Chapter 99. A New Regime.

As I close my eyes in despair, Mr. Blackwood speaks again, drawing my attention. "Ah, one more thing, students," he says, his voice saccharine-sweet. "I wanted to reiterate that your regular classes will resume as normal. Your teachers will return shortly, so I expect you to be on your best behaviour."

The students around me erupt into nervous whispers, their faces etched with apprehension.

I can practically feel the tension in the air as they wonder what the return of the teachers will mean for them.

Mr. Blackwood, however, seems unfazed by their unease.

He flashes us all a painfully fake smile, his eyes glinting with something akin to amusement. "Now, now, don't look so worried," he says, his tone dripping with false concern. "I'm sure your teachers are just as eager to see you all as you are to see them."

I can't help but let out a bitter snort at his words. The school does seem to have it out for me.

Why did they have to add the fucking teachers to the equation?!

As if I don't
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