Greatest Fear 2

"Uhhh mind you, you're jack jones not one freaky jack Bauer" Chloe blurted with a frown on her face as she raised her hand to Jack who lifted her.

"Guess you're tough after all, but mind you there's no such thing as I fear no one" Freddie added as they all walk towards him.

"Freddie is right, everyone has something to fear" Kim explained before throwing them some towels to clean their sweat.

"yea" they all nodded in agreement.

"I don't know about that, I'm the strongest; fiercest and surprisingly I took down the chosen one so there's nothing to fear about" Jack boasted which made Freddie scoff at him.

"You know Jack as humans, we all got our fears. I'm a bit scared of horror movies" James said.

"Seeing spiders always freak me out" Chloe added. With her knowing, Freddie brought out a plastic spider and then boom, Chloe ran out of the room which made them all laugh at her.

"Zombies are very creepy; very disgusting" Michelle said making a disgusting look on her face.

"You see Jack, every
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