The new lady smiles too. "Thank you for making things easy for me. Now I can have him all to myself. Thank you so much." She turns to Lucian and slips her hand into his. "Let's go, baby."

Without arguing, Lucian nods, picks up the envelope on the floor, and together they walk out of the house and into the car.

Laura and her new boyfriend are mouths agape! What just happened? Their thoughts are running far and wide. They can't believe that this lady who drives a car worth more than 18 million just asked Lucian, the pauper out.

How? How did that pauper get the attention of such a super beautiful lady?

As soon as Lucian and the lady get into the car and the car zooms off, Laura lowers her head, her face sober.

She suddenly regrets her actions. She can't believe she just lost a man who such a lady has been wanting. She feels so ashamed of herself.

Her new bf isn't left out too. His head is tilted and his thoughts are on how Lucian can be the boyfriend of that beautiful lady.

Is this world suddenly so fantastical? He just can't understand!

Back in the car, Lucian and the lady who just took him away are no longer holding hands but he can't stop smiling at her. With how he is staring at her, it is obvious that he knows who she is. Of course, he does. She is his sister.

Although they are not of the same parents, she is one of the kids he grew up with in the orphanage. It is normal for kids from the same orphanage to address each other as siblings.

Lucian had merely been pretending not to know her because he didn't want Laura and her new boyfriend to think otherwise!

"Thank you, sis," he says appreciatively.

The young lady smiles up at him and pats him on the shoulder.

She had primarily come to pick him up from Laura's house because she wanted to congratulate him on his job offer.

The act of her being his girlfriend and having feelings for him was a ruse!

Indeed, brightful days make brightful mornings. The sun is high in the sky, brightening up the day with its glory.

It's a new day. An explicit beautiful one at that.

Today is Monday, a busy day for workers, students, and hawkers alike.

Breckenridge Ave, Aurora is bussing with life. People are walking hither and thither.

Students are skidding to school, hawkers are yelling at the top of their lungs for buyers, and workers are walking at breakneck speed.

They can't afford to be late to work.

The people appear to be cheerful as they continue to exchange greetings with their fellow countrymen.

However, there will always be an outcast in every group. One who will not greet or smile.

The outcast this time around is none other than Lucian Wood! He is decked in corporate attire; a back suit, white t-shirt, black tie, black pants, and those black fishlike mouth shoes.

He looks unexpectedly stunning and despite the fact that his suit is an older model and looks frayed, he still manages to capture the attention of both ladies and guys alike.

But he doesn't reciprocate. He doesn't seem to be happy as his face is stretched into a deep frown and his eyebrows are furrowed disconcertingly.

It's his first day at work. A work that he labored day and night for. And although he is amongst those hurrying so they won't be late, he is not among those happy that they are heading to work.

Not just is he frowning, but he is also riding his electric bike so reluctantly. So much like he is pushing himself to keep moving.

Yesterday, he broke up with his girlfriend, Laura. Even though he knows it was the best decision, he still feels slightly hurt. He loved her so much and had big plans for her.

But that's not the only reason he's saddened.

While browsing through his phone last night, checking on The Lily Microsoft Company, from which he had just received an offer, he discovered a fact that took away his sleep and kept him awake all night, a fact he doesn't know whether to call karma or mere coincidence.

Unfortunately, Laura's new boyfriend, the same guy he fought with yesterday, owns The Lily Microsoft Company.

All through the night, he had considered not reporting to work today. He had also considered submitting new applications to other companies but remembering how he suffered to get this job and how much he needed it, he could only push himself to go on.

As he approaches the company as directed by the map on his phone, he can only hope and pray that he doesn't run into them.

He refers to Laura and her new boyfriend when he says "them."

He wishes to go in, complete his work, and return home in peace.

Lucian can't help but gasp as he finally gets to the entrance to The Lily Microsoft Company.

The image on G****e Maps does nothing to justify the sight in front of him. The company before him has taken his breath away!

The company is neither too flashy nor too shady. But it more than qualifies as a tourist attraction! With a glance at it, one can tell it must have taken millions of dollars to build.

It is not one of the extravagant towering skyscraper buildings as it is merely a fifteen-story structure.

But the decorations, the glasses that represent each office, are very appealing.

The glasses used are the most expensive in the state! Only the very wealthy can afford them as one costs more than half a million dollars and there are more than hundreds of them used for the company!

Each of them represents an office and as he read from g****e last night, there are more than 120 offices, which means the glasses are more than 120!

He can only imagine how the inside will be if the outside is so appealing.

"Wow," he lets out a gasp.

He can't wait to get in right now! His sad expression has been transformed into a bright smile!

One that can't help but draw people's attention!

"He has such a beautiful smile!" Many people, especially ladies, murmur among themselves.

Lucian smiles up at them, having heard that before casually parking his bike at a far shady corner and rushing into the company, that is after showing the officer standing guard at the door his letter of resumption.

But everything; every excitement bubbling in his veins and the smile on his face is washed away as he comes face to face with his worst nightmares, the same people he had prayed not to run into as he turns to find his way to the HR's department. Wishes ain't horses, after all!

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