The Devil In Both Worlds (1)

Lugard's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. "How did you know about Lord Lin, young master? No one knew about our...arrangement. It was a secret, known only to a select few."

Sultan's smile widened, and he looked at Lugard with a hint of amusement. "I...I don't know, Lugard. I just recalled that my father spoke of him in hushed tones, with a mix of reverence and fear. And now, here you are, connected to him in some way. It's all very… uniting, don't you think?"

He spoke like a tease! And Lugards respect for him just doubled… No, quadrupled!

Lugard's gaze intensified, his voice low and urgent. "Tell me, young master, what exactly did your father say about Lord Lin? And you called him Grand Uncle? How is he still as young as you if he is that? Every detail is crucial.”


In the ethereal realm of the Major Arcana, a grand court convened, its vast and shimmering expanse filled with an otherworldly light that seemed to emanate from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.

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