The desire to kill reverberated through Jasmine's brain, and the darkness rooted in her soul threatened to overtake her completely. Madness bubbled through her veins, and bloodlust flooded her as if she were a drug; her carnage gave him ecstatic pleasure. She wanted to find the black-armored warrior and kill him, for of all the enemies she had faced, he was the most powerful: a worthy offering indeed to the god of Wrath. At the last second, when she was about to brush aside his sword and kill him, her fate, in the form of her own idiotic followers of hers, had intervened to separate them. She wanted to find him again and finish the fight.
And then she saw the girl. As if against her will, she gazed at the frightened little face that peeked out from where she was hiding. He knew what he had to do, because it was time to end this once and for all, to take the first step on the path that would end in eternal life, to take advantage of the opportunity offered to him of a glorious destiny next door. of Baal. The dark presence that had been growing inside her bellowed in triumph; she knew that, at last, the time had come and, forgetting all about the rival in black armor, she marched towards her destiny.
♦ ♦ ♦
Elysia turned the corner and was instantly thrown into battle once more. She felt the heat of burning buildings, and the acrid smell of smoke filled her nostrils. The noise of battle rang in her ears, and she heard the cries Frey uttered as she mowed down her enemies like ripe wheat; but her eyes were drawn with instinctive, thoughtless horror, to the Demonic Knight…, and the girl who stood cowering in the darkness before her.
At that moment, she could see the resemblance between the two; she saw him as clearly as daylight. It was something beyond her white hairline, for they had similar features: the same large eyes, the same narrow jaw. Seeing the warrior raise her sword to strike, the catgirl broke into a run as she bellowed, though deep down she knew she was going to be too late.
♦ ♦ ♦
Jasmine watched as her own shadow was cast on the girl in front of her. She saw the look of fear in her eyes, the paleness of her face, the resemblance she bore to herself, and wondered how it was possible that after all the years she had really felt nothing.
"What's your name, girl?" she asked her in an intimidating voice.
“Kat. katherine.
Jasmine nodded, surprised that she felt absolutely nothing at this information.
In a flash of insight, she finally understood how demons did things. She saw all the tests, all the rituals and all the sacrifices for what they really were: the preparation for that crucial moment. She knew then that all the murders and all the bloodshed had been for a purpose, had been a process that had transformed her into something different from the human being she had once been. And that process had tempered her as the master smith tempers a sword.
She finally understood, after all that violence and all the massacres, that a human being can get used to anything, even the fate that made him a Demonic Knight. She knew that at that moment she could turn her back on the girl, that it would change nothing, that she had finally truly confirmed herself on the path of damnation. Killing the girl wouldn't change anything anymore. She could do it if she wanted, but it was meaningless; It would just be a number and nothing more. She had passed the point of no return when she, moments before, had decided to kill her. However, she thought that it was always better to leave things well finished. With no more feeling than if she were about to chop down a log for firewood, she raised her sword, and then felt pain in her flank as something slammed into her.
♦ ♦ ♦
Elysia launched herself into the air and covered the distance that separated her from the Demonic Knight in one jump. She crashed into the woman just as she raised her sword; the impact knocked him off balance, and they both fell to the ground. Since she knew that she would never get another chance, the catgirl launched a thrust that dug into the flank of the woman, who showed no sign of pain other than a small growl.
As they rolled on the trampled earth, locked in a deadly embrace, Elysia knew that she outmatched her. The woman reached up above her with her chainmail-clad hands and grasped her neck, Elysia struggled in an attempt to break free, grateful that the Demonic Knight had finally let go of her sword. ; but she immediately realized that she had made a mistake. The Demonic Knight was much stronger, she possessed a supernatural strength that was as superior to Elysia's as her own was to a child's. Hers He struggled to loosen the grip on her hands, but it was like trying to wriggle out of a troll's fingers.
Right now she had her on top of her, and the weight of her armor kept Elysia from breathing. She rolled as she tried to lift her torso off the ground, and get her off of her, but it was all useless, as she seemed to anticipate Elysia's every move without a problem. She then she knew that she was going to die; she was facing an opponent who was simply too strong, and Frey was not there to save her.
Darkness began to descend on the catgirl, sparks flashing before her eyes. From somewhere far away came Frey's war cry, and a part of her, infinitely remote and detached from her, thought it ironic that it was the dark hero who was going to witness her death, and not the other way around.
"Now, mortal, you will die," the woman said calmly, and her hands began to twist her neck.
Elysia fought with all her might as the terrible pressure mounted, for she knew that if she gave in, her neck would snap like a dead branch, and her death would be instantaneous. She felt that her veins swelled and her muscles began to tear because of the resistance she put up, knowing that it was useless; In a moment, it would all be over. The darkness deepened; she saw everything as shadows and silence reigned, except for the dull rumble of her own breath inside her chest and the distant beat of her heart. She knew she was defeated, that she couldn't take it anymore, and her muscles finally began to relax, defeated.
♦ ♦ ♦
Kat looked to where the terrible battle continued. She knew that the Demonic Knight had nearly killed her, and that Elysia had tried to save her life. She also knew that the woman in black armor was going to kill the cat girl, and that she had to do something.
An object of hers flashed on the ground near her, and she saw that it was the black sword that the Demonic Knight had dropped. Her blade gleamed brightly in the firelight, and she thought she might be able to intervene. She reached out a hand to pick up the weapon, but it was too heavy. Perhaps if she used both hands… Slowly, the sword began to rise. The weapon twisted in her hands, the runes on the blade gleamed with brilliant light, and she felt the terrible power within her.
If she now she only she could…
♦ ♦ ♦
Suddenly, Elysia felt the unbearable pressure ease. The Demonic Knight first looked at her and then lowered her eyes to her own chest. Elysia followed the direction of her fiery gaze and saw that the tip of the black metal sword protruded from the woman's body. The red runes glowed, and boiling blood dripped from her wound, evaporating into poisonous smoke as it hit the ground. The Demonic Knight staggered to her feet and turned to face in the direction from which the thrust had come.
Desperately, Elysia forced herself to move, her limbs responding with the heaviness of lead. She looked around her for her sword, reached out to take it, her fingers closed over its hilt and tried to lift it. She had the impression that she was trying to lift the weight of that great cannon located outside the city, but she forced herself to do so. She struggled to her feet and saw that there was no one else around, only the Demonic Knight, Elysia and Kat. The woman's eyes were fixed on the girl, and her lips twisted into a terrible wry smile, then opened wider and let a gurgling mad laugh escape her. She took a step forward; the point of her sword still protruded from her chest, and Kat drew back another one of hers, eyes wide with her horror and fear.
Very slowly, Elysia formed an idea of what must have happened. Kat had raised the heavy weapon and plunged it into the woman's back as they struggled. She had saved her life, and now it was her turn to save the girl's. She slowly, she forced her battered body into motion and shuffled across the ground behind the Demonic Knight. The woman's steps faltered, and she fell slowly to the ground.
♦ ♦ ♦
Jasmine laughed to herself even as her pain robbed her of consciousness. This was a terrible final joke, for she had met her death at the hands of the person she had come to kill. A girl had won where mighty warriors had failed.
It was true, as she had always said the demon. She had not been killed by a warrior, but by her own daughter. She fell forward into the darkness that awaited her.
♦ ♦ ♦
Elysia watched as the vile Demonic Knight slumped to the ground, her flesh shedding and she decomposing with frightening speed to leave only a foul-smelling skeleton within the black armor. Somehow, without anyone telling her, she knew that she was looking at the body of someone who had been dead for a long time, and at the sight she felt like throwing up.
Something wet fell on her face. At last, the storm had broken loose and it was beginning to rain. The hissing sound that came from somewhere nearby told him that raindrops were battling the fire. It was good news; perhaps the population would not be burned to the ground after all. Suddenly Kat was there, huddled behind Ella.
"Is it over yet?" she asked her.
Elysia listened to the sounds of slaughter around them, and she nodded.
“It will be over soon,” she replied in a brittle voice. “one way or another.”
♦ ♦ ♦
Elysia plopped down on a tree stump and gazed out at the village, while Messner and Kat looked at him disapprovingly because they thought he shouldn't be walking around. His neck was still bruised and he was having trouble speaking and eating, but it looked like he would recover. She just felt grateful that she was still alive.
She felt it, too, for the nearly two hundred villagers who had survived the battle and its aftermath. She could still hear them chanting prayers of thanksgiving for her salvation in the temple.
A knight passed by them, one of the powerful forces dispatched by the duke in response to Messner's message, bearing the head of a beastman impaled on his lance. Elysia and Messner watched him pass, and the catgirl realized the man was thinking the same thing as her when a slight sneer appeared on the ranger's face.
It was very nice of the knight to pose then with the trophy, but… where was he when the real battle was taking place? The conquering heroes had arrived the morning after the fight.
"So you found the cannon," she asked, her voice a croaking whisper.
"Yes," Messner answered. “It is an extraordinary thing. They say that when you touch it it is as warm as a living body. There is dark sorcery there, that's for sure, so we've sent for a priest to exorcise it. If that doesn't work, the old duke will send a magician.”
"But the beasts are all dead."
“Yes, we have hunted down every last one of them. Frey didn't come back until dawn, and said that it was all over."
They were both talking to keep Kat quiet, and they both knew it. Neither wanted the girl to be able to say a single word. However, this news made Elysia happy, for it seemed that the beasts had lost their courage and fled when the news of the death of their loathsome leader spread. And the escape turned into a massacre when the loggers chased them, and it seemed that Kat had saved the entire village with her actions. She was a hero and everyone told her so, but she didn't talk like she was.
“I still want to go with you” declared the girl who, after two days of arguing, still hadn't given in.
“You can't, Kate. Frey and I are heading to dangerous places and we can't take you. Stay with Messner.”
"You must do that, child," Messner agreed. “You have a place here, with me, with Magda and the children. And you will make friends among the other little ones; that's for sure."
Kat gave Elysia an imploring look, but she shook her head, forcing herself to remain serious and collected. She wasn't sure how long she could keep that countenance when she heard Frey's heavy gait approaching her.
Frey was smiling malevolently, and from the expression on his face, Elysia guessed that he had increased the huge death toll inflicted during the battle.
“We're wasting time, Elysia. We'd better get going."
Elysia rose slowly, and Messner came forward to shake hands with them. Kat hugged first Elysia and then Frey, and in the end Messner had to separate her from her friends.
"Goodbye" she said goodbye, tearful. "I will always remember you."
“Do it, little one,” Frey replied softly as he bent down and dropped to one knee to look directly into Kat's eyes; he removed one of her gloves and using a small cut from her sword made her thumb bleed.
Drawing a horizontal line across Kat's forehead, and two vertical lines below each of the girl's eyes, Frey spoke. “You are a brave warrior, Kat. You have the heart and soul of a hero. Train and get stronger; when the time comes I will return, and if you still wish, you can accompany me.”
"I will do it, I promise." Kat said in a motivated voice.
"I trust you, Kat" Frey said before turning around, and together with Elysia, they walked away from Flensburg.
The trail was steep and rocky, and before them lay Bergheim and an uncertain future. Reaching the top of the slope, Elysia turned to look back. Down there, Messner and Kat were two small figures waving at them.
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The Dark Hero Adventures The Lord of the Mutants, part 1
The idea must occur to readers of these pages from time to time that my companion and I were under the influence of some curse.Without any effort on our part, and without any desire on my part, we managed to meet all manner of worshipers of the Dark Ones. I myself often suspected that we were really doomed to oppose his plans without ever understanding why; but such speculation never bothered the Dark Hero.Frey took all such events as they came, with a groan and a resigned shrug, and dismissed any such speculation as that of a useless and vain philosopher.However, I have thought long and hard on the matter, and I have the feeling that if there is a power in this world that opposes the servants of evil, perhaps it was the one who sometimes guided our steps and even protected us. What is certain is that we often stumbled upon some of the most outrageous and malevolent schemes perpetrated by the most unlikely of evildoers...Elysia, 'The Adventures of the
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Elysia noticed that all the patrons were looking at the innkeeper strangely, as if he had spoken at the wrong time, or said something they had never expected him to say. But she dismissed that thought. Maybe they were just scared. Who wouldn't be with a servant of the Dark Powers housed in the castle that overlooked the town?“He is wicked like a dragon with a toothache. Isn't that right, Helmut?"The peasant the innkeeper had just spoken to froze in place like a rat staring at a snake."Isn't that right, Helmut?" the innkeeper repeated."It's not so bad," replied the farmer. "Considering how evil warlocks are.""Why don't you storm the castle?" Frey asked, and Elysia thought that if the dark hero couldn't guess the answer from the beaten-dog looks of those louts he was more stupid than he looked."Because the monster is there, sir" replied the farmer at the same time that he dragged his feet and looked at the floor again."The
The Dark Hero Adventures The Lord of the Mutants, part 3
"Ulber?" I ask. Ulber Roger?"Do not call me that way!" The man's voice approached the scream. "Address me as 'Sir'.""Do you know this idiot?" Frei asked.Elysia nodded. Ulber Roger was a philosophy friend of Elysia's owner before the catgirl had murdered her mistress and escaped from her. He had been a quiet young man, very studious and could always be found in libraries according to his mistress. He had probably never exchanged more than a dozen words with her in the two years he had been friends with her mistress. He also remembered that Roger had vanished. There was a bit of a scandal… something to do with some missing library books, and he also remembered that some Inquisitors had shown interest."Stop!" Roger yelled at him in his thin, irritating voice. "You are my prisoners and you will do as I command for the remainder of your wretched lives."“Will we do as you bid us for the rest of our worthless lives?” Elysia looked
The Dark Hero Adventures The Lord of the Mutants, part 4
“Take the sword!” Elysia yelled at him.But the stunned Frey was in no condition to heed the advice, and besides, he wanted to spill blood. He took an unsteady step toward Oleg, who was standing where he had left him, howling as he clutched his nose. Then, hearing Frey's staggering footsteps, she looked up and let out a tremendous bellow of anger and pain. He rushed toward his foe, crouching low and arms outstretched, intending to once again ensnare the dark hero in a deadly embrace. Frey remained where he was as the monster charged into a thunderous race towards him, as unstoppable as a runaway horse-drawn chariot.Elysia didn't want to look… The mutant was big enough to crush Frey, but she couldn't look away in horror.Oleg reached where Frey was. His massive arms began to close, but at the last second Frey ducked and dove between the monster's legs, then spun around and lashed out with the chain, which wrapped around the mutant's ankle. Fre
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The Dark Hero Adventures Chapter 2: Nightmarefest, Part 2
A little further down the road leading away from the Coralyn barony, the two came to an Inn called 'the stone circle'. The windows were shuttered and there were no lights to be seen; they could hear neighing coming from the stables, but when they looked they saw no carriage, black or otherwise, just some skittish ponies and a traveling merchant's cart. “We have lost the carriage. The best thing will be to get a bed for the night.” Elysua suggested, casting a wary glance at the moon, whose chilling silver glow was stronger. “I don't feel calm outside tonight. I have a bad feeling." “You are weak, cat girl, and cowardly.” "They will have beer." "On the other hand, some of your suggestions are not without merit, although the beer of this country is watered down." "Of course" replied Elysia. Frey did not detect the ironic tone of her voice. The inn was not fortified, but it had thick walls, and when they tried to open the door they found that it was barred. Frey pummeled her with he
The Dark Hero Adventures Chapter 3: Nightmarefest, Part 3
"She was lucky." Elysia commented dryly.“No need to scoff, miss. We went to the Circle of Stones and found all kinds of traces in the disturbed earth, including the tracks of humans, beasts and cloven-hoofed demons, and a disembowelled calf on the altar.”“Cleft-hoofed demons?” Frey asked, and Elysia didn't like the look of interest in her eyes.The pedlar nodded."I would not venture to the Circle of Stones tonight." he replied "not for all the gold of the Kingdom.""It would be a suitable quest for a hero." declared Frey while giving Elysia a meaningful look, who felt shocked and flustered."Surely you don't mean that..."“What better mission for a hero than to face those demons on his holy night? It would be a magnificent death.""It would be a stupid death." Elysia muttered."What have you said?""Nothing.""You'll come with me, won't you?" Frey said in a threatening tone as he absentmindedly placed his hand on the hilt of the sword."A promise is a promise". he replied, at the s
The Dark Hero Adventures Chapter 4: Nightmarefest, Part 4
They walked wearily through the forest. Overhead, the moon shone with chilling light; the moon had grown even brighter and now its silvery glow lit up the sky. A fine mist had fallen, and the terrain they were advancing on was bleak and wild. Rocks rose from the peat like the eruption of a plague breaking out on the world's skin.Sometimes Elysia thought she heard the flapping of huge wings above them, but when she looked up she saw only the glow of the sky. The fog spread and distorted the surroundings in such a way that it seemed that both of them were walking on the bottom of an unearthly sea.“I have a bad feeling about this place.” Elysia thought. The air tasted foul, and the fur on her tail was constantly standing on end. Once, when she was a child, on the estate of her owners, she had sat and watched the sky turn black with menacing clouds. Then the most monstrous storm she could remember had come. She then experienced the same expectant feeling, and she knew that powerful forc
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The Lord of the Mutants, part 4
“Take the sword!” Elysia yelled at him.But the stunned Frey was in no condition to heed the advice, and besides, he wanted to spill blood. He took an unsteady step toward Oleg, who was standing where he had left him, howling as he clutched his nose. Then, hearing Frey's staggering footsteps, she looked up and let out a tremendous bellow of anger and pain. He rushed toward his foe, crouching low and arms outstretched, intending to once again ensnare the dark hero in a deadly embrace. Frey remained where he was as the monster charged into a thunderous race towards him, as unstoppable as a runaway horse-drawn chariot.Elysia didn't want to look… The mutant was big enough to crush Frey, but she couldn't look away in horror.Oleg reached where Frey was. His massive arms began to close, but at the last second Frey ducked and dove between the monster's legs, then spun around and lashed out with the chain, which wrapped around the mutant's ankle. Fre
The Lord of the Mutants, part 3
"Ulber?" I ask. Ulber Roger?"Do not call me that way!" The man's voice approached the scream. "Address me as 'Sir'.""Do you know this idiot?" Frei asked.Elysia nodded. Ulber Roger was a philosophy friend of Elysia's owner before the catgirl had murdered her mistress and escaped from her. He had been a quiet young man, very studious and could always be found in libraries according to his mistress. He had probably never exchanged more than a dozen words with her in the two years he had been friends with her mistress. He also remembered that Roger had vanished. There was a bit of a scandal… something to do with some missing library books, and he also remembered that some Inquisitors had shown interest."Stop!" Roger yelled at him in his thin, irritating voice. "You are my prisoners and you will do as I command for the remainder of your wretched lives."“Will we do as you bid us for the rest of our worthless lives?” Elysia looked
The Lord of the Mutants, part 2
Elysia noticed that all the patrons were looking at the innkeeper strangely, as if he had spoken at the wrong time, or said something they had never expected him to say. But she dismissed that thought. Maybe they were just scared. Who wouldn't be with a servant of the Dark Powers housed in the castle that overlooked the town?“He is wicked like a dragon with a toothache. Isn't that right, Helmut?"The peasant the innkeeper had just spoken to froze in place like a rat staring at a snake."Isn't that right, Helmut?" the innkeeper repeated."It's not so bad," replied the farmer. "Considering how evil warlocks are.""Why don't you storm the castle?" Frey asked, and Elysia thought that if the dark hero couldn't guess the answer from the beaten-dog looks of those louts he was more stupid than he looked."Because the monster is there, sir" replied the farmer at the same time that he dragged his feet and looked at the floor again."The
The Lord of the Mutants, part 1
The idea must occur to readers of these pages from time to time that my companion and I were under the influence of some curse.Without any effort on our part, and without any desire on my part, we managed to meet all manner of worshipers of the Dark Ones. I myself often suspected that we were really doomed to oppose his plans without ever understanding why; but such speculation never bothered the Dark Hero.Frey took all such events as they came, with a groan and a resigned shrug, and dismissed any such speculation as that of a useless and vain philosopher.However, I have thought long and hard on the matter, and I have the feeling that if there is a power in this world that opposes the servants of evil, perhaps it was the one who sometimes guided our steps and even protected us. What is certain is that we often stumbled upon some of the most outrageous and malevolent schemes perpetrated by the most unlikely of evildoers...Elysia, 'The Adventures of the
Demonic Knight, part 15
The desire to kill reverberated through Jasmine's brain, and the darkness rooted in her soul threatened to overtake her completely. Madness bubbled through her veins, and bloodlust flooded her as if she were a drug; her carnage gave him ecstatic pleasure. She wanted to find the black-armored warrior and kill him, for of all the enemies she had faced, he was the most powerful: a worthy offering indeed to the god of Wrath. At the last second, when she was about to brush aside his sword and kill him, her fate, in the form of her own idiotic followers of hers, had intervened to separate them. She wanted to find him again and finish the fight.And then she saw the girl. As if against her will, she gazed at the frightened little face that peeked out from where she was hiding. He knew what he had to do, because it was time to end this once and for all, to take the first step on the path that would end in eternal life, to take advantage of the opportunity offered to him of a glorious
Demonic Knight, part 14
Jasmine watched as the great cannon blasted the third breach in the city wall, then decided enough was enough. They had to save powder for the next fortification they came to, and the gaps were big enough for their soldiers to squeeze through. The defenders were tired and bewildered, so the time had come. She signaled to the bugler, and he sounded the advance blast. Marching to the beat of the human-skinned drums, the beastmen sprang into motion.Jasmine felt the thirst for blood rise within her, and with it, her desire to offer souls to the god of Wrath. She that night she would make him a great offering.♦ ♦ ♦Elysia watched as the tide of beastmen surged across the grounds, and archers began firing from the ramparts. They chose their targets calmly, methodically, and efficiently, and fired. Arrows pierced the darkness, piercing chests, throats, and bestial eyes. As the infernal drums beat, the relentless bloodthirsty beastmen continued to adva
Demonic Knight, part 13
Elysia watched the clouds overhead, racing across the sky like a mass that twisted and undulated in a strong wind. The color of the forest had changed from a light green to a darker, more ominous hue; she seemed as if the trees, like everything else, were waiting.She was standing on the parapet at the top of the wooden wall, and she was looking across the fields, straining to catch any sign of movement in the undergrowth. By her calculations, it was the end of the afternoon. Next to her was Frey, who was looking at his sword with disinterest. Every ten paces along the wall there was an archer, one of the woodcutters, men who could hit an ox's eye from two hundred paces, and measuring the distance between them and the line of trees, Elysia realized. realized that this was a slaughterhouse. Any attackers would get bogged down in the plowed fields and be easy targets for archers.She tried to let that thought reassure her, but she couldn't. Night in the woods was not lik
Demonic Knight, part 12
Elysia looked up at the ornate golden hammer that gleamed in the early morning light streaming through the open door of the temple. The runes etched into the Hammer's head reminded him of the ones adorning the blade of her own sword, but that didn't surprise him too much. Her sword had been the most prized possession of an Order of paladins and it seemed only fitting that the sword be engraved with holy signs.There were few people present; only some old women who were sitting cross-legged on the floor and praying. The babies with their mothers were outside, getting the cool while they could, and Elysia guessed the air might be unbreathable in there with the doors closed.The temple was a simple sanctuary with a simple altar, except for the presence of the Hammer, which was used to bless marriages and contracts. The Father, The Mother and The Son were not very popular deities there, since most of the woodcutters looked to Belial, Lord of the Forests and God of the Eart
Demonic Knight, part 11
Kat hurried toward the base of the watchtower because she felt the need to be alone. She had grown tired of sitting by the large central bonfire, and not even Frey's presence reassured her. She felt very alone in the midst of all those busy adults; in reality, there was no one with whom she could talk, and for the first time she realized that she no longer knew anyone in this world and that she had no place in it. Her flames reminded him too much of the Kleinsdorf fires. The ladder barely creaked under her bare feet as she climbed toward the trapdoor with the agility of a monkey.Elysia was sitting alone, and she was looking into the darkness. She had long since set the sun like a bloodstain on the horizon; the moon had risen through the sky, its silvery light bathing the surroundings. A gentle breeze cooled Kat's cheeks and made the forest whisper and murmur ominously. Elysia watched him mesmerized, lost in her own thoughts, and she hurried across the tower and sat down besi