Chapter 59: Shattered Veil

Ariadne's return to the palace was met with a mixture of relief and urgency. The Nexus of Echoes yielded some very critical information, but the battle with the guardian raised more questions than answers. Dark forces closed in from every direction, the balance of magic growing increasingly precarious; the air was heavy with the need for action.

The mood was somber inside the war room. Laid out on the table were maps and scrolls, their edges weighed down by flickering enchanted candles. At work were Seraphina, Thalia, and Captain Leander, their eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Ariadne came in at a resolved stride, her expression tired.

"We have gone over the texts and artifacts we recovered," Thalia said, tingeing her voice with urgency. "The Nexus has confirmed our worst fears: these dark forces are cooking up something big to destabilize magic's balance."

Seraphina nodded, her staff leaning beside her, saying, "The guardian's warning was clear: dark forces are not just attacking
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