Death's Riddle (2) Who Am I?

In the depths of a foreboding abyss, Sultan stumbled, his vision blurring like a fading ember. His heart raced with a terror that threatened to consume him whole.

The darkness surrounding him was palpable, a living entity that suffocated him with its crushing grip. The faint, eerie glow cast an unholy light on his face, illuminating the anguish etched on his features.

The chains that bound him glimmered with a malevolent light, their cold, unyielding links digging into his flesh like icy fingers.

His breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a desperate plea for escape from the clutches of the abyss. And then, a presence emerged from the void, its face shrouded in shadows that seemed to writhe like living darkness.

"I am Death," it whispered, its voice a haunting echo that resonated through Sultan's very soul.

Panic surged through him like a raging torrent, threatening to engulf him in its depths. His instincts screamed at him to flee, but the chains held him fast, unyielding and merc
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