
"Reloading, Windy Mout continues to power explosive rocket launchers."

"Beginners hurry up!"

The ships in the bay were noisy with the noise of men and weapons. Firecrackers explode, people go back and forth on the decks. The metals clashed, the individual guns exploded, but this was the end of the war when the attack ships got stuck in front of the defenders and many sank to the bottom of the bay.

"We drove the Allied fleet!"

A crew of Tobiaso's ally - Marris is defeated. The aftermath of the attack slowly returned to the ship from the Confederate wrecks swallowed up by the giant forms of water below.

“Good job brothers…”

The crew had no time to finish his sentence, the whistling of the wind was interrupted by his words and the man standing next to him pushed him to the ground.


A series of deafening explosions rang out, the center mast of the ship being hit by explosive bullets. Pieces of wood were scattered everywhere. It doesn't seem to be able to hit.

Most people wonder where did that bullet come from?

… Cracks began to appear, tilted and the mast fell. The top of the column plunged into the sea. The ropes of the mast became tangled and some of the crew were dragged into the turbulent waters. The smell of smoke, gunpowder, and blood engulfed the fresh sea air. Jax Bay is full of excitement.


Shout of the observer at the announcement.

Giant bubbles appeared in the sky, flying around was a squadron of dragons following each group of sucrose with the duty to support and protect. Both airships and dragons, so the Alchemist of the empire, Morbius and Sucrose brought the most advanced and powerful war objects to the region.

“General, they are pouring artillery from above. We are not prepared for this situation! "

A gold head tied with an onion on top looked up - Lennox of the support team spoke. He struggled to get up with his scratched face blackened with smoke and a choking cough.

"A total of five ships in an arrow formation. We're overwhelmed sir, maybe the other ships won't be able to fight."

Skylar, who is also part of the support team spoke. Her blond hair was covered in a bright red color. The blood of the comrades next to him was sticky and smelly. Skylar approached brother Lennox and patted him on the back to cough up everything he had inhaled before.

“We are paid for it, there is no going back. Burn the yellow flare, keep fighting! "

Captain - command of General Gray. Her face was confused. Finally, the scariest thing he had hoped for Happened. Looking for the cannon in his body but he couldn’t find it, he finally looked around furiously. Gray's gaze landed on one of the crew When he found what he was looking for.

"Make You Stand!"

The freckled young man Stand quickly picked up the flintlock gun, fired it, and lifted it into the sky. An explosion sounded, the yellow signal was announced.

Other ships also began firing yellow cannons in response, ready to command.

"Lennox, tell the fleet that all Windy Mout are supporting the ship on deck to disperse into positions, keep the ship's balance and turn to avoid shells, don't let Alliedwan's troops hit the ship," the ships must keep the distance between the moving ship heads are moving circularly around the main formation, if there are any enemy ships attacking come out to block remove the smoke, they are blind! "

Gray gave instructions as he dug up a heavily armored corpse of an Alchemist from the ship. Smoke and fire everywhere have narrowed everyone's field of vision so it is dangerous to fight in such conditions.

"You obey!"

Lennox quickly reached the transport eagle's cage, opened the cage door, and removed its blindfold. He grabbed the big animal by the legs and jumped down the train. The eagle spread its wings and flew away. Lennox connects the surrounding air to help keep the two stable in the air.

“Everyone at Windy Mout supports the spread throughout the ship, aligning the ship in the correct formation deliver my exact instructions to the oarsmen

command of the general.

“People on the attack team check their weapons, reload launchers, guns and cannons, if there are dragons and enemy ships coming ready to be destroyed along with the attack team. attack. "

"Good LABAN!"

Shout of the observer.

A barrage of cannons from the airships was fired at the fleet.

"Make a shield, NOW!"

Gray shouted and waved a torn blue banner with a white emblem where only the wings were visible, the others were engulfed in black by fire spots.

Windy Mouts supporting a series of fates create a protective barrier. Cannonballs began to hit the barrier, some exploding on impact, some being ejected out of the ship. Powerful explosive bullets tore at the shields, knocking the little men down on the wooden floor at their feet.

After sharpening ears of bullets, most screen makers fell to the deck, bleeding from their noses and mouths.

"They have two air-to-ground artillery batteries each, six each. We can't tolerate explosive pressure!"

Stand from the mast to report coughs from dynamite smoke.

With Lennox returning tired and teary -eyed from the sharp smoke, fortunately the shipping eagle was not hurt.

"Not everyone on the support team is blocking direct hits, diverting the safety breakout by creating a spin!"

The General gave a new instruction. "Wait, you're not allowed to die here!"

Those still standing were able to help the fallen and then assisted them in rebuilding. After relieving the shock from the pressure and smoke, they were ready for the next wave of defense.

"Stand up, give the ships a new order instead of Lennox, fly low, don't hit, tell them to bring their spears and javelins to deck. Lennox replaced the Stand in the observer position!"

They didn't have enough time to say "Ok" to the commander, Stand quickly grabbed the transport eagle's foot and flew away, Lennox grabbed the rope to climb the mast to see.

"Skylar, where's Skylar?"

He shouted again.

"Here I am, sir!"

Skylar moaned. He scrambled to his feet from under a patch of torn sail.

"One down all long arms up here!"

Captain asked.

"But we can't handle them with those?"

Skylar was shocked.

"Idiot, a few more rounds and the dragons are coming down, hurry up!"

He kicked Skylar so she fell to the floor again and soon she got up. Too in a hurry village, he had no time to complain.

"I know that, sir!"

Skylar hurriedly crawled on all fours toward the steel door toward the handle, then lifted it, threw it aside, and bent down.

The next salvo of high-altitude air strikes began to erupt. All the ships did as General Gray requested. Everyone sighed with excitement. People previously wounded by the pressure of the explosive bullet were covered with blood stains whose faces had not yet dried, but they were still standing there, raising their hands in the air and forming a shield. Sweat was dripping down his tired face, as if his trembling fingers had fallen.

A strange noise occurs when the bullet hits the air curtain. Like the shrill hiss when someone sings their arms in the air on a stormy day, bullets collide and then bounce in the vortex, plunge straight into the sea or bounce back into the shaker up into the air, forming an arch of gray smoke before falling into the blue sea. The attack stopped.

“Shoot you bastards again! Hahaha! ”

Many sailors on the team expressed provocations after the successful defense. The people on the support group were all unscathed in the second wave.

"We've been playing with you all day."

The third series didn’t work either. The whole army was very excited. Provocations were always uttered, and sarcasm rang out from the fleet.

“Keep the ranks, don't be subjective. All on high alert! ”

Gray commanded without hesitation.

"I guess they're playing sir!"

Skylar spoke to the captain When he loaded the weapons on deck with the others. He looked up at the sky and sighed like an old man. Soon the whole crew noticed the frightening silence in the air. You don’t know what the Coalition thinks?

"I know, but here it's hard to guess."

Although the airship’s ability to carry ammunition is not great, they have enough firepower to blow up a fleet fleet with only five ships without any ships with sufficient advanced equipment to reach it. on a piece of wood of damn flying thing. Even if putting energy into an explosive arrow and then firing it is ineffective, it should go somewhere high. There is no such place in the bay. -Gray began to analyze.

Clustering forever will not solve the problem. Moreover, there is still a Coalition fleet that is ready to attack and then land once the defensive fleet is broken. General Gray picked up the binoculars, which were lying on the deck of the ship, and looked away: it was exactly what he expected: a group of ships were already waiting there.

Five aircraft flew overhead, dragons still hovering overhead and howling in noises that offended the ears.

Stand had returned to the command ship, the eagle was tired, it was also obvious on the freckled child's face that he was tired.

"Can you turn around again, son?"

Gray asked Stand.

"I'm fine, but he probably won't be able to carry me anymore!"

Stand stroked the eagle's head and locked it back in the cage.

“Stand up, signal everyone to continue defending. Anyone with a big mouth should tell other ships to expand their formation. "

Command of the captain.

“Why, sir? If we spread out, we will be delicious food for the dragons above. "

Stand up surprised.

“We will bet on luck. I feel the next salvo we can no longer afford. Separation will not die for some time. "

Gray nodded, his face obviously thoughtful.


When Gray did not ask who was the strongest on the ship, Skylar, when the general heard that, rushed to the railing, stretched his neck and long face like a horse, and shouted.


The other ships began to talk to each other Orally. The oars slowly come out from under the hull and move smoothly.

However, before the formation was over, the fourth round of ammunition fell. They did not explode on the barrier, but exploded in the upper half.

"It's a bullet of smoke!"

Lennox publishes newspapers.

Above, clouds of smoke spread through the air. Allied forces blocked the fleet’s view.

Explosions rang out again, this time cluster bullets exploding.

Visibility is obscured, making it impossible for the entire army to see the bullet path to set up a barrier. The crackle of projectiles hitting the hull. Windy Mout supports can only protect themselves. The ship began to shake before the bombing.

Another round of ammunition fired, faster than the previous ones. A thin cloud still covered the scene. There was a loud explosion, and wood chips flew everywhere. Even if the formation is stretched to limit the firepower concentration of the airship, it is inevitable that a carpet of bombs and bullets will fall on the head of such.

Captain Gray sat capsule right from the explosion. The deck and balustrade in front of the ship were bitten by explosive pressure, some of the balustrades were blown away. Many soldiers fell, their blood stained red even on his cheeks as he buried his face in the hard wooden floor. A crewman was crushed by an arrow on his left leg, he was crying for help, pain evident on his face.

Lennox fell from the observatory, although he coordinated the air around his body to slow the fall, but the fall also caused his pain. Skylar and Stand moved to where their colleagues were lying to check the status. The sadness on the faces of the two men.

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