The Goldstein Retribution Saga
The Goldstein Retribution Saga
Author: Dream Raptor
Chapter 001

At approximately 7:30 a.m., Leander Hawthorne and Camila dashed into the library, textbooks in hand, their minds set on the looming final exams.

Although attractive and brilliant, Leander faced financial struggles while his peers enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. Despite their efforts to reduce social inequality, their resentment served as a reminder of his low status. They engaged in various behaviors, from gloating and monopolizing resources to making his path to success more challenging. He was belittled for his part-time job, mocked for his second-hand clothes, and excluded from expensive social events because they believed he didn't deserve special treatment.

In the absence of any festive arrangements, murmurs and whispers, accompanied by background music boomed. Irritated, Leander and Camila glanced up from their books to see what was happening.

"Camila, come over here!" They heard their friends' voices echoing as one. Additionally, Leander couldn't help but wonder if those students were planning to give Camila Jennings a birthday gift for her 19th birthday.

Camila’s captivating appearance and demeanor had won over Leander’s heart before their dating relationship, her allure going beyond just her beauty to her kindness. She helped Leander get expensive study materials and provided extra ones to relieve his financial burden. In addition, she helped him by connecting him to job listings, giving resume and interview advice, and providing support as he became a part-time delivery driver.

Leander’s heart raced even faster upon hearing the students chanting, especially when he saw Rex. Leander felt bothered by Rex’s persistent gaze on Camila, interpreting it as flirtatious. As Leander remained unaware of Rex’s motives, his worry intensified.

"Rex has a special birthday package for you," Sebastian chimed in. Without hesitation, Camila closed her books and rose to join the gathering.

The group of college students, comprising both the wealthier and the average ones, huddled around Camila and Rex Kensington, hyping them up. Despite this, Rex maintained a charming smile as he began to speak.

"Happy birthday, Camila. You have a special gift coming from my friends and me. But wait, there's more; tonight, we'll be celebrating your birthday at one of the city's finest event halls.” A popular birthday song started playing after his speech, leaving Camila feeling excited, shocked, and speechless.

“Huh, I want to use this opportunity to say you're lucky you stole my heart. I can't just stop daydreaming about you,” came a flirty remark.

Upon hearing that statement, Leander became even more frustrated. Not realizing the hidden agenda, he felt uneasy since he already believed it was solely about giving her a gift.

Maintaining composure and clinging to his last hope, he thought to himself, "I trust Camila will reject Rex since we all knew him as a playboy.”

As Camila’s boyfriend, it was his duty to celebrate her birthday ahead of anyone else, just as Rex intended to do. Nonetheless, he had a plan to buy her a gift either by borrowing money or waiting for his wages from his delivery job. But is this enough?

"Would you kindly accept me as your boyfriend?" Rex said with a warm smile. Her face showing surprise and uncertainty, Camila’s heart raced.

Another voice predicted, “This is the perfect match I’ve ever seen. Camila being one of the campus beauties with Rex being a rich campus guy.”

“Say yes! Say yes!” yelled in unison by the students.

However, Marcella, who is Camila’s closest friend, attempted to persuade and exert pressure on her, "Camila, don't be a fool. You're passing on a chance to ditch that arrogant jerk, that poor guy." Camila knew she was referring to Leander. Despite this, she couldn’t see any advantages in ending things with him, even though his lackluster lifestyle had always bothered their relationship.

With a nervous chuckle escaping Camila's lips, she replied, "I appreciate it, but I’m not interested.”

Rex swallowed upon Camila's rejection, his breath catching, "Not interested, huh? Okay, let's go get the gift for your birthday.”

"Why would she pass up such an opportunity? Is Leander really worth being her boyfriend? Imagine, someone who hasn't even been in a relationship with you promises to throw you a birthday party. Rex is always the best choice; he's every lady's crush," one student remarked. The criticism didn’t end there—the air grew heavy with disapproving whispers from other students, making Camila regret her decision.

"Take this!" Rex whispered to her, extending his hand toward Camila as if offering something. However, a tense silence fell over the students as they held their breath.

As Camila reached for the object, Rex grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. Camila's cheeks turned scarlet as he led her forward with a sly smirk, their hands clenched.

The most surprising thing Rex did was to give her a beautiful rose, resulting in thunderous cheers from the students.

Rex was excited about this. He was very pleased that Camila finally agreed. To irritate Leander, he and Camila looked over at him.

Unable to contain his frustration and unease after the outcome, Leander gathered his belongings and left the library.

In another attempt, Rex knelt and brought a sparkling diamond-studded golden ring as he proposed, “Will you be my girlfriend, Camila?”

“Of course, nothing stops me. I will be your girlfriend.” Camila affirmed with a warm grin. He then inserted it into her finger and gave her a gentle kiss.


Following the day's lectures, Leander hurried to the hostel to deliver the gift he promised himself to Camila. His heart raced as he pushed the door open, only to find Camila sitting on Rex's laps, kissed each other. Shocked, he froze in disbelief.

"What's going on, Camila? Have you really fallen for him? I trusted you so much, I never thought this would happen," he demanded, his voice laced with betrayal. A jolt of anxiety and disbelief surged through him, cutting deep into his core.

Without a hint of guilt, she asserted, "Leander, that's enough. I let you in intentionally, so please excuse us now. Show some respect for the standing in front of you,"

As Leander’s face turned red, he shot back at her, "I….I just bought a gift for you and uh paid me with this." His resolve faltering, he glanced down at the gift, shaking his head in utter dismay, before it slipped from his grasp, crashing to the ground with a soft thud.

“Who cares! It is because you're too late ....” Camila blurted out boldly but before she finished, Leander cut in, "I don't care what Rex says or promises you. I swear you'll regret this and I can't wait to see you coming back to me,"

"She's not going anywhere. Camila is mine; you better get going and find another lady," Rex declared, his voice dripping with possessiveness as he struck his chest firmly.

Leander’s response was swift and dismissive, tinged with subtle sarcasm. "I won't argue with a rude scum. But you, Camila, bear some blame in this," he asserted.

Rex seethed, barely pausing to compose himself and issuing a warning, "Are you stupid? Watch your speech dude, don't ever insult me. Who the hell are you?"

Camila, with flushed cheeks, tentatively approached, saying, "Leander, there's no need to shout. We've always been besties. You were never my boyfriend,"

But Leander let out a deep sigh of disbelief. "Camila, I need to talk to you. This situation isn't funny anymore. It's obvious that you were only interested in his money; you're a gold-digger. Why can't you just be honest about it? Now, you're denying me.”

"Money? I can't stay with a broke guy like you. You're scum, a cheat, and a very useless person who doesn't have a future," Camila protested.

Annoyed, Rex, who had stayed silent until now, suddenly interjected. "I can end this now," he sneered. "For a penniless church mouse, she's fed up with your street-side begging to provide for her. You're unworthy of her! She deserves superior treatment, got it?"

Those words hurt Leander like a stab before he condemned it. “Her parents are not dead so why should I take their responsibility?”

Rex's smirk twisted into a sneer as he lunged at Leander, clutching his shirt with intensity. "I might just have to silence you," he warned, his eyes blazing with malice. "Who knows where he managed to scrape together enough coins for that sorry excuse of a gift for Camila. If it's not borrowed, then it must be pilfered," he taunted, the mockery in his tone cutting through the air between them.

Leander's head hung low once again as he stared at the debris of gift he'd struggled to obtain. "Two hundred pounds!” he thought bitterly, his average income nowhere near such a sum.

Despite the humiliation, Leander silently vowed to himself.

"I'll prove what a jerk you truly are," Rex sneered, handing Camila a VIP prepaid debit card from his pocket with a smug expression.

Taken aback, Camila ran her fingers over the golden-colored EMV chip embedded in the card. " Rex... what is this for?" she faltered yet confused by the extravagant card.

"Your birthday dear.” He said.

“It's just a prepaid card with about £50,000 loaded into it. You can use it for any purchases," Rex explained, his tone dripping with authority.

"Are you kidding me, ?..." She paused. "But I must appreciate your gift," Camila thanked him, her surprise evident as she never expected it.

Coming from an average background, Camila couldn't contain her happiness as it was her first time receiving such a substantial amount. Meanwhile, Rex Kensington leads a life of luxury and indulgence, thanks to his parents, boasting flashy assets and creature comforts.

Leander's eyes widened in disbelief, uncertainty flooding him. Losing his temper, he reacted, “You're a disgrace to everyone and to common decency!”

Deeply annoyed by Leander's comment, Rex impulsively seized the nearest object within reach—Leander's textbook—and tore it apart.

Upon recalling that he had left one of his textbooks with Camila earlier that morning, Leander shouted, “Stop, please, it's mine!”

“That is for being disrespectful to an rich guy. It's because you can never be fitted into such a position that’s why you're talking nonsense.” Boiling with anger, Rex unleashed another scathing remark.

The tension between them heightened; Leander's brow furrowed with frustration. Joking with his reading materials was out of the question, especially with exams looming.

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