"Samael Is Dangerous"


Harmony walked in the hallway with saddened steps. She came to a stop in front of Darian's room and she raised her hand to knock on the door

But hanged halfway, she wanted to see him one last time before she left, but what was she going to say to him?

She hesitated and placed her hand down, she was about turning around to leave when the door opened

There, Darian stood in his usual blue robe, his lips were stretched in a thin line and his red eyes bore into hers

She paused and her eyes went to rest on her feet, she didn't know how she was going to apologize to him, taking in a deep breath, she said "I-I'm sorry, Darian"

Was a simple apology enough for him?

She felt his hand on her chin as he raised her head for her eyes to once again meet his

"Don't push me away, Harmony. It's hurts when you do things alone knowing I am there to support you. We're going to figure this out together" Harmony's eyes watered and she ran into his arms. Darian's hand glided on her back as she snuggled clos
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