The Evolution of Ants: The Insect Queen

“Let’s go out, relax, and have a drink!”

Vincent had been dragged out by Ruby to join her friends for dinner. After dinner, they went for a karaoke session and had beer and liquor. At first, Vincent had felt embarrassed to be with the high school students, but he soon realized that there were also university graduates and adults there. Many of them were couples. Vincent was shocked to find that modern high school students were much more open-minded than his generation.

After drinking a bit, a pretty and innocent-looking young lady started to make out with her university boyfriend. After a while, they excused themselves to the restroom and disappeared. The rest of the group started to get even wilder, especially Ruby. She sang and screamed. She also kept kissing Vincent’s neck with breath filled with the smell of liquor, which terrified Vincent and made him quite uneasy.

As Vincent supported the stumbling Ruby, he could feel the stares of the people on the street. He could swear, he had not kidnapped this girl, nor did he have any intention of taking advantage the drunk. Although Vincent knew he did not do anything wrong, when he saw the police officers at the intersection, he could not help but stopped walking as if he was guilty. He then waited a bit further up the hill, some distance away, for the taxi.

While in the taxi, he was scrutinized by the taxi driver. When they were finally near Ruby’s house, Vincent gave Ruby a tug and said, “Wake up, wake up!”

Ruby opened her eyes and asked, “Why?”

Vincent remembered that Ruby lived in the district to the left of his house. “We’re back. I’ll see you home!”

Ruby pulled Vincent’s collar and said, “No, I can’t go back. If I go back in this state, I’ll get scolded!”

Vincent replied, “If you don’t go home, your parents will be worried.”

Ruby immediately replied, “It is alright. I am in boarding school and only go home every few days. My parents won’t know that I’m not staying at school today. Your house is big, isn’t it?”

With groggy eyes, Ruby looked at Vincent and said, “Will you try anything funny with me, the sister of your first love?”

Vincent pinched Ruby’s two cheeks and pulled them in opposite direction. He said, “Stop your nonsense. You are not even developed yet…”

Vincent looked at her sexy body. She was wearing a mini skirt and stockings, and her white halter top showed off her cleavage. Her style of dress was very bold.

Ruby caught Vincent looking at her and she straightened up. She squeezed her slender arms together in front of her body and said, “They’re big, aren’t they?”

“…” Vincent was speechless.

There were two bathrooms in his two-story house, so they each took one. After taking his shower, Vincent took out a clean blanket and tidied the room. He then realized that Ruby was still in the other bathroom.

“Hey, say something. Have you been flushed away?” he called out.

Ruby had a towel wrapped around her as she walked out. “Wow! It is nice to have a bathtub. It is so relaxing!” she said, smiling.

Vincent shook his head and said, “I am not used to using that!”

He brought Ruby to the room that had been prepared for her and said, “You will sleep here tonight. The blanket and sheets are here…”

The following morning, Vincent carefully climbed out of bed and saw Ruby as she walked out of her room. She ran her fingers through her tangled hair and said, “Good morning, Vincent!”

Ruby took out a set of clean clothes from her bag. After cleaning herself up and putting on her clothes, she left for school. Before leaving, she kissed Vincent and said, “Thank you!”

Vincent looked blankly at Ruby as she opened the door of the courtyard. Before she left, she turned to smile at him, leaving him in a daze.

After Vincent returned to his study, he spread out the Scroll of Creation, and looked at the scene in the painting space. It was winter with heavy snow and the sea had become frozen. There were now new and strange creatures under the sea.

This was a world completely formed by many different kinds of insects. Some occupied the sky, while others occupied the forest, the ground, and the sea. They were all over the place.

The ant queen was an amazing being. With her pheromones, she could change the genes of the younger generation, and thereby control the entire ant colony. Such ability made her a god-like being within her colony.

As the number of the colonies increased, space become limited and food also became insufficient, thus the environment became unsustainable. The colonies fought continuously, and each day there were colonies were wiped out and some queen ants were dragged out and killed.

However, today was very different. Vincent realized that a group of insects kept crawling out from a strange-looking nest on a small hill in the painting space. There were many different kinds of them. Some flew in the sky, some swam in the water, and some went underground.

These were not born by the ant queen, but were produced using the nest. Vincent felt that this was very strange. It seemed like that colony had evolved and developed intelligence and it tried to take control over its direction of evolution.

Vincent found the situation abnormal, so he turned to the internet. He found a similar species, which was known as the “Zerg” in StarCraft. The Zergs are a race of insectoid aliens that assimilate other species into their swarm and seek genetic perfection

As Vincent looked at the painting space, he became puzzled.

Have they evolved? Who is controlling the insects? Is it the queen? Where did the intelligence come from? Is the queen the only one with intelligence or is each insect now has its own intelligence?

Vincent activated the scroll power and the silver sigil started to glitter. He immersed himself into the painting space and focused on this special group of insects. Vincent found that his consciousness seemed to have separated from his body. He felt he had spent one whole day in the painting space, but in the outside world, only a few seconds had passed!

Vincent saw a long, thin queen insect, with a huge head and four long limbs. The tail was long and a black exoskeleton covered its entire body. The insect queen had spared itself from being a machine of reproduction and possessed intelligence entirely of its own.

From his god-like perspective, Vincent saw that the insect queen constantly sent her thoughts to the other insects, so that she could instruct them to attack the other insects, produce, conquer, combat, and self-supply.

“The world belongs to us!”

Vincent could feel the great ambition of the insect queen. However, he was even more surprised to find out that she could sense and control all of the other insects from her colony.

What power is that? Is it mind power? Or willpower?

After observing the insect queen for a while, he started to see the silver light emanating from her brain, and he started to see her thoughts.

The insect queen’s mind was able to channel to a special dimensional space!

Vincent immediately dove into it and he felt his consciousness was alienated from the painting space. It had been compressed into a line!

Vincent followed this line to get to its end, and he felt his consciousness was swimming forward. Finally, he passed through an endless source of information before entering into a world that was filled with light.

Vincent felt as if he would be assimilated by this silver light. With his entire consciousness becoming corroded and tainted, he was afraid that he might completely lose his own consciousness if he stayed any longer. Struggling, he tried to get out of this strange place, and after a long while, he finally returned to his body.

Utterly exhausted, Vincent finally fell into a deep sleep.

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