The Crimsons (House of Mafias)
The Crimsons (House of Mafias)
Author: odianosendennis
Chapter 1 (Operation)

Shaun Crimson's POV

It was already 6:00 PM, and the urge of  going to the fifth operation for  this week, was still very persistent in my mind.  I wouldn't have spared a second to think it over, if it was to be before the last one I went. But now, I have been thinking it over for about two hours now.

All thanks to the female COP that got my last operation busted.

I had been lying on my bed very  close to the extreme, as my feet were still on the ground, while my face was staring at the ceiling, thinking of a way to come to a final conclusion.  If only my ceiling would just stop staring back at me and provide me with a solution, I would have already been out of my room and started the operation. And maybe by tomorrow, I could even open a ceiling company as a compensation. But ceilings just don't talk and mine didn't make a difference. 

What should I do?

Cast a lot.

I smirked as this thought popped into my head, which made me to quickly  shoot up from my bed and roved my eyes around my room, looking for anything that could help in casting the lot. I couldn't find any pebbles or any other suitable item and the only prey was my backpack. So I went to my  backpack that was beside my bed, and searched through it. Luckily, I was still able to find a notebook inside it, which I immediately drew out, and torn it page by page, folding them into some rounded balls.

I didn't feel anything like regret for tearing the school note book. Hell no!  School life actually caused everything.  My previous school and ex girlfriend who was the queen bee, were the reason I had to go to this operations against  my eldest brother's approval. If I never became an high schooler, I wouldn't have dated a queen bee and ended up setting the school ablaze.

I sat on my bed  and arranged all the balls I got from the notebook at the left hand side of my bed. Time to cast the lot. 

Should I go for this operation?

"Yes" I threw the first ball.

"No" I threw the second ball.

I repeated the process until it ended in a yes. Truth be told, I actually made the balls into an odd number, so that it could end up in a yes. I was only trying to feel some vibes from the childish fun for the past minutes.

Now my room was in a mess from all the paper balls but I didn't care. I stood up and went to my closet to take my black leather jacket for a matching outfit, since I was already on a black jean and a black t-shirt. After wearing the leather jacket, I went to my shoe rack and rummaged through it.

I pulled out the black timberland I caught sight of, and quickly slid my feet into them. Then I went to the side of my bed and took out two of my well loaded pistols and tucked them into the waist holster  around my t-shirt on my waist.

Not going to forget the finishing touch, I went for a quick observation on my mirror, closed to my closet.


I smirked at the reflection before me and the reflection did same. We could actually be twins who knows? Because the reflection looked exactly like me. Since everything on me is sharp, let's get down to business.

I stretched my body before leaving my room because I definitely knew what was to come once I got to my accomplice's room.

I walked in the direction of the door next to mine and it was that of Harry, my immediate elder brother. I took in a deep breath before knocking.  Three knocks would have been better but I just hated courtesy so I gave his door six knocks and before I could knock for the seventh time, he opened it and the knock landed on his forehead. 

"Oops! My bad" I shrugged shyly as he grimaced his face, pressing his forehead.

"What brought you here?" He inquired.

"Uhmm, how should I put it."

" Just tell me, Shaun"

" The operation" 

" The operat... Shaun?" His brows arched.

" Don't give me that look, bro. You definitely know why I'm doing this, right?" Even though I needed his assistant, I still got my pride to keep.

"Yeah I know. But you also know why I'm like this"

"Why?" Knowing fully well why he was like that, I faked the curious face.

"You really mean that you don't know why, Shaun?"

" Yeah. I don't know why. You, tell me"

"Alright I will tell you. It's because the last one we went, got busted by the cops" his face hardened.

" You know that it wasn't my fault, right?" I faked the puppy-eye look for him. But geez, the look really sucks.

"Yeah I know that it wasn't your fault. But the last operation was really a stain to the Crimson family. For we are not some random street gangs that get busted by the police"

" Yeah, I know." 

Enough with the reminder, Harry. Just tell me if you're coming along.

"So you are coming with me, right?" My eyes opened in expectations of his answer.

" Yes" he finally said it.

"Good. So are you going with this dress?"

"No. I will quickly change into something else"

" Alright. Go and do that. I will wait for you at your door"

He went back into his room and was about to change his outfit. It was already five minutes and he was still changing his outfit.

"Are you a woman, Harry?" I yelled.

"I'm coming, okay?" 

Gosh! Why will a boy take so long to change an outfit as if he was a bride.

Finally, he came out in the exact way I dressed. But the only difference was that, he took a double barrel with him, while I took two pistols.

"Good to go" he said, as he came out of his room. 

"Sharp" a smile flickered across my face which he reciprocated before we ran downstairs and went outside. Then we got to our car garage.

"Which car are we picking?" Harry inquired and I pointed to the Bugatti Chiron.

"Check" he smirked.

"Who's driving?" He inquired.

"I will do the driving" I brought out the keys and swung it around my index finger as we walked towards the car.

"Holy shit!" I raised my hand in a surrender motion when I lifted my sight and saw Harry pointing his gun at me.

"This operation better don't get busted, okay?"  He arched his brows.

" It won't!" I yelled.

" Better" dropping his gun, he smirked.

I felt my heart sinking into my stomach. I know that this wasn't the first time someone had pointed a gun to my face but this one scared the shit out of me and I couldn't hide it.

"You fucking scared the shit out of me, Harry" I cursed after we entered into the Bugatti Chiron.

"I'm sorry bro. I was just messing around" he laughed.

" You were messing around with a gun to my face? For fuck's sake!" 

" Sorry bro. I won't scare you to death next time. I promise" he lifted his pinky finger.

" Fuck off!" I yelled and he laughed it out.

We got to the gate and Jayson's guards were on high alert. They opened the gate but were staring at me and I knew what it was for. They would tell Jayson if he comes back from his work, because they knew we were going for an operation without his knowledge.

I stared Josiah, the head of the guards and yelled " you better keep your mouth shut!" Doing the sealed lip motion at him.

" Yes Capo!" He saluted.


"You still don't know how to handle this kind of situation" Harry laughed beside me.

" Got a better idea to keep them shut?" I raised my brows in curiosity.

" Of course. Watch me and conclude for yourself which of the methods will be the best?" He smiled as he took something from the car.

Screw me. I didn't think of that.

He brought out a stack of hundred dollar bills and went out of the car.

"Hello Josiah, take this and share it among yourselves" he smiled, handling the money to Josiah whom was hesitating to take it.

"We can't take this from you, Capo" Josiah voice was a bit shaky.


"Just take it!" I yelled from my car and Harry immediately shot me a Shut-the-fuck-up glare and I quickly turned my face away.

"It's okay to take it" Harry smiled, forcing the money on Josiah's palm.

After what seemed like forever, Josiah reluctantly took it and Harry patted his shoulder, smiling at him. Then Harry returned back to the car.

"So tell me Shaun, which of the methods will really keep them shut?" Harry inquired and I shrugged, facing the other side.

Inside the car was a bit dull as no one was starting a discussion but Harry broke the silence.

"What will you be delivery, Shaun?" He inquired.

" A parcel of coke" I replied while driving.

"Cool. But is the client already in your hideout?" 

" Yeah. I got a call from him since 4:00 PM"

" 4:00?" His eyes opened wide and I nodded.

We finally drove into the abandoned building and the client's four boys, pointed their guns to my car when I drove in and this really pissed me off. I picked up my phone to call the client.

"Tell this premature dicks to get their guns down, this instant!" I commanded  the client through my phone. And in a blink of an eye, the pricks really took their guns down.

Harry observed his double barrel while I angrily took the brown parcel bag, behind me. I was already pissed by the guns.

We came down from the car and Harry was a little ahead of me with his gun ready to attack.

"Four of you, knee down" I told the boys who pointed their guns to my car. 

" Is that really necessary?" The client asked and I nodded.

" Just let it slide" Harry whispered to me.

For fuck's sake another gun was pointed at me for the second time this evening and I should let it slide?!

But what could I really do than to let it slide.

We walked towards the clients car and before I could hand over the parcel to him, sirens was heard everywhere.


This cops really know how to do their jobs.

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