Chapter 004

The next day, Leander found himself alone in his room, his mind swirling with panic as he tried to decipher the unexpected deposit. The sender's identity remained a mystery, adding to his unease.

As time passed, Leander was lost in thought, torn between the mysterious funds and his pressing financial commitments.

"What if this money isn't meant for me? Could it be a banking error?" He pondered, feeling his head spin in confusion as he struggled to compose himself.

Tempted, he hurried to a nearby bank, momentarily forgetting his worries of being implicated. Fumbling with his debit card, he inserted it into the payment machine. The screen lit up, offering options to complete the transaction.

He swiftly withdrew ten £20 bills and hailed a taxi to a mobile store.

Arriving at the sleek 'Nexus Tech Store', Leander admired its trendy vibe. His platinum blonde hair tousled by the breeze, he stepped inside, greeted by mahogany shelves and modern lamps. The store showcased state-of-the-art gadgets that sparkled, tempting customers to explore. A cozy café corner emitted the scent of freshly brewed coffee, luring him further.

Immersing himself in the inviting ambiance, Leander made his way to the Samsung phone section, where a lady greeted him with a warm smile. "Hello, our valued customer. May I assist you in choosing the perfect Samsung phone today?”

After Leander inquired about the available flagship models, the lady revealed they had the ‘A’ and ‘S’ series flagships. "What's your budget, sir?" she asked.

"Nothing above £1000. Uh, get me a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra with one terabyte of internal storage," Leander requested eagerly.

The saleslady lined up several S24 Ultra boxes, boasting Gorilla Armor for durability and an advanced camera with a 5X zoom.

Informing Leander of each costing £725.60, he handed over his debit card, eager to make the purchase.

After successful payment, Leander scanned the boxes before selecting the color of choice—a titanium orange. The phone was then tested to ensure its functionality before Leander exited the store.

As he walked, a loud ding startled him—a call from an unfamiliar number. Anxiously, he said, straining to hear the tiny voice on the other end. “Who are you please?”

The tone asked, “Hey, am I speaking with Master Goldstein?”

Confused, Leander furrowed his brow, denying, “I don't bear that name. I'm sorry, maybe you got the wrong contact.” He quickly disconnected the call, but within moments, the same number was ringing again.

“Hello, I don't think this is a wrong contact. Aren't you the £2 million recipient, huh?” Immediately the voice finished its words, Leander shrieked, confusion washing over him.

“Excuse me, I’m not a master; I don't belong in those circles—”

“Listen, Leander Hawthorne…” the feminine voice insisted before it paused. A shiver went through Leander's spine as he realized the person on the line truly knew him.

Anxious thoughts swirled within him as he clutched onto hope that the money he had received wouldn't be taken away.

"What the heck? Whoa...whoa...whoa! Who are you?" Taken aback, he cursed, his words all in one breath.

The caller persisted, hinting at Leander's affiliation with Etherium University, making it clear that they knew who he was.

"Um, speaking on behalf of the Veritas Group CEO, Daxton Goldstein. I would like to meet you in person," the voice exclaimed. Leander felt a bit spooked, knowing that the Veritas Group's founder never had any connection to him before.

With his curiosity piqued, Leander threatened, his words trailing with authority, “I would deny your request if you don't give a damn about why I would be meeting him. I don't even have any relation with the person you mentioned.”

The voice on the other end dropped a bombshell, "Leander, it's time for you to be delighted because you are the sole heir of the Goldstein family," causing a surge of unease to wash over him.

"I don't even know my family, why am I worth it? I’ve lost them for a long time," Leander agitated, his voice trembling with unshed tears. The weight of not having any family had haunted him for years, leaving his heart heavy.

"Not a problem, Leander. Trust me, you'll always see each of your real family members again," came the reassuring reply, filled with unwavering support and understanding.

“Uh, are you now convinced to accept the special invitation?” pressed the lady.

Sighing, Leander nodded in affirmation, “Okay, go ahead. So how will I get the address?”

“It's via SMS. You will receive it shortly,”

Politely, he muttered with a soft glare, "Good, I'll wait for it." With a mix of excitement and worry, he hung up, feeling relieved.

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