Kajin was in the mountain town in just eighteen minutes because he was running at full speed.

When entering town this late at night, I thought everything would be deserted and quiet, but the bustling now is not much different from the daytime, some houses are still bright, some shops are still empty. busy activities, a few couples are still happily holding hands and going outdoors. Despite being located close to the border, a place where conflicts are most likely to happen, this town is extremely peaceful for its location value.

Kajin went to the house of a baker named James, the way he ran quickly through the streets and winding alleys showed that he was very familiar with the place.

After passing through the narrow dark alleys, in front of him was a row of houses that no longer had lights on, the highlight was a small two-story house with a cake-shaped sign still sparkling with the words " The jam is not good , no money."

Although he knew that there was a sign that "closed" in fron
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