out flames and didn't stop. A helicopter was taking a video of the scene from a safe distance. The camera used could zoom into the scene so they didn't need to get too close. The reporter in the helicopter was the same as the one Leo saved before. After she and her other male companions were taken to a safe distance by him, she asked her boss to give her another chance to be able to record the scene and follow up on the story. She did it partially to be famous and she also felt an intense amount of gratitude towards Leo so she felt she should make him popular. Besides, that was exactly what the people of Sky-city wanted to see
The Crimson Phoenix The mystery of the Phoenix and a Dragon.
Walking down a dark path, Leo could barely see anything. The place was so dark, the darkness could almost be felt physically. "Hello… Anyone here?" Leo shouted as he kept walking down the darkness. He was unaware of where he was or how he got there, or where he was going. Suddenly, a light appeared behind him and illuminated the place slightly and Leo began to feel a wave of heat. He looked behind him and he saw a round entrance. Beyond it, were lots of flames. Leo took a few steps back but the entrance began to close in on him. Before he knew it, he was surrounded by enormous flames. Everywhere around him was fire and nothing else. "What the hell, where am I? Is this hell?" Leo asked himself. He was surprised by what he was seeing before him. He tried to remember how he got here. "I was fighting a giant chimpanzee and I… blacked out? No way. I killed it!" he remembered glimpses of his past but he was totally unaware of what was before him and how he even got there. Suddenly,
The Crimson Phoenix Training Day ( Part 1).
After doing some research on phoenixes till morning, Leo stretched his body and yawned. He was still a bit tired but that didn't bother him much, as he had a case to solve. He went to the bathroom, freshened up carefully, and tried not to tamper with the artificial skins on his body, before preparing for school. He put on another hoodie and a pair of navy blue trousers. He also wore a nose mask which he made for himself. It was black with some red lines which formed a cool design on it and it covered both his nose and mouth. He went downstairs and found his aunt preparing breakfast. "Morning Aunt." He greeted and he sat on one of the stools in front of a kitchen counter. Both the dining room and kitchen were combined but since Leo was just going to have a quick breakfast, he preferred the kitchen stool instead of the dining table. Besides, Leo prefers eating there for many other reasons. "Morning Sweetheart." Molly greeted and put a plate in front of Leo which contained his food;
The Crimson Phoenix Training Day ( Part 2).
Bouncing the ball repeatedly, Tyler studied Group C's formation and he began to plan his next move. 'We've got three aces; Ray, Eddie, and myself. The opponent has two aces, but Leo seems to be overbearing, and not even our aces can handle them. The way we can deal with him is to try to prevent the ball from reaching him. The only problem is Logan Martin. He might not look it but he's experienced and he's most likely the captain of their team. His coordination with Leo is also a huge factor and we have to avoid him too. Then we have Dan. He hates me and doesn't wish to lose to me. Chuck and Jackson aren't much but they also cannot be ignored…' Tyler analyzed. He suddenly came up with a plan and quickly briefed Eddie about it before passing the ball to him. Eddie pushed the ball forward and Jackson blocked him but he went past Jackson effortlessly… or so he thought. Before he knew it, Jackson hit the ball away from his hand. 'What the...' Eddie thought. He had already gone p
Latest Chapter
The Unsettling Challenge
The match finally came to an end, with Elian Comprehensive high emerging victorious with 73 points while Sky Hills high had 19 points. Alexander was so shaken that he dropped to the ground on his knees when the game ended. They already lost their will to win on the third quarter. All they just wanted to do was to not make the distance in their scores not too wide, so as not to get too embarrassed. Even then, after playing basketball for three years, he has never seen a team with this much understanding and cohesion between them. Their teamwork was just to tight, and their methods were extraordinary. Logan and his team cheered for themselves as they were happy that they won. Well, Leo and the remaining third year students weren’t all too excited, and they maintained their cool head. According to Mrs. Hale, Elian Comprehensive would have no problem against the school’s like Sky Hills High, Bennighton Academy, and St. Peter’s High school, as their team was much more stronger. Eve
A Comeback but Defeat.
The whistle for the third quarter blared and the game began. Throughout the game, Tyler and Jackson had been the ones giving them threats and pressuring them. So it would be normal if the players of Sky Hills high put more effort into restraining these two players. However, they didn't do that. Logan ran towards the hoop and suddenly stopped to give instructions to his teammates, however, he got double-teamed by Harris and Luke. Tyler who had the ball pushed forward and passed to Jackson, who was about to receive the ball but it got stolen by Callum. The latter smiled as he passed Jackson by while performing high bounces as he rushed to the opponent’s hoop. Collins stopped him but the latter had the advantage in speed and agility. Collins was a center, but he wasn’t exactly a weak one. Instead, his agility was just lacking a bit. His strength though, could match that of Alexander. Callum did a crossover dribble and Collins fell for it. Going past Elian Comprehensive high’s line
An idea.
Alexander clenched his fists and grit his teeth as he watched Jackson and his teammates jubilate a little. Just as quick, he calmed down and smiled. “That shall be your last score in this game. I assure you.” He muttered as he received the ball from his teammate, Luke and began pushing forward. It was now their turn to attack. He bounced high repeatedly while running towards the opponent’s hoop but he was just about to get blocked by Tyler. He stopped advancing and began bouncing with his right hand, while holding Tyler back with his left. He used this to buy himself time as he assessed the situation. Too bad, all his teammates were blocked. He saw this as him having no choice but to shoot from where he was. Meanwhile, this was all within Logan’s speculation and he quickly made a quick hand sign to Collins, who nodded and they began moving. Jackson joined the fray too and he took his position three meters in front of Alexander. Logan walked to block Luke, while Collins took his
Starting Game.
Loud cheers could be heard inside the basketball court as fans cheered and cheerleaders danced and did a great performance. The players sat on designated benches and watched the performance. After that, the commentator did a quick review of the teams playing and introduced them. Just after that, the game for the day was to commence. “And finally, the moment you’ve been waiting for, the first match of the Sky City Inter high cup. A game between Sky Hills high school…” he said and the fans shouted at the top of their voices to support the team. At the same time, the players of the team rose to their feet and did a quick meeting among themselves. “…and as for the opposing team, a school located in the middle of Sky City, Elian Comprehensive High school.” The commentator introduced. Leo’s teammates got up from their seats and they did a quick meeting among themselves. “Alright boys. This is the moment. No dawdling, no delays, no bad plays. We’ve train so much for this day, so
Sky City Inter-high cup
Molly drove down to the court and she saw the fully dressed Leo sitting on one of the benches. She was blue to notice the little bruises on his face and she could tell that this wasn’t due to training alone. “Leo, are you alright? You seem injured.” She said as she approached him after parking her car. Leo didn’t say anything to respond as he was deep in thought. If there were people like Mr. Zack in the world who had techniques like that but twisted brains, who knew what would happen to the world. He felt like he was really weak, even when he just thought himself strong. Molly bent beside him and inquired about what was wrong with him but Leo was unresponsive. Molly noticed that she was being ignored but she felt like for Leo to be like that, something must’ve happened to him. Also, she noticed some red points on his body, some of which had cuts and bruises on them. “What happened to to? Who did this to you?” She asked with a concerned tone as she op
A brawl with Mr. Zack
Mr. Zack braced himself for Leo to make a move. His brain was on the game he was supposed to play with him and nothing else. He focused his eyes on Leo and observed his every movement, no matter how little. The latter lifted the ball and Mr. Zack expected him to bounce the ball and come at him. However, what the boy did next shocked him. BOOM! Instead of bouncing the ball, Leo threw it against the iron fence. The force caused a dent on the wall and the ball was stuck on it. Mr. Zack stared at Leo with astonishment. It takes tremendous amount of force to cause a dent so deep on the iron fence. The dent was so deep that the ball got stuck in it. He looked at the ball and then at Leo. “I said… not interested.” Leo said with a deep and threatening voice. Mr. Zack gave a disappointed face and shook his head. “Too bad…” he said and cracked his knuckles. Leo frowned as he sensed a killing intent and he put up a defensive stance. Like as if h
It was 4 pm and Leo could be seen in a street basketball court. He was panting heavily as he bent slightly and supported his hands on his knees. Sweat was dripping down his body like water. His silky black hair was extremely wet and ran down his face, covering his ears and almost covering his eyes. He caught his breath for a few more minutes before setting all the barriers for himself again and picking up the ball. Leo was training his maneuverability without using his superpowers. He thought that if he could improve as a human, he would exponentially improve with his superpowers too. To do this, he borrowed some traffic cones and barriers from the police station nearby and his school before starting his training. His aunt promised to pick him up when he felt he was done. He arranged the cones in different places and he would do is bounce the ball and go past all those cones and barriers to dunk the ball without touching any of them. Where did he get that idea? It was Mrs. Hale.
Leo was pretty much out of ideas for a lie to tell, and Logan? His brain was running fast and he was looking for a lie that she would buy and that wouldn’t embarrass him too much. After waiting but not getting any response from both boys, Mrs. Hale went on with her complaints. “I don’t have any idea what happened to both of you, but I can tell something fishy is going on.” She implied and leaned closer with her elbows resting on the table, “So I’m asking for an explanation from both of you.” She said. Leo’s expression didn’t change and he instead was waiting for Logan to come up with an idea while he would just play along. He looked at his partner and the other side gave him a look that said it all… ‘I have no idea what to say.’ “Umm…” Leo took the initiative to speak, “I was just too angry at the time and I broke down… emotionally.” Leo revealed. His words weren’t the truth… but they couldn’t be considered a lie either. Mrs. Hale shot him a confused glance, “Too angry that you b
Suspects 2.
Walking down the hallway of Elian Comprehensive high, hands in his pocket, head dropped and headphones cupped his ears as he enjoyed the beats of the music he was listening to. Leo was in his own world. He wouldn’t bother about anyone around him, and the only thing he would think about were his thoughts. And this was just the right moment for him to be lost in thought. He got to where his locker was, am”ng the line of lockers, and opened it before grabbing a few notebooks and closing it back. However, before he closed it, he sighed. “Do you really have to do this all the time?” He asked as he rolled his eyes and closed the locker door, which revealed the glum-looking Logan behind it. He had sensed that his friend was there. “Why the long face?” He inquired again. Logan who leaned against the lockers with his arms folded stood normally and turned to walk the other way. “We lost the game.” He said. Leo quickly used his padlock to lock his locker before catching up with his friend