The Extraordinary Son-in-law
The Extraordinary Son-in-law
Author: Amazing Writes
Ch. 01: Sign Those Papers.

The jewelry shone brightly as Ethan beheld it against the light flooding through the window. "This is a pretty one," he said. "It should look just right on Sandy's pretty neck." 

He sighed as soon as he uttered those words. He was a mere janitor who couldn't afford such luxury for his beautiful wife. A feeling of sadness perched right on his shoulders weighing him down. For some reason, mentioning his wife brought more gloom than joy to him.

"I wish I could get this for her," he mused, and sighed once more. 

As though his words had summoned her in, the door opened immediately and revealed his wife, Sandy coming. There was a brief flash of happiness on his face, but his eyes peered closely at her. There was a man behind her and he was holding her hand from behind.

She had a devilish grin on her olive colored face, framed by wavy hair at both sides. But she did not look at him. Rather she walked past as though he was as invisible as air.

"Sandy," he called out. She ignored his words like mere breeze blown out of a pipe. 

Meanwhile, the man and her were inspecting a number of diamonds at the other end of the shop. 

"Would you like this?" He asked, taking a number of pearls from one of the stands. 

"How much is it?" Sandy asked. 

"It's nothing. Just twenty-five thousand dollars. Don't worry about it's all yours from this very moment." The man spoke with bass that had the room vibrating.

"Oh, Matthew," Sandy sang with so much glee, hugging the man in the process. "You are simply the best."

"Hey!" Ethan roared, his hands were curled up into fists. "That's my wife you're holding that way. Show some respect!" 

Finally, Sandy turned towards him with her eyes staring from his head down to the worn out shoes he wore, as if trying to access his worth by those.

"Can you please leave me alone, Ethan?" She reprimanded him. "Can't you see I'm with someone important? Or has poverty efficiently dulled your sense of sight. Either way, you should know better than this and go. I did not come here for you?" 

"Nice one, my love." Matthew laughed underneath his breath, attracting menacing looks from Ethan.

"But can't you see what you're doing is wrong? You are my wife for god's sakes. How can't you see this?" Ethan asked, pushing his luck one more time.

"Wife?" Sandy scoffed, walking up to him and talking in what one might call a loud whisper so Matthew wouldn't hear much about what she was about to say. "Don't tell me you are still calling me that. Have I not shown you the divorce documents already? I am no longer your wife, Ethan. The sooner you sign those documents the better for you. Why can't you see that? In any case, whether you do or not, I will make sure to continue flirting with men, torturing you, till you sign those papers. Trust me. I am not bluffing."

Before Ethan could respond to her threats, Matthew, the man Sandy was with, stepped between them, grabbing Ethan by his arm. "Hey, you've heard the lady. Back off, stay away from her."

"Get your hands off me this instant," Ethan warned, veins flashing across his forehead as he stared strongly into the eyes of Matthew.

"And what are you going to do, little man?" Matthew nudged at the fact that he was taller than Ethan. "Let me get this into your hard skull before you start getting any funny ideas, I am an expert at martial arts, and I run an underground group that can make your life miserable if you choose to make the mistake of crossing me." 

Ethan scoffed at this and was about to go on an offense when his boss came in. A petite red haired woman with very beautiful and delicate facial features.

"What's going on here?" She shrieked in a high pitched tone. 

Before Ethan could explain anything, his estranged wife had already launched herself into the narrative.

"Nothing, miss Kelly," she said. "We just came here to shop for the beautiful diamonds you have in your shop and your janitor kept harassing us. That should not be fair to your shop right?"

"No," the boss said staring at Ethan. She knew that Sandy was was just trying to put Ethan in trouble. She had been watching everything from the office after all. "Ethan, get back to work." 

"Yes, ma'am," Ethan said inspite of himself.

"Do you hear that?" Sandy mocked. "Go back to work."

There was a loud thud from the door immediately, and some men dressed in nothing but black clothes with masks came in, shocking everyone in the room.”

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