Ch 38: Marcus vs. Genaro part 1
Neva voices her opinion on the matter of the fight about to occur between Marcu and the Gladiator Genaro that has been ordered by his boss.

"Hobert, did I not ask you to get her away? Why is she still here and talking to me?" Marcus says letting him hear the rising anger in his voice.

"You got it going to get her away right this instant sir." Hobe,t answers quickly, trying to get her to leave.

"No, you don't touch me or I swear you're going to lose that hand to understand me," Neva warns him as she doesn't want to hurt Horbert unless there is no other way.

At the time Genaro waited to waste no time when sending that giant spike ball chain straight forward. Marcus had to use himself as a shield to keep that ball from killing the ones behind.

Taking on this ball spike chain indeed no doubt hurt painfully. It push Marcus's body backward closer to Neva and Horbert, yet thanks to that vampire's strength he was able to slow the speed.

"GET MOVING NOW!." he yelled at the two that work
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