Chapter 25: Whispers from the Past

After the battle against the dark figure, the kingdom gradually returned to normal. Land and people's hearts still bore scars from the conflict, but unity and resilience were now instilled. Preparing for the strengthening of defenses for the kingdom became imperative, and the castle was abuzz with activity.

Ariadne was ever on guard, keyed up to the slightest sign of danger. A feeling that there was yet something wrong remained with her at the edge of her mind and refused to go away. She spent hours poring over ancient texts with Thalia and Seraphina in search of some clue of what was to be.

One evening, as the sun is dipping below the horizon and casting the castle in a golden light, a messenger arrives. The messenger arrived, out of breath, his eyes wide, and gave Ariadne a sealed letter. The wax seal was unfamiliar, with a strange symbol that seemed to pulse with a faint, otherworldly light.

Ariadne broke the seal and rolled out the parchment. The words were in flowing script, and
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