Chapter 008

Leander paused at a crossroads, adjusting his helmet and deftly balanced a stack of piping hot pizzas. Glancing at the delivery slip, he realized the destination was not far. Despite this, he knew he had to honor the customer's request and wait patiently at the junction.

After dialing the number on the receipt, Leander was confused as to why the call didn't go through. On his second attempt, he heard a soft murmur followed by a lady's voice. Taking a soft gasp, he asked, "Am I speaking with Ms. Brianna Taylor?”

Awaiting a response, he broke the silence. "Who…? Oh, yes, I'm. Where are you now?" Her confident voice resonated after almost stuttering.

"I'm currently at Snowflakes Junction, ready for your order to be picked up," Leander replied in a clear and friendly tone.

Clearing his throat, he suggested, "Would you like doorstep delivery for added convenience? It'll save time and energy.”

Ms. Brianna hummed softly in agreement, her understanding evident. "Alright, that's true," she acknowledged, adding, "I'll eagerly await my orders.”

"Sure thing, ma’am. I'll be there in ten minutes," Leander muttered, ending the call. Before he put his phone back in his pocket, he started a timer.

Swerving through traffic on his powerbike, Leander proved why he’s FastDine’s best delivery driver. He moved from one car to another, immersed in the hum of the engine. He caught a whiff of melted cheese and hearty tomato sauce emanating from the container, teasing his palate.

In a split second, Leander skillfully avoided an accident by slamming the brakes when a car veered abruptly. With careful precision, he smoothly turned around a corner before returning to the flow of traffic.

Leander’s destination, the most expensive residential estate, was reached in 9 minutes and 10 seconds. He parked his power bike and took out the delivery from the insulated box.

The alluring aroma of the freshly baked pizza grew stronger as he got closer to the recipient’s luxury mansion.

A young woman wearing a headset looked up from her tablet as she heard footsteps coming closer. A sense of relief filled her expression, swiftly followed by a heartfelt smile as she realized it was Leander.

"Ah, you're here! So quick," she said, reaching for the stack of boxes.

Leander handed them over with a grin, "Fresh out of the oven. Enjoy!"

Leander was stopped in his tracks by a call from Ms. Brianna just as he was about to leave for his bike. For a moment, his body became tense as he gradually turned to face her. "Yes?" With surprise and curiosity, he asked, looking directly into her piercing eyes.

Ms. Brianna chimed in, “Of course, yes,” locking her eyes on Leander, a smile playing on her lips. Her unusual gestures left Leander feeling both curious and confused.

Brianna maintained eye contact while gently stroking a strand of her hair before saying, “My orders aren't complete yet.”

Leander’s arms were folded in surprise when he heard her words, as he pondered her explanation and cast doubt on her seductive glances.

He stayed composed, resisting the temptation of her enchanting beauty and flirtatious gazes as he replied, "I don't get, is there anything more?”

Leander’s intense appeal caused Brianna’s cheeks to flush a deep shade of red. "Such a striking guy," she murmured under her breath, captivated by his undeniable allure.

With a satisfied smile, Brianna teased, stepped forward, inches apart, "You're quite the catch yourself!”

Leander’s laughter flowed effortlessly as he murmured with a slight bow. "Mm-hmm, I really appreciate that ma,”

Brianna examined Leander, admiring his sturdy arms, chiseled jawline, and confident posture. His well-groomed beard and captivating smile were the catalysts for her intense desire.

With her face twisted with concern, she cooed, “I’m sick of you. Uh, can you spend a night with me?”

Leander winced, "Sorry, I'm currently at work. Perhaps we could catch up later," he muttered.

Brianna nodded firmly, her brow easing to subtly reassure. "Understood. You still have my contact on the delivery slip, right? When you give me a call, I'll give you my real contact, okay?" she affirmed.

“Got it!” Leander replied and gave a thumbs-up.


Leander quickly mounted his power bike and sped away. Little did he know, three masked individuals observed his departure and promptly seized bikes to give chase.

His attention was caught by the buzzing hum of the bikes as he raced. Looking to the side, he saw the approaching figures, feeling his heart fill with fear. Skillfully evading capture, he tightened his grip and accelerated while maneuvering through traffic.

His powerbike lost control and was thrown off balance by a sudden impact, causing a loud screech to fill the air. Leander was sent tumbling to the ground as it crashed violently. Thankfully, his helmet prevented a deadly head injury.

Leander groaned in pain as he fought to stand up, holding his stomach in agony. However, he looked around and noticed that the masked figures had encircled him.

“You think you can escape, fool? I already told you the day you step off campus, I will hunt you down,” a menacing voice taunted. Besides, Leander connected Sebastian’s threat on campus a few days ago with the possibility of him being the one wearing the mask.

Fury boiled within Leander as he faced the attackers. "Who the hell are you guys? Can you see what you have caused?" he spat. Observing the extensive damage done to his powerbike, doubt began to gnaw at him before yelling in anguish, “Oh f*ck you, I'm gonna lose my job because of you mother fuckers.”

“Shut up!” Leander was left gasping for air, writhing in pain from a forceful kick to his stomach. The onslaught became too much for him to handle as two more figures entered the scene, their strikes hitting with chilling accuracy.

Leander couldn't fight back against the relentless attack, experiencing the powerful blow of a foot to his face. With a grunt, his face was covered in dirt, sweat, and blood as his lip split.

However, he bent over in pain, coughing violently and spitting blood as the attack came to an end. Gasping and in agony, he fought against fatigue, barely conscious.

Leander was placed on a wobbly stool by his attackers and sat down tiredly. With a cold stare, their leader, a menacing figure, loomed over him, demanding answers.

In a defiant manner, Leander locked eyes with them, a sinister smile on his face. Despite his suffering, he stood strong, refusing to be scared.

"So, you attacked me for disrespecting Rex?" Leander coughed before he vowed, "You won't expect where this is gonna land you. Your immunity will fail. I swear, I will expose your dangerous cult group and make sure none of you go scot-free.”

"Don't ever say that!" the leader's voice seethed with fury.

However, the leader stepped forward, his eyes icy and filled with calculation. Leander nodded weakly, fully realizing the chilling reality of his situation. Had the attack on Leander not occurred on the estate road, which is located about half a mile away from the other urban settlement and flanked by trees on both sides, he would have been able to seek help from people.

"The option to watch us depart is on the table. You must apologize to Rex?" the leader proclaimed.

Leander’s silence raised concern as minutes passed, given his frail condition.

"Take a good look at yourself," the leader taunted as he looked at blood around the floor, "see how life is slipping away from you.”

Still, Leander never gave a reply.

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