The Forgotten Lineage
The Forgotten Lineage
Author: Rose White
Chapter 1

Zach groaned and rubbed his face in frustration. He stared at the skyrocketing debt bill, the numbers making his head throb.

“What now? What should I do?”

Just three months ago, his bar business was doing pretty well, but out of nowhere, he got a call from the bank about an overdue payment. Zach did have debts, not only to the bank but also to loan sharks, but the calculations were still manageable until this morning's warning letter arrived.

His phone rang for the umpteenth time. The numbers of the loan sharks had been terrorizing him since yesterday. Zach had no idea why all these problems were hitting him at once.

“I can’t believe this! How could you borrow such a huge amount from them? Twenty million dollars? Are you crazy?” one of his employees and close friends yelled.

“I have no idea where this is coming from!” Zach’s face turned red, sweat forming on his forehead, and he gripped his phone tightly. He was in a panic because a few minutes ago, the loan sharks had come and wrecked his bar. Even the customers had run out in fear.

“You idiot, Zach! We trusted you with this bar. There’s no way the debt could balloon like this without you knowing.”

Zach could understand his friend's anger, but he genuinely knew nothing about the staggering amount. He had never taken out such a huge loan from the bank or loan sharks for the bar, except for the initial startup.

The bar was in complete chaos that night. Chairs, drink bottles, glasses, and even lamps were smashed and scattered on the floor. The loan sharks threatened to shut down the bar forcibly if Zach didn’t settle the $20 million debt. It was an insane amount, and Zach wasn’t that crazy.

Zach stopped pacing and looked at his friend. “I’m sure something’s wrong,” he said after thinking it over. Something he didn’t know must have happened, something was definitely off.

With burning anger, Zach ran to his office. He checked his desk, looking for something to confirm that what he saw was real.

When he opened the drawer, the stamp he often used for important documents was missing. “I’m sure I left it here.” He kept searching but couldn’t find it anywhere. He was certain he’d seen it in the drawer the night before closing the bar.

His body froze. Then, he sprinted, nearly crashing into his friend who was about to enter the office. “Zach, what’s happening?” But Zach didn’t respond.

Zach burst into the security room where the CCTV footage was monitored. He immediately looked for the recording from his office. His eyes scanned the computer screen intensely. After a few minutes, he saw something suspicious.

“You bastard! You’re dead!”

Two people tangled in the sheets, exhausted, their bodies glistening with sweat. After a brief pause, the woman climbed onto the man, whispering seductive words and moaning as she moved her hips.

“Enough,” the man chuckled at the woman’s bold behavior.

“Honey, I always get what I want from you. You’re amazing compared to Zach!” She kept moving her hips, moaning softly.

The man took control, lifting her to bring her into his embrace. “I’ll finish this.” He rolled over, switching their positions, intensifying their union.

“Ahh!” The woman was overwhelmed. “Faster!” Her eyes shut tightly and then widened as she reached her climax.

They finished after two hours of nonstop passion. At 10 PM, they were still in bed, laughing and joking.

“What about Zach?” asked Ava Thompson. “I don’t want to marry him,” she whined in her lover’s arms.

“You won’t marry him, honey. I’ve set things up so you have a reason to break off your engagement with Zach.” Sam kissed Ava’s forehead tenderly.

“I can’t imagine Zach’s panicked expression!” Ava laughed heartily. “What are you going to do with the money, honey? I want to travel around Europe!” There wasn’t a hint of guilt on her face.

“Of course. I’ll spoil you with that money. Zach will bear all the debts.” Sam snorted. “That stupid bar will never succeed. It’s been three months with no progress. I told that idiot Zach from the start not to get into this business.”

Ava laughed. But suddenly, the door burst open. A man with a furious expression stood at the doorway, his face showing sheer disappointment. Zach didn’t know how to react. Anger? Cry? Go berserk?

For a moment, a tense silence filled Ava’s room. The woman quickly wrapped herself in a blanket, while Sam hurriedly put on his clothes.

“Zach, you’re here. I was just about to call you.” Ava spoke with a trembling voice, a mix of nerves and fear. Inside, she cursed, realizing how stupid she sounded.

“Call me while you’re having sex?” Zach responded with a bitter smile. His eyes were red, one hand holding a piece of paper. It was proof of the loans taken out in his name without his knowledge.

“Zach, I can explain--”

“Shut up, you tramp!” Zach’s voice was low but showed his deep disappointment and anger. “And you, Sam. I considered you like a brother. But--” He laughed, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t even know what to call someone like you.” And that’s when tears of sheer disappointment fell from his eyes.

“Zach, I didn’t mean to cheat with your fiancée. But Ava came on to me first.” Sam, showing no remorse, pointed at Ava standing opposite him.

“Honey--I mean, Sam! What are you talking about?” Ava couldn’t accept the one-sided accusation.

“Is that your only problem?” Zach asked skeptically. His eyes darkened as he slowly approached Sam. “Besides sleeping with your friend’s fiancée, do you not remember what else you did to me?”

Sam took a few steps back instinctively. “Zach, what are you talking about?”

Zach threw the paper in Sam’s face. “What did you do to our bar?”

Sam’s face turned pale. The sweat from his affair with Ava instantly vanished, replaced by a cold, tense aura. “I-I didn’t… I mean, how did you know?”

“Bastard! Scum!” Zach’s curse was followed by a punch that hit Sam’s face, sending him sprawling on the floor, groaning in pain.

Without waiting, Zach was about to strike again, but someone held his hand tightly. He heard crying beside him. Ava was crying, begging him.

“Stop! Don’t hurt Sam!”

Zach stood still, sweat dripping down his forehead. He looked up, mumbling, “What kind of shitty reality is this?”

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