chapter 9: Unveiling Secrets and Brewing Storms

Old Ms. Harrington turned to Andrew and said, "I'm sorry, Andrew. I know I was the one who put you in this mess!" Her voice was firm as she embraced Andrew in a tight hug.

"I won't allow that to happen to you anymore!"

Andrew nodded his head, tears welling up.

"Grandmother, I'm also sorry for the shame I brought to today's celebration. I was just trying to protect myself from the man who was bullying me, saying I had to pay up for the drug money I owed him, even after I said I wasn't into drugs anymore! After that, he tried to kill me!"

"I know, Andrew. You can't kill anyone; it was just self-defense, wasn't it?" Old Ms. Harrington asked, her voice gentle but strong.

A devilish smile played on Andrew's face.

"Yes, Grandma. I can't kill anyone," he said, lifting his head.

Old Ms. Harrington held Andrew's face in her hands, looking deeply into his eyes. "How was the agreement between you and Mr. Blackwell? I hope the government has pardoned our family!" she asked, her voice full of hope.

Andrew took a deep breath. "The agreement didn't go well, Grandmother. I was about to enter Mr. Blackwell's office when Tyler attacked me, saying he would sabotage our proposal," Andrew spoke softly, his eyes downcast.

"So you were unable to see Mr. Blackwell, and the deadline is drawing closer. We have just three weeks left!" Old Ms. Harrington fanned herself with her hand despite the air conditioning in the villa, her anger boiling just below the surface.

After Tyler left the villa, Old Ms. Harrington thought it was the perfect time for Andrew to represent her in Mr. Blackwell's office since she was busy. Today was the appointed time given to her to appeal the family's case with the government concerning the ongoing issues. They needed Mr. Blackwell's support before the deadline.

As Old Ms. Harrington finished her words, Emily interjected, "Grandma, don't worry about the deadline. Once my nomination is over, the sum of money I receive will solve the hefty fine! Since this is how Tyler wants to destroy our family's reputation!" Emily said.

"This will not happen under my watch!" A voice interrupted. It belonged to one of the government officials, who assured them that the Harrington family name would not be dragged to court under his jurisdiction.

"But Tyler must pay for his actions," Ms. Jenner added before dragging Emily to a quiet corner of the villa.

As Nicholson saw the government official standing up for the Harrington family, he thought this was the perfect time to show his influence.

"Old Ms. Harrington, I know how to get that bastard back here!" Nicholson stood proudly, reaching for his phone with a determined look.

As he scrolled through his contacts, he dialed a number. "Hello, Renee, send me Tyler William's profile!" he commanded.

"Okay, sir, that will be done shortly," Renee replied, hanging up the call.

Turning to the guests seated in the villa, Nicholson assured them, "He will be here soon!"

A minute later, Nicholson received a notification on his phone. He glanced at the incoming message and read Tyler's profile, which had been sent in an email. The guests, eager for resolution, watched intently as Nicholson skimmed the information.

Nicholson redialed Renee's number. "I need more than this. What about his university profile, the one where he graduated with first-class honors?" Nicholson said.

"That will be delivered shortly!" Renee said, the sound of her typing audible through the call.

"Done, sir," she confirmed as another notification popped up on Nicholson's phone.

"Thank you so much!" he replied, hanging up.

Nicholson opened the new email and scanned its contents. He found what he was looking for and smiled.

He addressed the room with renewed confidence.

"Tyler left behind some highly valuable research and patents tied to his university work. These documents are not just important—they're vital to his career and also future."

Nicholson dialed Tyler’s number, his voice firm yet encouraging. "Tyler, it’s Nicholson."

Hearing the caller’s voice, Tyler’s words carried a hint of anger. "How did you get my contact?"

"That doesn't matter right now," Nicholson said.

"Why are you calling?" Tyler asked.

"I have something you left behind," Nicholson replied.

"What is it?" Tyler asked eagerly.

"It’s been a while. Where have you been?" Nicholson inquired.

"Where I've been is none of your concern. Just get to the point or I'll hang up. What do you have?" Tyler said impatiently.

"I found your university research and patents in your office when you were fired. They're too valuable to be left behind, and they could change everything in your life. Let’s have a couple of drinks. I know I did something wrong in the past, and we can use that time to resolve the conflict between us while I return what belongs to you," Nicholson said.

"Okay," Tyler agreed.

"I’ll send you the location where we can meet," Nicholson added.

As Nicholson hung up the call and turned to face the guests, a sudden burst of applause filled the room. Nicholson's face lit up with joy, feeling that he was finally fitting in among the upper-class circle of San Francisco.

"Thank you so much!" he said, a smile spreading across his lips as he bowed his head slightly in appreciation.

"You’ve done a nice job!" a guest said, standing up and raising her drink.

After a few minutes, Nicholson received a text from Tyler, indicating he had arrived at the meeting spot.

"He just texted!" Nicholson announced to the crowd.

"Don't go alone," a mafia boss said, stepping forward. "I’ll send two of my men with you. If he proves stubborn, they’ll make sure he comes back with you."

As Nicholson left the mansion, a soft whisper came from a quiet corner of the villa where Emily and her mother, Ms. Jenner, were conversing.

"I just want you to be truthful with me," Ms. Jenner said. "You were not alone in your room. There was a man with you."

"Mother, what are you talking about? I was all alone in my room!" Emily insisted.

"Oh, really? Are you telling me that Tyler didn’t catch you cheating with another man?" Ms. Jenner pressed.

Mrs. Jenner was aware that Old Mrs. Harrington's words were just for show; she hadn't fully endorsed the divorce agreement. Any small mistake or the revelation that Emily had cheated on Tyler could prompt her to cancel the divorce, and Emily would then have to face the repercussions for breaking her grandfather's agreement.

"Um, um, Mother, actually, we were just having a business conversation. The man didn’t sleep with me!" Emily said, her hand going to the back of her neck, her eyes filled with sadness.

"And you know your grandmother most not find out you were cheating on that 'good for nothing' Tyler. She hasn’t granted approval for your divorce yet!" Ms. Jenner added.

"Mummy, don’t mind that asshole. I wasn’t the one who cheated after all. He was the one who cheated on me!" Emily said, just as they were interrupted by Old Ms. Harrington's voice inside the villa.

"Everyone, please give me a moment. I want to have a short conversation with my children and grandchildren!" Old Ms. Harrington announced.

"What did you just say? He cheated on you? Let's go and hear what your grandmother has to say. We’ll come back to this later," Ms. Jenner said, her voice laced with urgency and concern.

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