An Overpowered Fool (1)

Sultan awoke in the hospital, the pungent smell of antiseptic filling his nostrils. He groggily lifted his head, his gaze darting around the unfamiliar surroundings.

His body felt heavy, as if the weight of reality pressed down on him, lying on the cold, hard operating table.

He blinked, his vision clearing to reveal the harsh overhead lights of the surgery room, their brightness piercing through his eyes like a thousand needles.

“Ouch!” He winced, squinting against the light. Then, his eyes snapped open wide, and he was met with a shocking sight.

His irises, once a dark, unremarkable brown, now glowed with an eerie, luminous purple, like two amethysts radiating an otherworldly energy.

The color radiated in a circular pattern, almost hypnotic, against the backdrop of his otherwise normal eyes, which seemed to stare back at him with a newfound intensity.

Sultan gasped deeply, the rush of air into his lungs feeling like the first breath he had ever taken, filling him with a sense
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