A Stir of Anger


The leaders of the most respected Provinces Old Reyes, Petrova Theodore and Lady Theresa Martinez alongside the assistant Warlord gathered for a brief meeting. The assistant Warlord seemed almost unbothered, sipping his coffee as though he was invited out of his own will.

"Tiwa was stolen from Lewisville." Petrova spoke first.

"Only those from the Martinez family can open that door. They must have summoned it out of there." Lady Theresa perplexed.

"A burglary in Lewisville? You were heartbroken for years after losing your eldest daughter. You must have become weaker over the years." Feddrick ridiculed rather than made contributions to improve the situation.

"What an impudent brat. You may be an illegitimate son. But you are still part of the Martinez family. How dare you bad-mouth your half sister?" Old Reyes scolded. "How dare you?" He raised his hand as though to hit him.

"I am the assistant Warlord. I would appreciate it if you sh
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