Chapter 329

At this time the Ice Apes nodded to each other and began to pick up a container. Each Ice Ape is currently holding a container filled with water. The Ice Apes immediately poured the water in the container onto themselves without hesitation and now the white colour of the Ice Apes' fur immediately turned into a brown colour. The container of liquid was a brown paint, after all, many people already knew that Vernon had white Apes in his army so this step was taken by Juvia on Belle's advice.

The goal was to hide the Ice Apes as if they were just Apes in the forest, but Belle was also not too sure if this strategy would work, but Belle thought that it was better to try all strategies than not try at all, after all if they succeeded in deceiving the enemy then their profits would be more and the possibility of them winning would be greater.


Currently a guard standing on top of the City Gate behind the Ninja Kingdom had very tired eyes, even his eyes repeatedly t

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