
“Mother…” the word sounded bitter in Lan Qi's mouth. She fell to her knees, with her knees hitting the grass beneath her. As if her soul had crashed into the earth, Lan Qi was struck by the reality she had just heard.

Empress Na Xing had sent her back to the Palace but not as Princess Li Ming. But as a slave because after her father's death, she is worthless. What do they mean? What does Mother mean—

One of the bodyguards approached and grabbed Lan Qi's limp hand. But Xiao Zhun immediately brushed it off.

“Lan Qi watch out—” before Xiao Zhun's sword lifted from her waist, Lan Qi quickly restrained the young man.

“Enough,” Lan Qi said almost in a whisper. Her eyes were blurry. Her breath was labored and her mind was too empty to decide anything. All that was in her throat was a lump of emotion from the question that exploded as if demanding an answer.

Xiao Zhun lowered his head, his brow furrowed in worry as his gaze dived into Lan Qi's thoughts. Without Lan Qi needing to e
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