A few minutes ago when he and Chad arrived at this same hospital in Chad's luxurious Rolls-Royce Phantom, the paramedics had rushed out to attend to them. He can vividly remember these ladies. They were amongst those that rushed out to attend to them! And they had done so with so much enthusiasm!

They couldn't stop grinning as they stood in place waiting for god knows what. He doesn't know why they waited before rushing towards the car, but he knows they couldn't wait to.

They were part of the reasons he had hesitated to alight from the car and in the end ordered the chauffeur to drive away.

From their expressions, he knew they were going to make a scene. Being a man of his nature, who loves his serenity, he knew he wouldn't have been able to withstand their fanatic screams and clamors.

The scene of how dejected they were when the Rolls-Royce Phantom drove away still replays in his mind. It was such a funny scene that it took him a lot of restraint to keep himself from laughing out
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