6: New Start?

EVERYONE turns their attention to Fier as he speaks, still seated and staring straight at the whiteboard.

Whispers fill the room as Fier's unusual interference prompts a reaction from their classmates. Gaia and Zeira remain standing amidst the commotion, hearing their classmates push and shove each other, trying to figure out who was responsible.

"Mister Kraig, I'll take care of it. Now you two, take your seats," Gaia walks weakly, guided by Zeira.

"Such a waste of time," Zhyke hisses, audible enough for Gaia to hear. He glares at her as if she's the most insignificant thing in the world. Gaia clenches her fists as she takes her seat, trying to ignore the pain.

"Gaia, should I take you to the infirmary?" Zeira whispers to Gaia before she sits. Caiz also glances at Gaia, seemingly agreeing with Zeira's suggestion.

"N-no, Zeira, I'm okay. Besides, the class is about to start," Gaia forces a weak smile. She doesn't want to burden anyone. Zeira sighs and nods.

"Gaia, always stick close to Zeira, and you'll be out of danger. Students here won't hesitate if they know you're an easy target. They don't care about the consequences. Power and fame rule here," Caiz solemnly reminds Gaia. She somehow finds comfort in his words. Gaia senses sincerity in Caiz. But then, a reminder echoes in her mind, 'Right, Gaia. Don't trust too much, again.'

Time passes quickly, and the lunch bell rings. "I'll join you for lunch, Zeira, honey," Caiz teases, raising his eyebrows while facing Zeira, who scowls in response. She dismisses him, so he sidesteps.

"Fine! You're giving off bad vibes with that face of yours. Eat alone," Zeira retorts. Gaia, on the side, watches them, wondering about the dynamics between the two.

"You're so persistent, Zeira, honey! Come on, let me join you!" Caiz insists, following Zeira who storms out in annoyance. Left behind, Gaia hurries to catch up with them, only to see Fier standing up as she passes. Zeira accidentally bumps into him.

"S-sorry, F-fier," Gaia apologizes. Fier doesn't look at her and nonchalantly walks out. Gaia sighs and hurries to follow them, realizing she's alone in the classroom. However, she makes a mistake as someone unexpectedly grabs her arm—Zhyke.

"Z-Zhyke? W-why?" Zhyke's grip is a bit strong, making Gaia wince. When Gaia looks at him, Zhyke seems to release her arm abruptly, feeling something unusual.

"Could you please stop going with Zeira? You're polluting her mind! She needs to know her place! Zeira's supposed to be prim, proper, and in command, and you're at the top of the weaklings here in Loufnorths. You have no space in this Academy, Miss Moraitis. Just go back where you belong. You're nothing but a sore to my eyes. You're nothing," Gaia bows her head at his words. She steps back, feeling her arm where Zhyke touched her.

"Don't mind him, Gaia," someone suddenly speaks. Gaia turns and sees Fier leaning against the door frame, still serious.

"H-he's right. I'm weak, and I am no one," Gaia replies weakly.

"You're Gaia; you're not just no one, Gaia. Zhyke's a ruler, that's why he acts that way. He wants everything to go according to his plan. He wants everything he desires to happen. Just don't think about what he said. Zeira's waiting for you; Zeira needs you," Fier advises. Gaia is surprised by his lengthy words. Her mood lightens, feeling that Fier is not a bad person. He's just serious.

Gaia nods and smiles at him. In an instant, an expression forms on Fier's face, and he looks stunned. For what? He smirks, turning serious again. He nods at her before leaving. Gaia realizes it's not bad to start anew, to let new characters enter her story. She decides to open her life again and take the risk if it's worth it.

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