Chapter 192

“So, Mr. Hockings, how is business going with the lawyers?” Abraham asked.

“Fine,” Mr Hockings grunted out with a shrug.

Abraham raised a brow at him, “Oh really, but my lawyers are telling me something entirely different.”

“And what could that be, Connor?” Mr. Hockings countered, narrowing his gaze on Abraham.

“You know, my lawyers will only be able to help you if you allow them to,” Abraham stated casually.

Mr. Hockings tilted his head to the right to look at Abraham properly, “I never knew you were this interested in my involvement with the lawyers, Connor. I don't know if I should feel honored to know this fact.”

Abraham chuckled, “I will not try to stop you if feeling honored is how you think you should feel but I will not impose any feelings on you, Mr. Hockings. And of course, I think I should be concerned with your attempt to get back what has been confiscated from your family, aside from the fact that it happens to be my lawyers you are making use of it also is of great impor
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