A Ritual Of Transformation (2)
"It's not me, Sultan. It's the universe. And it's already in motion."

A figure emerged from the radiant haze, its presence commanding attention. Though still veiled in light, its features seemed more defined, more pronounced than the others.

With an deliberate stride, it approached Sultan, its smoky hands outstretched towards him. Sultan felt an irresistible tug, as if an unseen force was drawing him back to the center of the circle.

He attempted to resist, but the pull was too potent, too overwhelming. His body began to move of its own accord, his feet sliding across the ground as if pulled by an invisible thread.

The figure's hands reached out further, their misty fingers beckoning him to do as made to.

Without warning, Sultan felt the weight of invisible chains crashing down upon him, their ethereal links wrapping around his limbs like a vice.

The sudden restraint sent him tumbling to his knees, his body straining against the unseen bonds as panic erupted within him.
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