A Weird Changes

In the morning, Ernest came to his restaurant, which was already so crowded in line in front of his restaurant.

"Good morning, Mr. Ernest," greeted one of the customers Ernest remembered because almost every day the man visited his restaurant.

"Morning, hey, Mr. William! How could you have come here so early?" Ernest asked perplexedly because Mr. William usually came at lunchtime.

"Oh, I took a break this morning because you announced there was a new menu today. I can't wait to taste it," explained Mr.William, who made Ernest cringe his eyebrows in astonishment.

"New menu?" asked Ernest again astonished. Feelings he didn't announce there was a new menu today.

"Yes, just look at your restaurant's I*******m feed. Don't you know at all?" asked Mr. William confused like Ernest.

"Oh? Wait a minute," Ernest then reached into his pants pocket and opened his restaurant's I*******m.

Sure, there's a new menu at the restaurant in the form of steak. Wait, steak? The feeling he didn't announce at all there was a new menu. Then, who did all this?

Suddenly, there was a notif chat from someone anonymously. And Ernest believes the message came from Jeremy.

From: +123xxxx

The new menu is released now. You should taste it before your customers get angry. If it's good, you'll get $1500 in your account.

Ernest smiled reading the message. Mr. William was confused by Ernest's reaction just now.

"Did you get the lottery? Your face suddenly changed like that," Mr. William asked curiously.

"Ah, no. This menu was my employee's idea. I'll go inside to check it out, hope you get your seat, Mr. William!" Ernest said while patting Mr. William on the shoulder and then left there.

"Hey, at least give me one place so I can feel it!" exclaimed Mr. William.

Ernest entered the restaurant and saw many customers waiting for the new menu to be released and served. Darren who saw Ernest coming immediately ran out of the kitchen where he worked.

"Boss, what's going on? Why are you announcing a new menu before teaching me and testing my cooking?" Darren asked suddenly pulling Ernest's arm.

"You see their enthusiasm, Darren? Make the dishes on the menu. Can't you do it?" Ernest asked with a bright face.

"B-but?" Darren was about to interrupt Ernest's words, instead, he signaled Darren.

"Do your job or you end up just like that guy," Ernest whispered with emphasis.

"But we don't have that much beef!" Darren said indignantly.

"You think we should use beef? Use the man's flesh!" Ernest whispered into Darren's ear.

Darren suddenly turned his eyes not believing what he had just heard. While from a distance, Ken felt something was wrong with Darren and his boss.

Ken asked himself, "What are they hiding?"

After a long argument, Darren returned to the kitchen with a sad face. This was his first time cooking with an unusual kind of meat. Yes, human flesh.

"What's wrong?" asked Ken.

"Bring me the frozen meat in the freezer room. We use that meat to cook this dish," Darren explained, which was answered by Ronald and everyone in the kitchen except Ken.

"Hey, we can't make that food. We don't have steak!" Ken exclaimed to Darren.

"How do you know? The boss had prepared it last night," Darren said while daydreaming again about how he did not feel sick about dealing with all this. Considering what he and his boss did last night.

"Cooking steak with frog meat again do you mean?" asked Ken thoughtlessly.

However, Ronald comes with a bag of thinly sliced meat.

Darren endured his nausea while Ken couldn't believe that they had such a large stock of meat.

"It's very enough to make today's meal," Ken's great-grandson did not believe it.

"Please wash the meat first. I feel sick to smell his blood," Darren replied to Ronald's nod.

Darren swallowed his salivary. How can he hold this all to the end? He can't even stand all the secrets of this crazy restaurant anymore.


Ernest is looking at his company's shares now increasing since Jeremy ordered them one by one. He also glanced at the window how long the queue of people who wanted to eat at his restaurant was. Moreover, he was happy because the restaurant was crowded again and then the strange news no longer rose in the media's control.

"Good idea, Jeremy. I like your petty ways. If this continues, I could be crazy because my wealth is getting more abundant," Ernest said smiling happily.


The sound of knocking on the door distracted him, Darren came from outside with a new, warm menu of dishes. A very nice smell filled the room.

"Oh? It's you!" Ernest walked up to his seat.

"Is it done?" asked Ernest again.

"Yes, sir! Red meat steak with mayo sauce and mushroom, I hope you like it!" Darren said while refraining from getting nauseous in front of his boss.

"Ah, all right. I will taste it immediately before the customers go berserk," Ernest said and took a fork and a knife in both hands.

Ernest then cut the meat slowly. The meat was even so tender and fragile.

"Wow, You made it well. All right, I'll taste what it tastes like," Ernest said and then he cut the meat and ate it without hesitation.

Darren can only hold his salivary. Considering Karl's screams that night. He will never be able to eat the dish he just made.

"Fantastic! It's a perfect dish, Darren! Serve this to customers immediately! I'm sure they will like this dish," Ernest said and then devoured the food deliciously.

Darren just nodded without answering a word. He came out of the room and immediately made a new dish for the customers who had been waiting for him.

After Darren left, Ernest spat his food into tissues. He can't even eat that food even if it's delicious.

"Damn, this food is good. But, I can't eat it considering the crazy man's face!" Ernest said feeling nauseous and immediately drank water to hold his throat spewing out a mouthful of meat he had just digested.

"At least I ate the food as a bribe, it was better than Jeremy's punishment," Ernest said.


A note from his phone distracted him. Ernest opened his phone and then jumped for joy after learning that 1500$ money had been deposited into his account. Plus a message notification from Jeremy.

From: Jeremy

You did a good job, Ernest.

Ernest smiled brightly. He'll never be disappointed with Jeremy's errand to him. He's sure he'll be a billionaire shortly if he continues like this.

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