Chapter 52
The suspicious maid stared deeply into Richard's eyes and he could read the thoughts of her inner mind. She had the suspicion that he knew the man from somewhere else. He could even be one of the spies sent to the Villa. But he had to blow away her suspicion. Besides, what if it was the other way around, she could even be one of the people sent to the place by Williams, no one could be trusted.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" Richard inquired. "Have I broken any of the Villa's rules?"

"You still have not answered my question. Who are you and why are you making enquires of that servant," the servant inquired.

"Well, I can no longer hide it. We have meant in the past. Old friends at school kind of thing."

"Oh! Now I see. Was that what took you the whole day to say?"

"Not really. After what you said about him acting wired, I wanted to hide my relationship with him to avoid troubles while I am in the Villa."

"Okay, I get you now. If you must know, his room is just opposit
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