As George entered the truck, he smiled. "Ah, finally. No more hard rock seats." He said while sitting comfortably on the cushioned seat next to the Major.
"I bought this baby. The M35 series. They used to call this the Eagle Beaver. Don't know why they changed the name, but I liked it. Served me in Iraq, and I will never forget its service." Major Ivan spoke as he rubbed his hands against the steering wheel before inserting the key.
George looked at the meters behind the steering wheel and wondered how old this truck could be, "Well this truck is nice and all, but it seems pretty ancient." He commented.
When the Major heard that, he looked at George and said, "You bastards are spoilt. With your hologramic meters and your auto-driven cars or whatnot ." He complained before noticing something strange.
After a few minutes of driving, Major Ivan slowed down...
"What the hell..." As he looked at the surroundings, the Major said, "Corporal, are you seeing this?" He asked.
"Pretty strange, sir," George observed as he looked around. This place is usually filled with rednecks... And by my understanding, rednecks aren't quiet. " As he tried harder to look around, he said.
"No, they aren't... Corporal, do you have a gun on you?" The Major asked as he looked George in the eye.
"No, sir. "I do, however, have a knife." He replied as he could see a slight fear on the Major's face.
The Major then turned to George and looked him in the eye. "There are a few guns behind, take some for yourself, and while you're at it, get me an AR-15, and a few 30-round magazines." Before looking through the window again, he said.
George nodded, "Yes sir!" He whispered before walking to the back of the truck and opening the boxes. He immediately recognized the AR-15 and picked it up, along with five 30-round magazines, before handing it to the Major.
He then looked through the boxes and found an M16; he packed himself with bulletproof gear and ammo.
Before returning to the front seat, he picked up a Glock 19 nearest to him.
As he looked back at the front seat, the Major looked at him with widening eyes, "Goddamn, Corporal. I only told you to pick up a weapon just in case we are being attacked." He laughed before a loud gunshot could be heard behind him.
As the Major turned to the window, he saw the bulletproof glass almost broken. "Crap! Get down!" The Major shouted while the both of them ducked.
As they did that, a flurry of gunshots could be heard, and the window shattered, with the glass pieces dropping on George and the Major.
"We have to get to the back!" The Major shouted as he and George crawled to the back of the truck.
Realizing he was in more trouble than expected, he took off his uniform and put on his vest. "Corporal, we are in deep shit. Take as many weapons as you can carry. We might die here. But with luck and, hopefully, God's grace, we might make it out alive." As sweat ran down his brow, he said.
"Yes sir," George replied while taking more magazines and grenades.
Major Ivan then pulled out goggles, saying, "The Xaver-2000, this thing should help us look through these walls," as he put it on.
But as he activated the goggles, he saw the screen glitching. "Damn it! They are using a signal jammer..."
"We won't know what's going on..." George commented as the Major nodded in agreement.
"We have only one choice..." The Major said this as he pulled out a smoke grenade and pulled out the head, allowing smoke to escape from the canister.
He opened the door before throwing another smoke grenade outside, and as the smoke started to enlarge outside the truck, the loud sound of machine gun shots started again, and the two of them could see bullets piercing through the smoke.
"Damn it, how many sons of bitches are there?" The Major asked as he peaked right outside of the back.
Bang! A bullet flew right past the Major, brushing his cheek.
As he drew his head back into the truck, a cut could be seen on his cheek, and blood started flowing from it. "About 9 guys. Well trained. I doubt that they are terrorists. The shot that almost killed me was done by a guy using a revolver. Skilled bastards." He said as he wiped the blood off his face.
"How far are they from here?" George asked. "If they almost shot you in the head, it could only mean that they are near. We might have a chance." He said while smiling.
Major Ivan gulped as he heard George say, "About 700 yards away... He said while lowering his head.
George heard this and almost dropped his gun in shock. "700 yards?? He shot at you, using a revolver? That's impossible!" He said.
"Yeah, if they were normal humans then you might be right. But it seems that they are hunters, low-ranked hunters at that, but they know how to use their skills effectively. The guy who shot at me should be a gravity manipulation hunter." The Major said before sighing.
"What can we do..." George grumbled while scratching his head.
"Tsk, I have an idea. I will stay here. It seems that the enemy is only from the left. And as far as I know, the right is empty. I will distract them here, while you exit quietly from the right door with a sniper. Change places every time you take a shot." The Major said this while pointing to the right-hand door.
George nodded, "Yes sir!" He muttered as he crept out of the car on the right side.
As he exited, the Major started firing shots from his part of the truck, distracting the enemy to his side.
George dropped out of the truck and started crawling through the field. Fortunately, the truck was parked in a grain field, allowing him to crawl through the tall plants.
"Damn it!" He whispered. 'Although they wouldn't be able to see me here... Because of the tall plants, I wouldn't be able to see them either...'
He crawled to find the perfect spot before mud started covering his vest and face. As he saw the mud sticking to his hand, he smiled and smothered it all over his face and clothes as much as possible.
He even plucked out the plants and stuck them in his shirt, camouflaging him. He stood up as slowly as he could, and as he used the military binoculars, he gritted his teeth at the point of almost breaking them, "Son of a... What the hell are you doing here?" He murmured as he noticed Lu Bu behind the nine hunters.
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The First System User Chapter 7: Never Felt So Cool
George was still looking from afar and could see Lu Bu using the binoculars, but it didn't look like Lu Bu was disturbed by the situation, nor did he show any guilt; he was looking at his watch and waiting for it to end. "So that guy doesn't care huh?" George said as he looked through the sniper scope and aimed at his head. He touched the trigger and felt his heart burning, 'Why the heck would he want me dead?' Before moving his finger away from the trigger, he thought that shooting Lu Bu wouldn't be the intelligent thing to do.He then turned his attention to the gravity manipulation hunter, using nothing but a revolver to shoot from afar, Bang! And the gravity manipulation hunter fell to the ground, lifeless.But before he could aim at the others, he could see the rest of them running to take cover, "Shit." He muttered as he struggled to aim at the moving targets. He was a good
The First System User Chapter 8
Lu Bu froze up as he thought of how George could do it, "Uhm, corporal, could this be your power?" He asked."No. I am not a hunter. I just have ways. Now, are you gonna test me or what?" George asked seemingly angry and impatient."Yes, corporal." Lu Bu replied while nodding his head.George quickly snatched the stone tablet and waited for ten seconds exactly before throwing it back to Lu Bu, "See? I am not a hunter." He said sounding a little bit angry.Lu Bu, seeing that George was getting angry at him stepped towards the door before looking back at him again, "Can I test you manually?" He asked while looking slightly worried about the situation.George then extended his arm, "Fine, do what you will."Lu Bu nodded and walked closer to George and as he touched his hands, he closed his eyes before sighing, "Sorry for wasting your time corporal." He uttered with a disappointed tone before turning to Major Ivan, "Major, I will excuse myself." He added before walking out of the ro
The First System User Chapter 9
In front of the greens of the forest, the truck sped up and drove through the branches. "Corporal, have you set things the way how I told you to?" Major Ivan Sharp asked.George nodded, "Yes sir. This is the button." He said while handing a controller that had a red button in the middle of it to the Major."Good..." The Major said while hitting the brakes before almost crashing into a spruce tree. "Now! Get out!" He continued while he and George ran out of the truck.Shortly after, Rolls-Royce stopped their car as they saw the truck in front of the tree while the other two military trucks parked behind Royce. "Damn it! Why the heck did they come here." Lu Bu shouted while he stormed out of the car while taking out his tie and throwing it in the car, "And he is not gonna like scratches on the car. I'm practically dead..." He continued as he looked at the pitiful state of the car.The 9 hunters walked out of the cars with weapons in their hands, "The target knows that we are coming. It
The First System User Chapter 10
"Hold on... I think I know who they are now... The All Russian Mercenaries. They are one of the best mercenaries out there." Major Ivan Sharp said."The best? I thought they were C-rank hunters?" George asked, confused about the hierarchy of ranks."Hunter ranks aren't that important in this case. Before they were all awakened, they were already elite soldiers from the Spetsnaz and Russian armies. The hunter abilities are just the icing on the cake." Major Ivan replied while gulping and wiping off his sweat."Special forces... But we still have a chance to win right?" George asked.Major Ivan nodded, "Maybe... But we have to be patient. Our biggest threat is the Eagle twins... They are the best snipers in Russia, maybe in the world as partners. Which means... We will have to go now!" He whispered while running towards where the Russians at with George following him from behind.They slowly ran and every time they could, they would hide behind the trees to avoid being seen by the Russi
The First System User Chapter 11
"So are you ready to talk?" Major Ivan Sharp asked."Mmhm, wait," Drago replied with a mouthful of munched lamb shank and bread in his mouth. He then took a tissue and wiped his mouth before looking the Major in the eye, "Okay, I will talk now. Ask me anything about Lu Bu and if I know about it, I will answer." He continued."Fair enough, but you sure you want to talk in a place like this?" Major Ivan asked as he looked at the interior of the restaurant they were in."This place is good enough, what are the kids here going to do about what we say?" Tell the police?" Drago smirked as he looked at the arched-back young teenagers.Major Ivan nodded, "Well, firstly, I was wondering if Lu Bu did this on his own accord, or is there someone else controlling him behind the shadows?" He asked."Someone told him to do this. That chicken can't do anything by himself." Drago replied confidently."Who?" The Major asked immediately."I don't know. But that person is probably from the UN.""Yeah, th
The First System User Chapter 12
Pui! Lu Bu spat out his teeth and blood out of his mouth before looking back at Major Ivan Sharp, "Who the hell do you think you are? You don't know who I am, if I had a phone you would be dead in 5 minutes." He said while looking at everyone else in the building."And until then, you are nothing. Now answer, who is behind this." Major Ivan Sharp said while pointing the gun at Lu Bu's head.Lu Bu stared at Major Ivan Sharp with a smug look on his face, "Or what? What are you gonna do? You can't kill me. The UN will be on your ass if you did." He replied.Major Ivan Sharp nodded while gritting his teeth. He then put his gun back in his pocket and turned to George, "The pliers." He said this before George handed him a red-handled plier.As Lu Bu saw this his smug turned into a horrified look, "Hey, what are you gonna do with that? What are you gonna do with that?!" He shouted.Major Ivan Sharp then turned to Lu Bu and brought the pliers closest to Lu Bu's finger, "You were not willing t
The First System User Chapter 13
George rolled his eyes before kicking Lu Bu in the face, "Don't waste our time Lu Bu! Info! Now!" He shouted.Lu Bu got back up with a bruised face and stared at George before putting on his suit properly, "I don't know how I can help you." He replied."I already told you, don't play with us! You better get that mouth rolling, or we'll roll your dead body off the hill!" Major Ivan sharped stepped in and grabbed Lu Bu's collar."I said I don't know how I can help you! I have no idea who gave me the money! I always got instructions through messages and emails, never even calls." Lu Bu replied quickly seeing that they misunderstood what he said."That can't be true... How did you first get to this kind of business?" Major Ivan asked.Lu Bu looked at the floor and bit his lips, "Uhm, I don't know the exact date but, it was when I was using one of the laptops given by the UN, and I just got a message ordering me to do something, to change a certain number in the budget files... And uhm, sh
The First System User Chapter 14
Drago walked towards the back and divided the money equally into three bags, he then threw two bags to George and Major Ivan, "I think I have counted it properly." He said before taking out a brick of cash in his hand. "Hahaha, I can't wait to use this in Hilton." He continued before kissing the money.Major Ivan quickly grabbed the brick of money from Drago's hands and threw it in the bag, "You better not." He said before walking towards his bag."Why not?" Drago said, raising his brows and staring at the Major. "There is nothing wrong with using this money, right?" He asked."Of course there is! You have received American citizenship right?" Major Ivan asked while pointing at Drago."Yes... But I don't understand why you are so mad?" Drago asked seemingly confused about what was happening, and he wasn't alone, George was also confused about why Major Ivan seemed stressed out."You, a nobody in the eyes of the government, suddenly go into an expensive hotel, eat the best foods, and s
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Chapter 49: Fight With Damien Part 4
George's eyes opened, his mind still throbbing from the overwhelming influx of information. He glanced at his watch, noting that it was only 6 o'clock. Just as he prepared to rise from his bed, a knock came at the door. "Major, I'm awake," George called out. The door swung open, revealing the figure of Major Ivan. "You recognized it was me; did you foresee it again?" he asked, a hint of exhaustion in his voice. George nodded, and the Major let out a sigh. "When will we have a day where we can simply survive without complications?" "I need you to convince the General to change his plan. Some things can't be fixed even with my ability," George implored. Major Ivan nodded in agreement. "Funny you should mention that. I was actually on my way to his office. Care to join me?" Rubbing his temples to alleviate the pounding headache, George replied, "Sure, just give me five minutes." "Take your time. Meet me outside when you're ready," Ivan said, leaving the room and closing the door be
Chapter 48: Fight With Damien Part 3
George stood firmly in front of Damien, his body tense with anticipation. It was the second time he had experienced this day, and he knew exactly what moves Damien would execute. Yet, even armed with this knowledge, George couldn't shake the feeling of inferiority that washed over him. He still felt small, weak, and utterly unaware of the circumstances surrounding him. But George couldn't afford to dwell on these thoughts. Failure was not an option, for if he faltered now, he would be forced to relive the entire day using his time loop abilities. Fatigue weighed on George's mind, though it didn't manifest in his physical form. It was evident in his eyes, which carried the weariness of experiencing the same events twice over. With determination fueling his every move, George launched a punch towards Damien. Yet, just as he predicted, Damien effortlessly sidestepped the attack, evading it as he had done before. Undeterred by his missed punch, George unleashed a rapid series of strike