Chapter 74: The Unseen Hand

The pale light of eerie dawn heralded its awakening as the Guardians and allies moved out in organized units, each with a different mission critical to the success of the preemptive strike. Ariadne, Thalia, and Seraphina led at the front, their hearts heavy with the knowledge riding on this operation's success for the salvation of the kingdom.

They gathered in the central courtyard before they left: an ocean of resolute faces. Ariadne stood forward, her voice firm but threaded with hope. "Today, we strike first. We shall tear down their plans and secure our home. Trust each other, trust your cause. For the kingdom!

A hearty cheer sounded in the courtyard, supporting their spirits as they started to battle. It was multi-faceted, needing precise timing and coordination. The illusions produced by Thalia and the tactical sharpness of Seraphina played their role, but there was a powerful offensive and equally strong defensive edge supplied by the magic of Ariadne's celestial nature.

As the
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