Chapter 211
Leander sat at a corner table in a quiet, upscale restaurant, enjoying a rare moment of peace. He was halfway through his drink when he noticed a group of men approaching him, their expressions tense. He recognized them immediately—Dorian’s friends.

They stopped in front of his table, and one of them, a tall man with a sharp jawline named Marcus, stepped forward. His arms were crossed, and his eyes were hard as he glared at Leander. “We need to talk.”

Leander raised an eyebrow, setting his glass down. “About?”

Marcus leaned in slightly, his voice low but laced with anger. “About what you did. We know what’s going on between you and Dorian’s wife.”

Leander’s eyes narrowed, his calm demeanor hardening. “Yvonne? There’s nothing going on between us.”

Another one of Dorian’s friends, Liam, a shorter man with a stocky build, stepped forward, shaking his head. “Don’t lie to us, Leander. Dorian told us everything. You’ve been sneaking around with her behind his back.”

Leander’s patience
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