The Future Of Magic
The Future Of Magic
Author: Blue lace

In a future world, magic has become a lost art, and those who possess the abilities to wield it are hunted and feared by the government. A young man named Arden, who was born with the gift of magic, has lived his entire life on the run. He travels from place to place, using his abilities to earn a living as a street performer.

One day, Arden is approached by a mysterious woman who reveals to him that there is a group of rebels fighting against the oppressive government, and they believe that Arden could be the key to their victory. The woman offers to take him to their hideout and teach him how to control and enhance his powers.

Arden agrees, and upon arriving at the hideout, he is introduced to a team of skilled rebels who possess various magical abilities. Arden quickly learns that the rebels have a plan to overthrow the government and bring magic back to the world, but they are in desperate need of someone with his level of raw power to carry out the final step of their plan.

Arden trains with the rebels, learning to harness his powers and control his emotions, which had previously been his greatest weakness. He becomes close to the other rebels, forming bonds that he never thought possible.

As the day of the uprising approaches, Arden is tasked with infiltrating the government's headquarters and stealing a powerful magical artifact that is being kept in a heavily guarded room. With the help of the rebels, Arden is able to successfully retrieve the artifact and bring it back to the hideout.

With the artifact in their possession, the rebels launch a full-scale attack on the government headquarters. The battle is intense and many are lost, but with Arden's newfound power and control, they are able to defeat the government forces and bring an end to the oppression of magic.

In the aftermath of the battle, Arden is hailed as a hero and becomes the leader of the new magical society. He uses his powers to bring prosperity and equality to the world, and magic becomes a valued and respected art once again.

The story ends with Arden looking back on his journey, grateful for the friends he has made and the new world he has helped to create. He knows that there will always be challenges ahead, but with magic by his side, he is confident that he can face anything that comes his way.

Years passed, and Arden's rule as the leader of the magical society was marked by peace and prosperity. Under his leadership, magic was no longer seen as a weapon to be feared but as a tool to be revered. Arden himself became known as the greatest magician of all time, his power and mastery of the art only growing with each passing year.

However, as with any society, there were those who sought to challenge Arden's rule. A group of rebels, calling themselves the Purists, emerged, claiming that magic was becoming too widespread and that it was being diluted and lost its true purpose. They believed that magic should be reserved only for a select few, those who were truly worthy of wielding it.

Arden saw the danger in the Purists' beliefs and sought to stop them before they could do any harm. He tried to reason with them, to show them the benefits that magic had brought to the world, but they would not listen. The Purists refused to accept Arden's view and instead escalated their efforts, using their magic to cause chaos and destruction.

As the conflict between the Purists and the magical society grew, Arden realized that he would need to take drastic measures to protect his people. He made the difficult decision to banish the Purists from the society, separating them from those who would use magic for good.

The banishment was a success, and peace was restored. However, Arden knew that the Purists would not give up so easily. He continued to monitor their movements and was always vigilant, ready to defend his people against any attack.

Years went by, and Arden grew old, his powers waning. But his legacy lived on, and he became a legend in the world of magic. He passed on his knowledge and experience to the next generation of magicians, ensuring that the art of magic would continue to flourish.

Arden's story became a tale told and retold throughout the ages, a reminder of the power and importance of magic. It served as a testament to the power of the human spirit, to the strength of friendship and to the unbreakable bonds of those who stand united in the face of adversity. And as long as magic lived on, so too would the memory of Arden, the greatest magician of all time.

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