Chapter 035

The sun edged above the horizon as Leander swiftly disembarked an American airline flight that touched down smoothly at John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Navigating the busy terminal, he tightly held onto his carry-on and headed straight for the information desk.

Leander was met by a smiling attendant at the desk. His eyebrow shot up, eyes brimming with eager anticipation and nervous energy. Urgently, he asked, "Sorry please, where's the quickest taxi route to NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital?"

The attendant provided clear direction on the best route to the hospital via taxi as it would be quicker than public transport.

Leander expressed his gratitude and swiftly headed outside the airport to hail a taxi. Stepping into the sultry summer air, his senses were overwhelmed by his first time stepping his foot on the American soil. His eyes darted from one marvel to another - the grand natural landscapes, striking architectural wonders, bustling crowds of pedestrians, and sleek road netw
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