Chapter 114. Side Hunt.

As the night deepens, I find myself growing increasingly on edge, my senses heightened as I watch the others warily.

Just as I'm starting to drift off, a sudden, piercing alarm cuts through the stillness, making me jump. "What the hell is that?" I exclaim, my heart pounding.

Liam's eyes go wide. "It's... a side game," he explains, his voice shaking. "They want us to capture a Destitute alive. Whoever succeeds gets a thousand points."

I stare at him in disbelief. "A thousand points?" I repeat, my mind racing. That kind of reward could be a game-changer, but...a Destitute? I shudder at the thought of what that might entail.

My fellow students erupt into a panicked frenzy around me.

It's Chaos.

Some are I'm favour of the side quest:

"We have to get those points!" Zoe immediately interjects, desperate, "We're already so low on points. This could be our break!"

But others…. Not so much

"A Destitute? No, no, no, we can't do this!" Trina cries, her voice shrill with terror.

Mia clings to he
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