Chapter 71: Gathering Storm

The atmosphere in the kingdom had changed. In place of the cautious optimism, the air was now one of charge and expectant unease. The battle against the shadowy figure had not only strengthened the same defenses that the kingdom held but united its people. Ariadne, Thalia, and Seraphina knew in their hearts that this was only the beginning.

Weeks passed and turned into months as preparations continued towards the next inevitable conflict. The palace was astir, loud in newly forged alliances and strategies carefully laid down. The Order of the Celestial Guardians took its stance to support, and that knowledge and resource were brought down surely to benefit the kingdom's effort. Emissaries of distant realms came every day to add their varied strength in the struggle for the cosmic balance.

Every moment seemed to be spent in council meetings, while her mind worked non-stop to piece together any big puzzles in the cosmos. The Heart of the Veil seemed now to be attuned to her essence, con
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