“Welcome new warrior. Here is your chance to be granted a single wish.”
All of a sudden, this person in a black and white robe appeared before me, but that wasn’t the odd part. I’m suddenly in a pure white place when I was just eating breakfast a second ago. Why am I here?
“Where am I? Why am I here? And who are you?”
“My apologies. I should have introduced myself first before saying such things. I am a magician who summoned you here to my world in order to give you a chance to participate in the God’s & Devil’s war.”
“This war is going on because God & the Devil had been trying to kill each other for centuries. Unable to kill each other, they decided to summon people from your world to kill the other one. Every year we summon eight random people, so they can fight and try to kill the God or Devil.”
“In return, if you manage to kill God you will get your wish granted by the Devil, but if you kill the Devil you will get your wish granted by God. Of course, you have a choice if you don’t want to do it. If you decide you don't want to be part of this I can send you back, but you won’t remember this ever happening and you won’t get a chance like this ever again. So, what will it be, will you participate or not.”
“I see, but before I answer if I’ll participate or not, which side am I on, the God’s or the Devil’s? Also, why am I supposed to kill either of them if they can’t kill each other? I’m not particularly strong; I’m only above average in strength. You also mentioned eight people are summoned each year, so where are the other seven?”
“My apologies. I forgot to mention you get two elements of magic when summoned here; you were granted the magic of fire and ice. The side you will be on is all up to you. If you believe yourself to be a good person with a sense of justice, then join God's side. If you believe yourself to be an evil person with evil intentions, then join the Devil’s side. The other seven are in the same situation as you. You will meet the others who chose the same side as you soon enough if you wish to continue.”
So I have fire and ice magic to work with. That seems like a good combination and I guess I’ll have to learn how to use magic later. Before making any rash decisions, I’ll have to think about the ones on the same side as me.
“I accept your offer, and as for the side I will choose, it will be God's side.”
“As you wish. Then just go through that door on your right and you will meet the others that chose the same side as you. You will also get a guide that will lead outside, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask them.”
“Farewell magician.”
“Until we meet again I wish you the best of luck.”
I started walking towards the door and when I opened the door, it looked like I was on top of a mountain. I looked around the area trying to spot the guide and the others that joined God’s side. From the looks of it, the magician lives up here as well with others since I see a few huts and crops here.
“Hey you over there, come here!”
I was spotted first, and there were five of them, two guys and three females. They were sitting around a table in a garden, which brought back some old memories. I guess I should go towards them.
“You guys must be the others that chose the God’s side right and which one of you might be the guide”
“You sure are quick to get to the point don’t you at least have the decency to introduce yourself first before asking questions.”
She looked annoyed at me already. “I don’t like to waste time you see, I'm someone who values time and hates to waste it. My name is Fran Aikawa, my bad on the late introduction”
“Hmmm, interesting name you got. My name is Stella and I am the guide that will lead you outside, but before we go it’s best we all introduce ourselves now that we are all here. If any of you have any other questions as well feel free to ask and I’ll answer to the best of my abilities.”
“My name is Shiro. Be grateful that I let you know my first name.”
Of course the one she gave the stuck up attitude was at me. I wonder why missing my introduction annoyed her so much.
“Be nice to him, Shiro. It's not good to be mean to people you just met. My name is Reina Rio. It’s a pleasure to meet you and glad to have you on our side.”
“My name is Alex Garsha. It’s nice to meet everyone here and I hope some of you turn out to be strong so we can spar together to get stronger!”
“My name is Zero Hiro. My apologies in advance. I have no confidence that I will be useful in fighting in the future.”
With a slap on his back “Liven up, Zero. We just got here on our mission to defeat the Devil. No use getting all down from the start. Who knows, maybe you have lots of potential in magic.”
“It’s hard to be as optimistic as you but I’ll try my best to be as helpful as I can.”
These other four people seem to have good compatibility with their personalities. I wonder why it’s like that.
“Now that we all introduced ourselves, do any of you have any more questions before we go?”
“I have a question since we got transported here. We aren't in our world anymore, so what happened to us over there? Are we missing, dead, or is time stopped? I don’t want to worry my parents to death, so I would like to know how that is sorted.”
“You are treated as dead. We gave all of you some type of death so that you aren’t treated as missing. It’s not the nicest option, but that’s the best we can do for you.”
Reina looked bothered by Stella’s response so I tried to make her look on the bright side so we could get moving. “Well it’s better than being treated as missing at least this way they aren’t worried about looking for you.”
“. . . I guess.”
Zero raises his hand timidly. “I don’t have a question for you Stella, it’s for the rest of us. I would like to know what your wishes are. Of course, I will tell you mine first. I would like to cure my mom’s cancer since it’s not curable and she will eventually die from it.”
“Mine is to clear my family’s debt because I don’t want my parents to stress about it anymore.”
“My wish is to bring back my mom to life since she died when I was little before I was able to have any memories of her, so I’d like to meet her.”
“You won’t get an answer from me. I shouldn’t be obligated to tell any of you anyways.”
“It’s ok if you don't want to. I didn't mean to force any of you to share it.”
“Looks like I’m last but I don’t really have a wish. I only joined because it looked interesting.”
With my answer everyone just stared at me except Stella, who smiled at my response.
“Is that so? Not many would leave behind their world and join a war without a wish in mind, but to each their own. If nobody else has any more questions, I’ll explain some other details before we go to our destination.”
“First is how to form a clan, guild, or team whatever you prefer to call it. If you say the word settings out loud you will get some options that show up in front of you like in a game. You will see a button that says contract if you click on that with your finger. You will get an option to create a contract.”
“The leader of a clan will make a contract with whoever wishes to join them. The point of a contract is so that wishes don’t overlap with each other. The other reason is so that the ones that join the clan can’t hurt or betray another member or the leader. There’s restrictions by default that you can’t hurt anyone in the clan you join.”
“For destroying the contract, you need to get the leader’s permission to leave so it’s best that you choose who you join wisely, or you might regret it. As for contracts and clans, that’s the basics that you need to know. You might have noticed that you have other options as well in your settings.”
“One of them is the bank where you are able to store your money so you don’t need to carry it around all the time and you also get starter money so you aren’t poor from the start. For when you fight someone from the Devil’s side you have three options: kill , surrender , and switch.
“The killing one is self-explanatory but for surrender you probably saw an option in the settings that says surrender. That lets you leave the war and you lose your magic meaning you pose no more threat and become an ordinary citizen. For switching you can switch sides so if you want to go to the Devil’s side you can switch whenever you want but you won’t be able to return to the side you switched from anymore.”
“That’s the basics that you should know for now you will figure out more in the future. So, no more questions before we go?”
“I have one last question before we leave and that is if you know where the Devil is, or do we have to find out?”
“I don’t know where the Devil is, so you will have to find out for yourself. The only thing I know that can help you is that the Devil has a group of strong people that protect him that you have to defeat before you meet him.”
“Ok, that should help out a bit. All we need to do is find some shady group and beat them up to find the Devil.”
This guy isn’t so bright.
“Well if that’s all your questions let’s go now before it gets too late.”
“ Alright let’s get goi—“
As we begin to stand up, ready to go, Shiro's head gets cut off from the base of her neck and gets sent flying. Her blood sprays everywhere. Her body and head fall to the ground.
Shiro has died.
Related Chapters
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 2
“You aren’t going anywhere.”The one to kill Shiro was the guide, Stella. I took a glance at the others but they did nothing but stare dumbfounded. Stella didn’t waste any time and shot a breath of fire like a dragon at Reina.“AHHHHHHHHHHH!”It was burning her alive as her clothes got caught on fire as well as her hair. Zero who was next to her fell back onto his butt hitting the ground. He turned to Stella and got onto all fours to beg for his life.“Plz! I’ll do anything, let me li—.”His head was cut cleanly off with wind magic. The only ones left were me and Alex.&nb
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 3
After I finished my conversation with Stella she flew off with her wind magic. I guess I should start going now before the other people that live here show up. It would be more trouble than it’s worth to explain what happened here.From the looks of it I just need to climb down the mountain I’m on with these stairs leading down and I’ll be at the bottom. Actually, before I go I wonder where Stella killed the real guide. If she killed them wouldn’t there be some sort of sign of battle? I doubt the guide would go down without a fight. Could they have had no magic? Even then what happened to their body, where did Stella leave it? Why isn’t their body here?I should stop thinking about this. I’m contradicting myself. I shouldn’t be wasting my time on this when I don’t have enough info
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 4
The one to open the door was an old man that appeared to be bothered with my presence.“What do you want? I’m busy.”“I heard that you teach people how to use magic and I was wondering if you would teach me.”He examines me from top to bottom.“I guess it’s that time of year isn’t it. So I’m guessing you’re one of the new participants in the God & Devil war. Come inside I’ll decide if I’ll teach you after you answer some questions for me.”“Ok.”I followed him inside, he sat down on a rocking chair in his
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 5
After I left Bon’s home I headed back to the inn as I had nowhere else to go. When I arrived the receptionist was sweeping but she greeted me with an innocent smile. “Welcome back, how did it go?” “It went great. Bon agreed to teach me how to use magic but I’ll be starting tomorrow so I came back here.” She dropped her broom. “Really? That’s great you got him to accept but how did you manage to do that? He usually doesn’t even talk to people here so I wonder why he decided to accept you.” “I didn’t do anything special. I just answered his questions honestly and then he accepted after hear
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 6
I woke up around 8 a.m. to get ready for my magic training with Bon. I went down to the entrance but I stopped before leaving to greet Hana.“Good morning Hana, I’ll see you later today when I get back.”“Good luck with your training and I thought you might get hungry while training so I made you a lunch box for later.”A lunch box? A bit weird but it looks like she's sincere about it so it should be safe.“Sure, I’ll take the lunch box. Thanks, see you later.”I took the lunch box from her lunch box and waved her goodbye as I left for Bon's house. Once I reached his home I knocked on his door aggr
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 7
I followed Bon to the kitchen area. “You want me to make you something as well or is that lunch box enough for you?”
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 8
After we both finished eating I followed Bon to his backyard. Bon: “Since I’ve already taught you how magic works in this world we can begin teaching you how to use it. Using magic is like moving any other muscle in your body; it comes naturally to you.”
The God & Devils’ War Chapter 9
Just as Bon told me I covered my entire body in flames but it wasn’t for long. In just three I could barely feel any strength in my body. “Stop, now I want you to walk towards me.”
Latest Chapter
Chapter 13
It was easy for them to spot her brother from up top but he hadn’t looked up and seen them himself. Instead of having him climb up the mountain Hana decided to get his attention. “Reiji! Wait for us down there, we're coming!” After hearing her he looked up to see her but he wasn’t happy as he saw someone he hadn’t seen before hurt besides his sister. But he did listen to her and waited for them at the bottom until they arrived. “Hana where have you been?! And what’s with him? Why did you bring an outsider to our village, beat up no less. Explain yourself.” “Well you see I went to the forest like usual to get fruit but some problems occurred. He showed up fighting a magic creature so he ended up getting hurt
Chapter 12
“Finally, I managed to get rid of that awful beast from this.” The man tries to turn around to face Hana "ugh" but he doesn't have any strength left in his legs after using magic on them so naturally his legs finally give out and he falls to the ground on his back. With both his arms no longer usable and with the fatigue his body has accumulated from using magic for a long amount of time, he passes out. “What do I do now? Should I take him back to my village? I don’t know how to treat wounds but my mom does so maybe she can help him. But who am I kidding. He was using two types of magic so he must be part of the war.” “The people in my village see them as dangerous, especially my brother so I doubt they’ll let him stay. But maybe they’ll let him if I testify that he’s
Chapter 11
As she got herself emotionally prepared to tell Fran the reason she lives in this city even with how the town folk treat outsiders. She is unable to control her body as her voice starts to tremble. "As you know I've been in this town for six months but about one month before coming here something happened to the town that I lived in and it was all my fault." Time goes back seven months. Hana is in a forest near her village past a mountain looking for a fruit that only grows there. The fruit was deep into the forest so it took a while for her to reach the spot where they grow. When she gets there she starts picking the fruit from the tree but as she does that she starts to hear noise coming behind her.
Chapter 10
For a week straight I went to Bon’s place to train until it was dark but it was just repetitive training to build stamina and control. But today I won’t be going since Bon said taking a day of rest after training repetitively would benefit me more. Even if I have this free time, I'm not sure what I should do. It’s a small town so I don’t have much interest in exploring the place. Maybe I should see if Hana is free. Fran goes down to the lobby. “Hey Hana, are you busy today? I have a free day so I was wondering if you wanted to hangout.” Hana, overjoyed, drops the broom she was using and grabs Fran’s hand. “Ya I’d love to go do something once I get
Chapter 9
Just as Bon told me I covered my entire body in flames but it wasn’t for long. In just three I could barely feel any strength in my body. “Stop, now I want you to walk towards me.”
Chapter 8
After we both finished eating I followed Bon to his backyard. Bon: “Since I’ve already taught you how magic works in this world we can begin teaching you how to use it. Using magic is like moving any other muscle in your body; it comes naturally to you.”
Chapter 7
I followed Bon to the kitchen area. “You want me to make you something as well or is that lunch box enough for you?”
Chapter 6
I woke up around 8 a.m. to get ready for my magic training with Bon. I went down to the entrance but I stopped before leaving to greet Hana.“Good morning Hana, I’ll see you later today when I get back.”“Good luck with your training and I thought you might get hungry while training so I made you a lunch box for later.”A lunch box? A bit weird but it looks like she's sincere about it so it should be safe.“Sure, I’ll take the lunch box. Thanks, see you later.”I took the lunch box from her lunch box and waved her goodbye as I left for Bon's house. Once I reached his home I knocked on his door aggr
Chapter 5
After I left Bon’s home I headed back to the inn as I had nowhere else to go. When I arrived the receptionist was sweeping but she greeted me with an innocent smile. “Welcome back, how did it go?” “It went great. Bon agreed to teach me how to use magic but I’ll be starting tomorrow so I came back here.” She dropped her broom. “Really? That’s great you got him to accept but how did you manage to do that? He usually doesn’t even talk to people here so I wonder why he decided to accept you.” “I didn’t do anything special. I just answered his questions honestly and then he accepted after hear