The Result Of The Pot Of Gold

The crowd of protesters didn't back down, neither did they give sultan's deal a listening ear. Follow him inside? tsk! Instead, each carrying a sign that spoke volumes yelled on, ignoring Sultan.

"Watson Jr. Out!"

"Fair Wages Now!"

"End Nepotism!"

The air was thick with tension, the crowd's chants reverberating off the walls.

Lord Lin and Lugard stood nearby, their expressions tense and watchful. Sultan, however, was unfazed. A mischievous grin spread across his face, eyes twinkling with an impish glee. He reached into his pocket and, to everyone's shock, pulled out a stack of crisp bills.

The crowd's angry shouts faltered, replaced by gasps of disbelief as he began handing out the money. What a cheap man trying to buy them off!!!

The first protester to receive the cash, a middle-aged woman with lines of worry etched into her face, stared at the bills in her hand. "What is this?" she stammered, looking from the money to Sultan's smiling face.

Sultan chuckled, a light, infectious
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