
Darkness engulfed Joseph, who felt his feet leave the ground. The scene of Harry falling continued to play through his mind, like an infinite loop. Winona's laughter rang in his ears. He just wanted this nightmare to end soon and be nothing more than this: a nightmare.

'I must be very tired and I'm just hallucinating. That's it. None of this is real!' he repeated to himself, eyes closed and covering his ears to try to stifle that hideous laugh.

As soon as his feet touched the ground again, Joseph opened his eyes. He looked around and, once again, he was in that cursed cabin. He got up, staggering, and headed for the door. Incredibly, it opened without objection, allowing him to leave.

Joseph ran back to the road, where the car was parked on the side of the road. The snow wasn't as fluffy as before and he didn't get stuck like he thought he would.

He took the key out of his pocket, and his trembling fingers had a hard time getting the small metal object and inserting it into the lock o
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