Chapter 144: The Path of Shadows

The journey to the convergence was dripping with tension, an underlying sense of urgency. Ariadne, Seraphina, Mira, Captain Leander, and Elric moved in silence, one with the others, their resolution etched upon the firm lines of their faces. The weight of that realization, the nexus of power where magical energies converged, was heavy on their minds. Every step seemed important, every whisper of wind carried a meaning, and the darkening woods around them held the secrets of the unknown.

With quiet watchfulness, Captain Leander marched the group, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His eyes flickered to every shadow, to the rustling of every leaf. "We must be alert," he whispered low-voiced but with authority in his tone. "The followers of Eryndor are surely after the same prize. We can't let them get there before us."

Seraphina walked beside him, her gaze straying up to the sky, where the moon was obscured behind thick clouds and the dim light filtering through the canopy above
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