Feeling Interested

After working hard today even though the customers didn't come too much, as usual, Ernest came home to shed his tired body. Ernest parted ways with Hellen when Hellen had been picked up by his driver and he ended up taking a bus to go to his house.

On the way home, the bus was quite quiet because it was probably late. So he got a seat on the bus. While waiting for the bus to reach the stop near his house, he issued the business card that the man gave him. In his mind, he still wondered how he knew everything about his life.

"Who is he? Is he a friend of my father? Hmm, I have to ask him. How can he know my life so well? I don't even know him," Ernest muttered to himself.

While constantly wondering, Ernest recalled how he was so sure of her that the person on the business card could help with his difficulties. Actually, who is he? Ernest couldn't even focus on his work because thinking about it. He really should be home soon.

The bus stops right in front of the stop near his house. Ernest stood up and immediately walked to the driver to pay the bus fee, he got off and walked towards his house.

However, Ernest focused on his footsteps. He felt someone following him from behind. Ernest paused and looked back, but there was no one on the deserted street but himself. Ernest wrinkled his forehead and his foot walked back on. He tried to overcome his fear, fearing that it was the bad guy who would hurt him.

However, he has just walked a few more steps. He felt his presence much closer. Ernest also had the initiative to walk while he was taking out his phone. Visible from the screen, there's a male figure who seems to have stalked him a long time ago. Ernest ran away immediately after learning about it. The man who stalked her seemed to be chasing her. Ernest kept running while looking back occasionally. As he turned the corner, he was suddenly shocked to bump into someone who turned out to be his father.

"My God, I think who. It's a dad!" Ernest said in surprise as he set his irregular breath.

"Ernest, why are you running around? Is there someone following you? You look so scared," the father asked anxiously while checking if there was anyone who intended to harm his son or not, but he did not find anyone other than the lonely street because it was midnight.

"Ah, forget about it! What are you doing in the middle of the night like this? You should be sleeping, why are you wandering around like this?" Ernest asked turning the conversation away.

"I feel worried because you haven't come home, son. That's why I intend to wait for you at the bus stop. And when you walk there, you suddenly hit me with your panicked face. I'm grateful that you're okay," explained the father highlighting his anxious face.

"I'm fine, Dad. Let's just go home! Next time, just wait for me at home. I'll be home soon. Oh yeah, did you eat?" asked Ernest and they walked together to the house.

"I don't want to eat because you haven't come home. Actually, who was chasing you? Is he a bad person?" asked his father again asking the same question but Ernest just walked away.

"Ah, forget about it! Come home later, we'll eat together, okay?" asked Ernest, who was rewarded with a nod and a smile from his father.

— The Game Of Death

Ernest is now in his room. After returning home, he quickly ate with his father and took a shower. When finished, he sat on the edge of his bed. Again and again, he looked at the business card again. What should he do with the business card? He also forgot not to ask his father about it because he was so scared. He's not focused on his original purpose.

"Aish... what should I do with this business card? Is it true that he will give me a job so lightly? But I do need it now. Soon as the date of paying the rent, the landlord will be angry if I don't pay it again. Huft, this is confusing!" Ernest asked himself.

Ernest remembered what he said. It's like an ugly tape in his head that keeps repeating and makes him worry all day.

"Just call this number, and he'll give you a hand, aren't you having a hard time?"

Those words keep ringing in his head. Ernest closed his eyes. There's no choice but to try to contact the man on this business card. While the question doesn't go on disrupts his day. Ernest had to call her.

Ernest rushed to pick up his phone. He immediately pressed the button while entering the number and immediately called him. Ernest bit his lower lip, hoping he wasn't a con artist or some bad guy.

After a while of waiting, it suddenly sounds like someone picked up the call. "Hello?" asked someone from across the phone.

Ernest turned his eyes. At first, he was doubtful because the number was not registered in his country. However, a man raised his call and it surprised him. The man spoke again after feeling that there was no answer from Ernest.

"Is anyone there? " he asked who then returned Ernest to consciousness.

"Yes," Ernest replied hesitantly. His heart even beats faster than he wants to express feelings for a woman.

"Oh, can I help you? Why did you call me and where did you get it?" asked the man curiously.

"I got it from someone who visited my cafe. He said, you offered a light job with a high salary and I felt interested in it," Ernest explained.

"You found the right place!" he replied in a convincing tone.

"Okay, so what about the requirements I have to prepare? What job do you offer and where is your company located?" asked Ernest in a hurry.

The man on the phone laughed for a moment, which made Ernest frown, "You don't have to bring anything. I'll explain the work later if we've met. Come tomorrow to an empty warehouse on Lily Street No. 13. We meet there and I'll explain all the work to you," he explained later.

"Are you going to deceive me? I need a job If you wanr to deceive me. You deceived the wrong guy. How could a job interview be done in an empty warehouse? You think I'm the kid who first knew the world of work, don't you? Don't be stupid!" Ernest said upset about getting the man's answer.

"Hahaha, okay. I'm not forcing you to believe and come. We only accept humans who want to be kicked out of their hard lives. You're in debt, right? This job will benefit you and in a moment you'll be rich. But, if you don't want to, we won't force you. Please come back if you want. " He then closed the call unilaterally.

"Shit! That man tricked me! Aish why did I just trust him that we didn't even know each other? Ah. I'm so stupid, forget it! Tomorrow I better work harder," broke up Ernest then put his phone in his pocket and immediately pulled the blanket.

That night, silence accompanied his exhaustion. Ernest dropped himself on a soft bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, someone smiles with a sip of red wine. He doesn't believe tonight's gonna be so rudely rejected by the man he's targeting. "Tomorrow, follow wherever he goes. We have to get him," said the man to his subordinate.


The next morning, Ernest and his father had breakfast. Ernest still remembers the man he called last night. Ernest immediately asked his father because he thought his father must be familiar with the man's model con artists.

"Dad, " called Ernest.

"Yes, why my son?" asked the father as he devoured his food.

"Do you have a friend named Jeremy?" said Ernest, who made his father frown.

"I don't have a friend with that name. What's going on?" asked the father curiously.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just asking. Continue eating, I'll go now!" said Ernest while standing up and about to say goodbye to him.

"Are you done? All right, be careful on the way. Don't come home too late!" said the father, who was compensated by Ernest's nod.

Meanwhile, Ernest leaves with his head still wondering about the man named Jeremy. Who is he? How could he know Ernest was having a hard time? Seeing his father's reaction, he was sure that his father didn't know the name at all. How could that man know his life? Will he do anything bad to him or his father? Ernest can't think straight now.

"Who are you? Why do you want to disturb my life?" asked Ernest in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about that since last night. Does he have to meet her and see who that man is? Is his father gonna be okay later?

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