When my uncle picked me up that day, I glared at him.
“Don’t look at me that way!”
“What way?”
“Like I’m guilty of something.”
“Oh but you are. You never told me that I would one day gain magical powers or that I’m going to go through six years of power malfunctions that can decide whether or not I’ll grow power rings when I’m 12. Plus I have to wear purple shirts to school every day that dye my armor malfunctions to the color of my skin. So yes I’m unhappy okay!”
“Skylar, I understand your frustration. But, I never told because I didn’t think you would understand.”
“Understand? Understand what? That I’m a freak?”
“You’re not a freak.”
“Then how come I had to be in a separate room when you were enrolling me?”
“Sky, you don’t understand your disorder do you?”
“So what if I’m autistic? I’m different, so what? Normal is overrated!”
“Because of your disability the rules are different for you everywhere. You wouldn't believe how many hoops your father had to jump through with being a disabled singer when he was young!”
“But now he’s on the road all the time! Webcam is all I see of him!”
“You don’t listen! I’m trying to say your life is going to be different from other people’s!”
“Also I need you to tell me what happened before the mind-wiping. What caused it?”
”It happened because Shirak possessed me.”
“Possessed? You mean there are demons that control your powers?”
“Yes. But, you won’t have to deal with it until you get your power rings.”
“Okay. Keep going.”
“So the regular Hitons that aren’t mixed found out I was a power-cithian and got jealous.”
“How jealous? And how did they find out?”
“They wouldn’t let us get jobs. We had to steal hawkheads and be in disguises all the time just to make ends meet.”
“That doesn’t sound like fun. But how did they find out about your powers?”
“To tell you the truth I don’t really have a lot of power. Most of what I'm known for is potion making.”
“Okay. So what potion made you get booted out of the office of Bloodbringer?”
“I’m the patron of the Darkomegian procedure.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s not important you’ll learn about it when you’re older. Anyways, people got so jealous that they called us racist even though we offer normal people a way to get powers if they pay like 5,000 hawkheads. But the biggest reason we were called racist was because we only had one Sayis and that’s Elwoods Bolto.”
“But what made the Sayis’ have to wipe people of the memories of us?”
“During my impeachment, They legitimately had me locked up.”
“Locked up? So who was running the United States of Jasper?”
“Brian Henderson, the vice BloodBringer.”
“So what did he do?”
“He went totally insane and separated all the citizens of Jasper into ranks. Nobody was allowed to vote except for the Ganthiras . They were the only ones who controlled the laws that were made. The second rank were Kandriths. This was the rank most cithians were put in. The main people who ran the Kandrith rank were devil worshippers so we had a pretty bad reputation. The last rank is called the Rangrates. These are the people like me that had to wear a disguise and have a fake name just to make ends meet. Heck no one knew I was named Kodyack until I ran for office”
“But what made the Sayis’ Council wanna wipe everyone’s minds?”
“On March 7th of 2024, The Hitons got so jealous that Brian just woke up and instantly decided to outlaw all cithians. The outlawing went on for three weeks and three days. It was called the most insane three weeks of our lives in our village of Haystead and all over Jasper. It was also called Bleeding Siraka because the Cithians went to the Village of Siraka to escape imprisonment. Although that was not what happened because 300 cithians died during those days. Because of this, The Sayis Council decided to wipe the Hitons' minds of all the memories of Cithians. But they warned that if any Cithian attacks happened their minds would be returned to them and the hunt for our people would start again.”
“Okay. But now that I know all that, do I still need to go to school?”
“Yes, of course. You still have a lot to learn about our people and who were the first cithians to gain powers.”“First ones? Wait, I thought all cithians have powers.”
“Nope,Our powers came from a potion that we stole back from the Yakobians. The source of all our powers is called the Maroon heart. Although there are two sides to the heart.Each side was made by two brothers. Adagar Markson and Gadrid Markson.
Adagar’s side was the source of power for all Good cithians and Gadrid Markson’s side was the source of all the bad cithian’s powers.”
“Oh my goodness, so our powers came from two brothers who were related to the Hecticmaker of the Grey Diamond Warriors?”
“Yes and because of that Shirak was reawakened and the first people to get cithian powers were possessed by him and unable to control their powers.”
“Oh. So after the Markson War, Shirak was asleep?”
“So do you think Brian Henderson is maybe a human embodiment of Shirak?” “I highly doubt it.”
“Because Brian is one of the Yakobs who were on Hiton before we came along and the Yakobs took our potion to make sure gods and demons could never be contacted again. From then on, Shirak and his servants weren’t allowed to possess the yakob.”
“So the potion banned Shirak from possessing Yakobians?”
“Yes, but they warned us that if we took back our potion for any reason their banning of Shirak and his servants would be relinquished.”
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The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 4 My first day of Cithian power class
The next day I overslept. I basically slept past my alarm. My uncle also slept his alarm. My alarm was set for 6am. When I woke up though, it was 10 in the morning. I woke up to him being super mad at himself because he would be late for his college classes and I was way past the time school would start. My school starts at 8pm So I would be over two hours late depending on the traffic. My uncle was swearing all over the place. He walked into my room. He glared at me. “The head mistress called me.” “What did she say?” “She has to enroll you for your cithian power class. So you have 15 mins to get ready. I also need to get ready.” “Meet you downstairs then?” “Yes, Sky.” I got dressed in my purple shirt and blue jeans. I headed downstairs. Just like I thought, my uncle was not waiting for me and walked up the stairs and over to Uncle’s bedroom . I knocked on his door. “Unkie, are you comin’? We’re gonna be late!” “Go wait in the living room for me. I’ll be down in a minut
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 2 Meeting My Sister
The next day was a weird one. I woke up in fear because of a nightmare. I’ve always had nightmares but this was a frightful one. I even woke up screaming. My uncle Kodyack was right there beside me when I woke up. “What did you see?” “I dreamt that I was in a field and a spacecraft appeared above me. A beam shot down from the ship and I saw an alien with big black eyes and he opened his mouth to speak to me and...” “So what did the alien say?” “I don’t know. I woke up before he could spat out the words.” “Well, you need to get ready for school.” “More like history about cithians academy!” “Stop mocking the school and just get ready!” “Fine! I will!” I got ready and headed downstairs with my backpack and we got my uncle’s truck. When I got to school I sat down as Miss Meghan stood at the blackboard. “Today our lesson will be on what made the Sayis Council wipe the Hiton’s memory of us. But before we do, let me welcome the fifth graders.” The fifth graders sat down.
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 5 Meeting My Childhood Nemesis
I will say that I didn’t expect what happened surrounding meeting my childhood nemesis. It was definitely not a normal day. When I got to school that day, I heard this on the radio: “Bloodbringer Gunderson has become even more crazy. He is now predicting that in 2050 the cithians will definitely invade Siraka and start the next war against them. Some people say he’s going beyond crazy. The war of 2024 was what started this whole thing some experts say because that was the last time Cithians were talked about and eventually outlawed. Ever since then it's like our minds have been erased of memory of all cithians and terror that surround them.” “Uncle, how come Bloodbringer Gunderson still remembers our people?” “It is said that he is not truly a hiton so the rule does not apply to him.” “What do you mean? Is there something you aren’t telling me?” “It is said that after the hitons' minds were erased, The human embodiment of Shirak made Bloodbringer Gunderson touch the Maroon He
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 6 My Birthday
My uncle opened my bedroom door. “Skylar get your ass out of bed! It’s your birthday! Time for birthday breakfast!” “Uncle, just let me sleep! It’s the weekend after all!” “Skylar, get up we’re going to go to Quffle cookery for your birthday breakfast!” “Oh, yeah I forgot!” I got up and out of bed and got dressed. I raced downstairs and my uncle followed me outside. My uncle turned on the radio and smiled. “Today isn’t just your birthday! Today is our 2 year anniversary of you living with me!” “Oh, you’re right! Two holidays at once!” The radio buzzed and we heard Bloodbringer Gunderson speak. “As you all know this has been my 21st year of serving this great country of Jasper. But it has also been the weirdest! People have been saying that I'm going crazy because i’m talking about the cithians all the time and no even remembers their existence!” My uncle chuckled “Of course they don’t remember us! The Sayis Council wiped their memories! Remember what I told you about
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 7 My Awakening
I awoke from a weird dream. In the dream, I was standing in front of a Shadow. The Shadow was standing in a beam of light. It looked at me. “Skylar Ridian Crop, it is the day of your awakening...” was what I heard from the shadow before I woke up. I knew what this meant. Today is the day I might get my powers. We talked about this day all the time in my warrior powers class at Haystead Academy. Miss Bloom was always the teacher who talked about it. She always talked about how it will be different for everyone. She said if we weren’t supposed to get our powers that we would get our power rings taken away from our bodies in a way that would be a different experience for everyone. But if we were supposed to get our powers, then something spectacular and special would happen to us. For me at least, I also hoped that it would be something special and spectacular and not the other one. It was also my twelfth birthday. I will admit that I didn’t think that both my awakening and my bir
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 8 Hunted during An Invasion
I was enjoying a nice day outside with my class for class out on the lawn. We were rushed inside as sirens went off continuously. Ms.Bloom turned on the tv as we all sat down. She turned the channel to the local news. The newswoman was standing in front of a skyscraper. Behind her a portal opened and out stepped a man with a blue face. Two families screamed as their cars crashed into the skyscraper. One family was in a mustang. The other was in a Prius. The blue-faced man shot beams of darkness at the skyscraper as it fell to the ground in rubble. Another portal opened beside him. A man in armor stepped out of it. Kandriths were seen shouting praises to the devil and his servant Shirak. Ganthiras were out protesting the event. Rangrates joined them. My nemesis Jaren rolled his eyes. “It seems that the Strikers' memories have been returned to them and the Kandriths are all to blame!” Yellow orbs went into my wrists as he stood up and threw his desk at the wall. I got up from m
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 9 Striker Concentration camp
The strikers’ truck arrived in front of a white dome. They dragged me inside as a woman with black hair walked up to us. “You must be the person to thank.” “For what?” “For giving us our memories back.” “Why is that a good thing?” “Because your kind don’t deserve to live. Plus, I have a job again now.” “That may be good for you but, it means my kind is no longer safe from harm.” “True. But I'm just glad that no one can say that the Bloodbringer is crazy anymore.” “True. But I can’t ever guess what you people plan to do with me.” “Oh believe me you’ll find out soon.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” The lady whistled loudly as two strikers appeared. “Men take him to the initiation room.” The strikers dragged me to a small tent. They locked me down to a chair as an old tv was put in front of me. I looked at and a small black man appeared on the screen. “My name is General Ellison. All cithians are jerks and assholes. They say their lives are hard from the minute t
The Extreme War Of Darkomega Chapter 10 Escaping the prison
“So what are the chances that my mom is here among us.?” “Very slim. Not all the people caught are in the same concentration camp.” “ “Yeah. I knew that . Doesn’t mean the spies who are caught aren't in the same one though.” Maybe. But that wouldn’t make sense because there are only about 50 prisoners of war in this camp.” “My uncle told me that only 250 Cithians were killed.” “Yes, that's true. But there have probably been about 1000 or more who have been caught not counting the number of SPS members who were caught.” “So you took down the death toll of all the cihtians who were caught versus killed but you didn't write down an estimate of how many spies were caught versus killed?” “We know how many people were caught versus killed that were spies. We just don’t know how many of them lost their memories.” “Wait , does that mean that it’s possible that there are spies who didn’t lose their memories?” “I wouldn’t get your hopes up .” “Why not ? There is a loophole to every
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Chapter 33 Jaren's imprisonment
Nancy opened an ocean blue portal. Out stepped a man with a blue cloak a straw crown around his head and a light blue face. When I saw him and took me a minute to realize who he was. "You must be Furliceo Woolsley!"“I am.”“Release my father now!”“I cannot.Why not?“The reason why I captured him is before Nancy was revealed as Koydack's captor your father was accused of the kidnapping. But the problem is once a serious member is accused of a crime he cannot be released unless the Sayis Council says so. Also once a Sayis Member is accused of a crime they automatically lose their Sayis Powers. This means your dad is no longer a Sayis." “I don't care! If you're not gonna release my father then release us or I will shoot you with a beam of light."Pedro laughed at me. "Skylar, don't you think if we could release ourselves with our powers we would've already done it?""Yeah. So why haven't you done it by then?”“These chains absorb the power from our power rings.""Okay then why is F
Chapter 32 Awoke In Chains
I awoke chained to a wall. 1 person was chained to the wall to my left and 2 to the other. I could not believe my eyes. Chained to the wall with me was dad, Alex Crop, My uncle Kodyack, my sister Crystal. They did not look too good. My dad’s beard looked very unkempt. My dad and sister’s faces were green. You could tell that Nancy did not take good care of them because of the big spots of throw up that were lying beneath them. I looked at Nancy as she laughed at me and tugged at my chains. “Stop resisting. Those chains absorb the power coming from the power rings in your wrists. You have no chance of freeing yourself from those chains.”My sister hung her head as she looked at Nancy. “Now that you have my brother too, do you mind telling us why you brought us here?”“I have brought all of you here to fulfill the prophecy.” “And just what prophecy are you fulfilling?” “The prophecy of the Extreme War of Darkomega. This prophecy says that Kodyack will be forced to perform a
Chapter 31 The Coliseum Battle
The next morning the thunder woke me up and I woke up Nester. He glared at me. “You must not be a hard sleeper.” “I’ve never been a hard sleeper. Even my Uncle Kodyack can tell you that even the smallest of a sound wakes me up. But that doesn’t matter.”“Get to the point. Why did you wake me up?”“Do you not realize what day it is?” “What do you mean?” “ Dude! We’re supposed to fight Nancy and Jakin today!”“Oh! Shit! I totally forgot! Let me get dressed.” “You’re fine. I was about to do the same thing.” Once we got dressed, we headed down the stairs and saw Fader standing in front of the orb pedestal. He looked at both of us. “I am here to take you both to the coliseum for the fight. So I hope you’re ready for the fight of your life.” Fader placed his hands on the orb which stood on the pedestal as a white portal opened and sucked the 3 of us into it. When we materialized on the other side of the portal, I saw Nancy and Jakin were standing in front of us. Nancy glared at me
Chapter 30 the mastermind revealed
I walked out of the coliseum. A blue portal opened right in front of me. A shadowy figure walked out of it. When it materialized, I dropped my jaw. It was Nancy. I could literally not believe it. Nancy...? but, she’s one of the head members of the seven guardians of Gailems. I started piecing it together. She’s the only person who’d be able to creep past my pet dragon lance without waking him up. But why? That’s the question here. What’s her motive?I stared at her in confusion. “Why’d you do it, Nancy?” “You don’t understand, do you?” “No. Out of all the teachers, why Kodyack? Do you have something against him?”“You of all people should know! He is your dad’s best friend, after all!”“Explain it to me!” “He killed my mother during the war of 2024!” “Wait! Your mom was the original captor of Kodyack? The one who convinced him to perform the Darkomegian Procedure on Sade Markson?” “Yes. But, He’s also my dad!”“Your dad? Wait, I’m lost here... besides the fact of him killing your
Chapter 29 battle training
Fader walked up to us. “Since the battle is literally tomorrow, we have a lot of training to do to prepare the both of you for this battle. The one thing I need to teach both of you but especially you, Skyrid, is how to effectively use the effects of body energy on warrior powers to your advantage.”I looked at him in confusion. “Oh. why is that?” “Body energy is the very thing that controls your powers. That's why my name is Fader. I was the first Cithian to be seen having my powers fade out during a battle.” “Wait, are you saying that my powers are controlled by my body energy?” “Yes. This is why I’m now training you to take advantage of this weakness of Warrior Powers. In this training, I will also be training both of you on how to fight in three types of battles. Like The judges said if one of you loses the battle, you both lose. You each will get three chances to win. Although you only have to win two out of three battles for your duo to win this competition. The first type
Chapter 28 my audition
My watch started buzzing. I checked my alarm clock and saw that it was 6am. In my mind I was like: “Who the hell is calling me at this time!” I looked at my watch. It was Headmaster Jerricus. I answered and saw his ginger beard on the screen. “Skylar, have you decided who your audition partner is yet?” “Why are you asking me at this time in the morning? I mean, the mourning sun hasn’t risen yet. So why would you think that I would be up yet?” “Don’t be like that! I was only asking you because I have to give you some more bad news.” “My dad, my sister and my uncle were kidnapped by damn only Kursta knows who, what news could be worse than that?” “Their mystery captor has moved the fight to tomorrow!”“Wait, are you saying that I’m going to have no time to prepare at all?” “Sadly, yes. Even Richard Markson, the goddamn Hecticmaker of the Sayis Council tried to step in and change it and the captor would not budge!” “Oh!” I dropped my jaw. “That is no good at all.”“So do you have
Chapter 27 the disturbing news
Headmaster Jerricus looked at me with worry in his eyes. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this but your dad has been kidnapped.”“How?”“He was performing a song and a portal opened as a man in armor appeared and took him into it and they both disappeared into it.”“Man in Armor? Are you saying it was a guardian?” “That’s what the theory is. But all people who have warrior powers can turn into warrior form and all warrior forms have armor. So it’s unclear whether or not it was a guardian or whether it was just some random person in their warrior form.” “Do you know whether or not it was the same person who kidnapped my sister and Kodyack?” “That’s my suspension. Which is why it’s even more important that you pass your audition tomorrow.” “Audition? Are you saying this fight against the mastermind has been turned into a competition?” “Yes I am.” “So what happens if I lose?” “You will be imprisoned by whoever the mastermind is.” “Alright, what do I have to do to pass the audit
Chapter 26 the new form
Janice dragged me to the castle doors by the collar of my shirt. My shirt ripped as I resisted and got up from the ground. She opened the doors and I saw a girl with flowing red hair and hazel blue eyes with a light brown sweater and dark blue jeans. She glared at me. “Wait, my partner is the hunted criminal Skylar Ridian Crop?” “Criminal?” “Yes. Your face is all over the news. The strikers are literally searching every house in the Village of Siraka for you right now!”“What about Jaren? Why isn’t his face all over the news too? I mean he is the victim in this incident.” “Algoona Middle school won’t disclose Jaren’s name or face. But the saddest part is that the two people who destroyed Siraka aren’t having their faces plastered all over the news and yet you are.” “I agree. It’s a total disgrace.But back to the point, why did the Sayis Council pick you and not a student to be my partner?” “It’s like Janice said. They want you to have the best chance possible in beating the capt
Chapter 25 the Mythical master
Kaiser looked out into the crowd. “We have had two more kidnappings. I know many of you have heard that Crystal was kidnapped recently. But I have even worse news. Kodyack Blues got kidnapped along with Headmaster Jerricus but only a few minutes apart. According to the camera footage, the first captor who took Kodyack, was a person in a red mask and guardian armor. So that confirms that we have a traitor in our midst...I rolled my eyes as everyone else murmured in the background. Kaiser pounded his fist on the pulpit. “I know this is shocking to you all but I have to discuss the Headmaster’s kidnapping too, so please let me talk!” The crowd went silent. “Thank you. Now, the captor who took our Headmaster, is a mystery because all that was seen in camera footage was a figure with a red mask with black spots on it in a red cloak with a black hood. This means I’m sorry but we have to put all students under the eye students that our own Fader Jacobs will appoint to watch over all of