Chapter 341

Elsa is currently walking towards the forest quickly, because she has to prepare the troops to retreat first so Elsa is a little late to catch up with Vernon.

As Elsa approached the forest, she immediately saw the figure of Vernon who began to walk from the forest. Seeing Vernon's figure, Elsa would immediately shout, "Sir..."

But Elsa's screams immediately stopped when she saw Naomi's figure carried by Vernon with his hands, Vernon was currently carrying Naomi's body like a prince carrying a princess, but there was no romanticism at all on Vernon's face at this time and Elsa could only see sadness and hatred in Vernon's eyes.

Elsa stopped beside Vernon and looked at Naomi in surprise and said, "Sir, is Naomi..."

But before Elsa could speak, Vernon said more quickly, "Elsa, where are Aveline, Iris and Sarah?"

Elsa was very surprised by Vernon's sudden words, but after seeing the coldness in Vernon's eyes made Elsa realise that Vernon was currently

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